What do you need to do to become fashionable. Choose from discreet, quality fabrics

And universal longing on the face. A smile has never spoiled anyone, so show it more often. Feel your self-sufficiency - after all, you obviously have something to be proud of! Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, add confidence in your eyes and proudly walk towards your victories.

Look for your style. You are not required to strictly comply with the classics or sports style. Perhaps you will be able to find a perfectly successful mix of styles and this will only be your feature. Listen to your feelings - what have you always lacked? Comfort, elegance, careless romance, or have you always wanted to be the queen of outrageous? Bring your ideas to life - by trial and error you will come to desired result and find your own style.

Highlight your beauty. Marvelous beautiful woman makes her image - makeup, clothes, head turn, look and others individual characteristics. Present yourself with dignity and be sure - you are beautiful!

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Stylish and fashionable - far from identical friend other concepts. Often, girls who buy new items from European manufacturers spoil the whole image of a glamorous lady with their inept combination. On the contrary, in jeans and a T-shirt, chosen with taste, you can look stylish and attractive.


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Following fashion trends does not mean being real stylish woman. Find your look and choose clothes, shoes and accessories according to it.


Consider your body type when choosing clothes. Even the most fashionable, high-quality and beautiful things will not decorate you if your shortcomings are striking in them. A truly stylish woman chooses those dresses, skirts, trousers and blouses that discreetly emphasize the dignity of her figure. For example, girls with disproportionately large hips should wear a dark bottom and a light, bright top, and overweight women It is not recommended to wear clothes made of very dense fabrics.

I think that many women from time to time think about how to become stylish without spending a lot of money. material resources. In fact, being stylish is not so expensive. It's expensive to be fashionable. But fashion and style are not the same thing. What is the difference between fashion and style. Fashion is just implementation creative imagination designers. Not everything that is fashionable can make a woman beautiful.
Women who blindly follow fashion sometimes simply disfigure themselves, because being fashionable and expensively dressed does not mean being dressed “tastefully”. Learn to be stylish. A stylish woman is able to create a harmonious wardrobe at a low cost.

So what is style. Style is unexpected combinations of things, the ability to combine them so that it looks easy and at ease. To be stylish means to be able to objectively look at yourself from the outside and choose what will emphasize your dignity as much as possible. Women with a sense of style often ignore trends for a well-fitting, even if not very fashionable, piece. Although in our time fashion is so democratic, and it has so many directions, that from the mass of options that it offers, you can certainly choose what suits you.

1. Sort out your things, you probably don't wear half of them. Clear the closet of everything stretched, torn and worn.

2. Create a basic wardrobe of practical things that will never go out of style, which must include:
- Black dress, without additional decorative details. Such a dress is universal - it can be business and evening, it all depends on what accessories you choose for it.
- Light dress, for day events.
- Classic pants.
- well-fitting, without any additional decorations.
- A jacket that follows the curves of your figure. It can be worn with a skirt, with trousers and even with jeans - this is also a universal thing.
- Skirt. Nowadays, women rarely wear skirts, but there are situations when a skirt is indispensable.

3. If you do not want unnecessary things to appear in your wardrobe, never consult a sales assistant. Their task is to sell you a thing and they absolutely do not care how you will look in this thing. Learn to evaluate yourself.

4. Never buy trendy things just to be in trend. Choose from fashion only those elements that emphasize your natural beauty.

5. If you wear wide trousers, then the top should be emphasizing the figure and vice versa, if the trousers are narrow, the top should be voluminous.

6. When choosing a skirt, pay attention Special attention for length. The skirt should be a palm above the knee or slightly covering it (depending on whether you like your knees or not), and in no case should it end at the widest point of the leg.

7. When wearing a skirt with a jacket, remember that according to the laws of harmony, with a short skirt you need to wear a long jacket, and with a long skirt, the jacket should be short.

8. The coat should be half a palm longer than the skirt.

9. The older you are, the more refined the clothes should be. In old age, it is better to refuse black and give preference to clothes of light colors, which refreshes the face and adds elegance to the image.

10. Accessorize your costume. They form the style. Handbags, scarves, bracelets, glasses, scarves will help you create a unique individual image, the main thing here is not to overdo it.
Accessories can change the look of a thing and individualize it. They help to connect the details of clothing into a single whole and create a single ensemble. With their help, you can even create a new wardrobe without spending money on a single new item.

With a scarf, brooch, belt, or other accessory, you can focus on the most beautiful part of your figure and divert attention from those places that you do not like. For example, if you have a beautiful neck, you can draw attention to it by wearing a beautiful necklace. If there is a beautiful neckline, wear a longer necklace. If beautiful hands- wear bracelets, put them on several pieces at once, if you have a thin waist - emphasize it with a belt ...
Do not neglect scarves and shawls, they can transform any outfit. A handkerchief or scarf that is well-chosen in color and beautifully tied around the neck can very refresh the face and serve as a substitute for jewelry.

When choosing accessories, follow some rules:
- The larger the woman, the larger the accessories should be. This also applies to shoes. Large women are better off choosing shoes with wide, stable heels or wedges.
- Never wear cheap jewelry with an evening suit, and diamonds with a tracksuit.
- For a business suit, small, strict jewelry is suitable and there should not be a lot of them. Long earrings are suitable only for informal meetings, but by no means for work. And in general, everything that strums and rings to business style has no relation.
- Jewelry that you wear at the same time must be made in the same style and in the same color scheme.

And most importantly, when creating your own style, do not be afraid to experiment. Don't dwell on your shortcomings. Experiment with color, find interesting combinations, try on yourself different images. Get creative with your choices. And don't be afraid to change. Life is motion! The world is changing around us and we must change with the times. Wearing the same clothes all your life is boring. The more often you change, the more attractive you will be to others and the more interesting your life will be.

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Every woman dreams of being herself beautiful and always be the center of attention. To do this, she tries to be stylish and follows the latest fashion.

But often the concepts of "fashion" and "style" are confused and for some reason they believe that they are one and the same. And the question: how to choose the right clothes fades into the background.

There are ladies who buy fashionable clothes for themselves, make an unusual hairstyle with bright makeup, in line with the latest fashion trends, but their appearance it only becomes absurd and clumsy. There is no need to even talk about any style here.

Stylish can be called such an image in which all the wardrobe items are harmoniously combined. At the same time, there must be some kind of zest in the image that characterizes this particular woman. Something unusual, some detail that distinguishes her from everyone else.

Sometimes they even take it for style inner confidence women, the way she feels and presents.

Buying expensive, fashionable novelties for some ladies is an indicator of a sense of style and fashion. They believe that having bought all the latest novelties, they will look stylish. But this doesn't always work. Often you can meet a stylish woman in very inexpensive clothes.

The main thing is to learn the original combination of all the things that make up your image. It is important to think over your entire image in detail in advance.

A small example: the lady is wearing a beautiful cocktail dress, all this is complemented by beautiful jewelry and accessories, and the shoes are the wrong green color. It can hardly be called stylish. Based on this, we can conclude that, nevertheless, the main rule of a stylish image should be considered - the ability to correctly combine all the elements of the image.

Turns out it matters...

Another important element a stylish look is, of course, your walk.

A lot depends on how you walk. Even clothes will fit you differently if you walk correctly. After all, if you have stylish clothes, and the gait will be ugly and ridiculous, then hardly anyone will call you a stylish elegant lady ...

Remember main character movie " Love affair at work"Kalugin.

How did the secretary Verochka explain to her?

“Look how you walk! All - bored, and scratched!

And how we walk, elegant women? Everything is free here ... The gait is free, uninhibited, from the hip ... "

Showdown with the wardrobe: how to choose the right clothes

Start building your image with your wardrobe. Most likely, there are a lot of things in your closet that you cannot attribute to any specific images and do not know what to wear with. You know, when you need to get somewhere quickly, and you can't decide what to wear, what clothes to choose. Then there is a feeling that there is nothing to wear at all.

For example, I would like to wear my favorite blouse, but my favorite skirt does not fit it, and trousers that can be worn with anything have become uncomfortable. And if this whole sad picture is also spoiled by shoes that don’t fit anything, then it’s time to take a “wardrobe inventory”.

Organize your wardrobe, find the most winning combinations, and make a list of what goes with what. Keep things that are left without a pair away from your eyes, but rather buy a pair for them.

Try, before you grab the first thing that comes across on sale, think about what item in your wardrobe it will be combined with. And will it be comfortable for you to wear this “ensemble”.

It is difficult, of course, to resist an attractive price, but if you consider that this thing will then have nothing to wear with, then this little money will be wasted. As it happens, you see a beautiful blouse in the store, suitable both in style and price. And already you get money to buy it now, and pick up the bottom later. True, as a rule, things do not reach this “later”. Either the blouse ceases to be fashionable, then the second element clothes matching it is too expensive.

Therefore, it is better not to rush and, having accumulated more money, buy two at once, suitable friend to a friend, things. Or buy one, but such a thing that you already know what to wear with. This tip will help you save money, time and replenish your wardrobe. big amount combinable things.

After choosing the right outfit, you need to learn how to correctly place accents.

It is important to emphasize in created image just one detail. Emphasizing the chest, you do not need to wear accent elements on the hips. When there are too many accents, the image becomes vulgar and awkward.

Almost every woman knows what color she looks good in, and what colors do not suit her. If you're one of the women who haven't found your favorite shades, go for it.

To do this, try, in the store, to try on the same blouse, but in different colors. And you will immediately notice how in some colors you bloom and become stylish. You will notice how your natural beauty, hair with eyes will begin to shine, and your image will become more advantageous.

Other colors, on the contrary, will not suit you. The face turns pale, lost in these colors. Remember these colors and in the future, when choosing clothes, do not waste time trying them on.

Try to follow your shades when choosing clothes. Of course, you can have a few catchy things in your wardrobe, on a special case, but try to respect your own tone.
When composing a costume, try to stick to one suitable color scheme. You can try to transfer color scheme from clothes to makeup. For example, a turquoise eyeliner will suit a turquoise blouse.

And most importantly - do not use more than three colors in your image.

Many girls and women are always thinking about how to become stylish. And here the question is not in the amount of money for which you can buy a new wardrobe, namely, in choosing the right style. Not all of us have an innate sense of taste, so let's learn together to look our best.

Find your style

We can say that the style of a woman is an internal state. This is the image in which you will always feel comfort and coziness, and will also be in harmony with yourself. It must be individual style because every girl is an accomplished person.

You should not be of the opinion that for the correct and fashionable style it is necessary to purchase expensive branded clothes. You can purchase a few of these items and pair them with others to add a touch of flair to your look. First of all, you need to learn how to select things that, at first glance, categorically do not fit. A competent combination is the key to the success of a stylish image and elegance.

Think over the image

Every new look should be thought out to the smallest detail. If you are not particularly strong in imagination, then try on different clothes near the mirror and achieve perfection in this way. All three components of the ideal image should be in harmony:

  • cloth;
  • body;
  • thoughts.


Pay special attention to your shoes, because it is she who makes every woman a woman. It should be comfortable and stylish, as well as properly fit into the whole image. If you make a mistake with the selection of shoes, then the whole image can be easily ruined.

Shoes should always look perfect. Every stylish girl should have these shoes in her wardrobe:

  • classic shoes;
  • shoes for every day;
  • boots;
  • half boots.

The gait should be airy, as if you are floating above the ground. If the shoes are uncomfortable, and it will be difficult for you to walk, then the whole perfect image.


Yet, how to become fashionable and stylish? What to start with? Many girls have a lot of things in the closet that simply have nothing to wear properly. Go through all the things, try to find the right images. If necessary, buy a few things to complete the look. Break the habit of buying things on sale and then not wearing them because there is nothing to buy. When the question of buying a thing arises, first of all think about comfort, what to wear it with, and then only about the price.

It is very important to focus on some detail of the wardrobe:

  • If you decide to emphasize your hips with tight trousers, then you should choose a loose blouse for them, with wide sleeves.
  • If you emphasized the chest, then the trousers should have a loose fit.

If you emphasize everything, you get a tasteless image. And if you hide everything behind wide things, then this will turn out to be an image of a plump woman who wants to hide the excess in her figure. Never forget that every woman should have a zest. Then charm and charm appear in the image.


How to become a stylish woman using the right makeup? The main thing here is to determine for yourself where to focus - on the eyes or on the lips. If the focus is on the eyes, then you need to choose a lipstick that matches your lips so that it does not look bright. And if all the emphasis is on bright lips, then the shadows on your eyes should be a natural shade.

If you want to present yourself expensively, then cosmetics and a wallet of the corresponding brands should be in your purse. So you can gain significance in the eyes of strangers.

Now it's time to think about color. Every girl knows what color of shadows or hair gives her beauty, and what will cause pallor and sickly skin color. In order to create the perfect image, it is necessary to use no more than three colors of clothing. Pick the right tones for yourself, but don't forget to dilute them with other colors so you don't look the same every day.


Accessories will help you in the beginning of how to become a stylish girl. They add originality, femininity and completeness to the image. But it is worth remembering that, as in all aspects, you can not overdo it here.


It is very important to choose the right bag. A great option is a bag and shoes of the same color. This is how the finished image looks. Remember that you are a woman, do not carry suitcases that can hold all documents and products. Large items are best placed in a separate bag.


And of course, choose jewelry for your image. Then it looks rich and stylish. Here, too, the main thing is to add a slight glittery detail to complete the whole look. There is a list of those things that will always look stylish on a girl:

  • A little black dress that you can wear to any party. And if it's cool, then put on a bolero and look simply irresistible.
  • A black skirt that will look good both at work and for everyday wear.
  • Classic trousers are ideal for business style.
  • Jeans that are loved by all girls and women. They can be combined in any way.

Your style should bring you pleasure and comfort. So listen to your internal state. Style is the little key to great success, which will definitely come to you, because now you know how to become stylish.

The concepts of "style" and "fashion" are often perceived by many girls as synonyms. It is this little mistake that probably creates problems for many. beautiful ladies because in trying to keep up with the latest trends in the fashion world, they simply forget that they need to learn to develop their own style. Remember those beautiful ladies, which are fashion icons for you. Surely each of them can trace the exact trend of their own unique style. It is he who distinguishes them from others no less beautiful and interesting personalities. It turns out that the question "how to become fashionable" should be formulated a little differently. Namely, how to find or form your own style?

Learning to listen to yourself

To understand how to become fashionable and stylish, you need to start looking for your style not on the pages of glossy magazines, but in your own taste preferences. What is meant? You have to love yourself first. That is, it is enough to deal with modern trends that are popular and congenial to you and choose for yourself exactly the direction in which you will feel most comfortable.

Yes, it is comfort in such a difficult choice that plays a key role, since a truly fashionable girl knows how to stick to her own style, which means that she should be pleased to wear appropriate outfits and not at all a burden to do interesting hairstyles and makeup. Heed to inner voice, it is he who will tell you which of the current current trends will bring joy every day, so that you look at your new reflection in the mirror with a smile. Most wrong decision what you can accept is blindly following some of the styles and trends of the fashion world that are not in harmony with each other. The result will be deplorable, since you will not like yourself or others.

Discovering something new

Fashionable girls never allow themselves to stand still, because constant improvement and development is the key to success. Do you want to become a fashion girl too? Then give up familiar image and stop wearing only your favorite and very comfortable clothes all the time. Even if you are used to appearing in public in classic costumes, it is worth trying to put on something completely unpredictable, for example, try on trendy outfits in the style of boho or hippie. And although this idea seems crazy to you, who knows, maybe you will just fall in love with a new reflection that will look at you from the mirror.

Basic wardrobe

All fashionable girls are familiar with the concept of "basic wardrobe". Since no one has the opportunity to buy almost all the novelties of the fashion world, and you really want to be on the crest of a stylish wave, you need to learn how to separate the main from the secondary. Get a dozen fashion items of the chosen style that will perfectly match with each other.

Basic wardrobe items

You must have:

Don't forget about shoes

Even the most fashionable outfits will not look complete without the right shoes. In the fashion world, there are also trends on this issue, which a stylish girl simply has to follow. If you do not have the financial ability to regularly buy several pairs of shoes that are fashionable this season, the right solution would be to create a basic shoe wardrobe, which should include:

  • Beige pumps. Yes, it's beige. Even the classic ones are inferior to them in versatility, but the boats really fit almost any look.
  • Shoes for the summer - it can be sandals, as open as possible, without unnecessary decorations, and sandals with a neat stiletto heel or wedge.
  • Sneakers - modern tendencies allow you to wear sneakers even with a dress, so buy really beautiful and high-quality sneakers.

  • Demi-season black knee-high boots.
  • Comfortable winter boots without a heel.

Choose really stylish pairs of shoes that will go with your basic wardrobe. To understand how to become fashionable, and learn how to create from such a small amount of things and shoes interesting images, it is worth studying the information that is provided in couture magazines, as well as the experience of girls who have already found their style and are now improving it.

Hairstyle as a decisive accent

Being in search of a complete answer to the question of how to become fashionable, and chasing new clothes for the wardrobe, many girls forget that even the most luxurious outfit will look funny if it is worn by a lady with unkempt hair. Do not underestimate the importance of well-groomed washed hair in your life. So, when shaping your own, remember that fashionable hair is also modern concept which has the right to life.

Hair that can be called fashionable:

  • well-groomed - there should not be any split ends;
  • fresh - ponytail on oily hair - this is the hairstyle that you can afford only if you are going to lie in bed all day;
  • styled - yes, slight negligence is in fashion today, but only the creation of such styling also needs to be worked on, just giving up the comb is not an option.

Hairstyles and styling should be selected based on the length and condition of your hair, as well as on the style you have chosen. Never be lazy to spend a few minutes styling, trust me, your general image such efforts will only benefit.

Fashion trends in the world of manicure

Before you become truly stylish, also study the manicure options that are relevant today, since unkempt hands spoil the image no less than It is not in vain that they say that well-groomed hands are business card girls. Among all the variety, we recommend giving preference to classic manicure options, as well as with geometric patterns. Sequins, rhinestones and flowers are no longer relevant, these are not the most fashion trends. Summer is a time of simplicity and harmony, which should be in manicure.

Let's say "Yes!" accessories

Stylish jewelry will always be a highlight Any outfit can be made even more interesting if you choose the right jewelry for them.

The latest trends dictate to us a love for large, bulky necklaces, as well as earrings and bracelets with geometric motifs. In the arsenal fashion girl all these things should be, but not everyone can combine them - this is a whole skill. The stylists give the following recommendations:

  • if you have already decorated your swan neck with a beautiful massive necklace - give up other jewelry big size in order not to look like a representative of uncivilized tribes of aborigines;
  • the color of the stones on the earrings should be in harmony either with the color of the outfit, or with the color of the handbag, or emphasize your eyes;
  • if you want to wear a large bracelet, then give up massive rings.

The trend of this year is such an ornament as a choker. How to become stylish in just one minute? Put on a choker, skinny jeans with ripped knees and a crop top for a perfectly simple look for an urban fashionista. It is very important to choose the right shoes here. For the summer, sneakers on a high platform are suitable, in the colder season, massive timberlands will complement the image.

As we can see, in order to become fashionable, it is not at all necessary to spend millions and try to buy all the new items in the boutiques of your city. It is enough to choose your unique style, choose it for it and do not forget to monitor the condition of the skin, hair and manicure.