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"I do not want to study!" is a global problem of the modern school, which is faced by more than one parent. How to deal with it, on your own or should you turn to the help of professionals?

Reluctance to education and unwillingness to do anything always speaks of a person’s inner stupor, low motivation, conflict or duality of decisions, regardless of age.

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Tips for parents to do if children abandon their textbooks and do not want to study at school:

  • Be patient. Any psychological crisis ends and a new round of personality development begins. Hormonal restructuring and aggression will also pass, the cerebral cortex will mature, it will become easier to learn.
  • But stop any manifestations of disrespect in your address. This is fraught with rooting.
  • Show your love for your daughter or son daily. Even if they have behaved badly, tell them "I love you always, even when you are angry, angry or rude." A constant feeling of love gives confidence to any person.
  • Show that you have not given up on the situation, but rather want to find a way out of it.
  • Speak heart to heart more often, without threats, criticism and accusations.

What to do if the child does not want to go to school

If you have identified this problem in your student, boldly and promptly try to find the cause of this phenomenon. As the saying goes, "Finding a problem is half the solution."

Talk to the teacher, go to the parent meeting. Talk openly with your child, ask why he doesn't want to go to school. Tell us about your youth, childhood, let him feel your openness.

If the child feels fear, then this feeling will have to go away, as the realization of the insignificance of the problem will come. To maintain peace of mind, use the “change of vision” technique.

Program yourself for positive thoughts and results. Visualize. The technique lies in the fact that you fill your subconscious with positive images with detailed drawings. They "begin to live" in your head. Subconsciously pushing you to implement them.

Why the child does not want to study reasons

Reasons on which your child does not want to go to school for knowledge and study can be a lot. It all depends on how old your student is. At what psychological age is he, what period is he going through.

A teenager, being at the peak of emotional development, may refuse to study due to problems that have arisen in the classroom at the level of a teacher or classmates. A first-grader, on the other hand, may refuse because of the low level of formed interest in the learning process.

How to help a child if he does not want to study

How can you help your child overcome a reluctance to learn?

Some psychological advice from our psychologists:

  • Remain calm in any situation. There is such a term "big mother". Do not panic, be the guarantor and support of your child.
  • Give the children various arguments, examples from the lives of more and less successful people.
  • Play on contrasts: tell a story from the life of a stupid and uneducated character from a movie or book, let him draw parallels from a would-be student.

What to do if a child does not want to study in grade 1 and what are the reasons for not wanting to study?

The reasons for this attitude to knowledge can be:

  • low level of adaptation in the school environment and the team;
  • low level of motivation for the educational process;
  • complexes;

In the second semester, an adaptation test is mandatory in educational institutions, you can talk about its results with a specialist.

You, as a parent, urgently need to identify the reason for your student's low level of interest so as not to miss the moment and the reluctance does not turn into a habit.

How to make your child want to learn

Simple advice to parents to make the student want to learn:

  • use the incentive method;
  • the principle of competition (for example, glue circles on a common stand for the work done, reading aloud or writing);
  • use stories about the successes and achievements of smart and talented people, preferably modern ones, let a role model arise;
  • using the game method (ideal for primary and secondary schools);
  • inclusion in the educational process of innovative technologies: a projector, presentations, films, phones.

What to do if children do not want to study

Every parent in his heart dreams that his children would not have problems with their studies. What to do if such an unfortunate student wound up in your family?

We want to give a few good tips for parents How to get your child to go to school

  • Try to give more rest to the brain of your student. The modern education system has a densely packed program for each school subject. The brain can simply turn on sleep mode to restore resources.
  • Unload, make sure that the offspring spend less time at the computer and social networks that affect the brain, develop addiction. Set the rules for holding behind the screen.
  • If your daughter or son has problems in one subject, then the reason may be a lag or misunderstanding of the program. If so, find a tutor.
  • Try to motivate your child to study. Often, many students simply do not realize the need for the knowledge they receive. Be sure to watch your child, this psychological method gives good results in identifying the problem.

Children are our future, and what it will become depends on us. And for yourself, give the installation "My baby is open and self-confident." Believe me, it will work 100%, all troubles will be removed as if by hand. The subconscious works wonders!

What to do if a child at 8 years old does not want to study

If you have a situation in which your eight-year-old child does not “nibble on the granite of science” and does not want to study at all, then firstly, pay attention to the microclimate within the family, if you have any problems.

Maybe a mock protest is a cry for help. Secondly, at this age any criticism is sharply perceived, often there is a parent-child conflict (in the position of age). It is also necessary to consider situations on an individual basis.

Use the drawing test to determine the motivation for the learning process. Often schoolchildren prefer school communication, rather than knowledge. This is age specific.

It is recommended to develop discipline and perseverance for general purposes. Give it to the center of children's creativity, section, take it with useful work. There will be less free time, and as a result, a sense of responsibility will appear. By the way, it will also raise the self-esteem of the child.

If a child does not want to study at the age of 12, what to do - the opinion of a psychologist

One of the factors of reluctance to knowledge at the age of 12 can be:

  • fear;
  • diffidence;
  • complexes;
  • low self-esteem;
  • apathy.

This behavior manifests itself at 11-14 years of age.

In our time, the problem of the mocking attitude of child stars over children-outsiders and rejected is widespread. You can determine the position in the team of your child using sociometrics which is mandatory for every class teacher.

In any case, it is necessary to seek help from a professional in order to diagnose, and in the future, corrective or individual work and understand the situation.

  • Doesn't want to study
  • Doesn't want to play sports
  • Most parents can say with certainty why their children don't want to go to school. Many of them watch a picture of how their child is simply lazy and sits at the tablet all day, and attends school only to chat with classmates and play games. Parents are horrified, not knowing what to do next. In fact, the solution to the problem is quite simple: they should find out why their child does not want to learn.

    Reasons for poor performance

    Parents take responsibility for education

    Sometimes the mother overprotects the baby, controls his steps, actions and words at all stages of his development. When the child grows up, enters the first grade and begins to study, again the mother intervenes in the learning process, collects a portfolio, and sometimes does homework for him. Thus, it simply hinders his independence and prevents him from becoming a schoolboy. In such situations, the child is deprived of the right to vote, because the parents will decide everything for him. In this situation, the desire to think and act completely disappears.

    Parents should understand that help and attention are very much needed in the learning process, but you should not go too far. It is worse when children begin to be tightly controlled, that is, to give orders that he will carry out. As a result, in both situations, the child, of course, will lose the desire to learn, and some children will also be rude and conflict.

    An unfavorable environment in the family environment only contributes to isolation and anxiety, which reduces motivation in learning and slows down his mental activity.

    Self-doubt, low self-esteem

    Where does such a rejection of oneself come from in a child - many parents ask. The thing is that parents often project all their desires and expectations onto their children. This is their most common mistake. Setting high goals and requests for the child, they do not notice that he is not interested in this. And not having received a positive result, by all means they show their disappointment in the baby that he could not, did not live up to expectations. And this can happen not only during school, but even earlier - in kindergarten.

    Such a child feels anxiety, self-doubt, guilt, he often says, “I won’t succeed,“ I’m bad. Also, if a child has defects in appearance or speech, of course, he will be embarrassed to answer in class.


    Due to the characteristics of the nervous system, such children are overwhelmed with energy, which interferes with the successful assimilation of information. In the classroom, they interfere with other children, get up during the lesson, make faces, which, of course, affects not only their studies and the attitude of the teacher.


    A child's dependence on games and going out with friends affects academic performance in primary school, at an older age children depend on a computer and a tablet, and teenagers are addicted to bad habits. All this interferes with learning, and the task of parents is to pay attention to this in time.

    Gifted but lazy

    Such children are often referred to as "indigo children". This is when a child has unique abilities from birth, and parents dream of his success. Such children are very smart beyond their years, usually read a lot of books, get information from different sources. They start speaking, reading and writing early. Therefore, when they enter school, they can safely say that they are not interested in it, since they know everything. From here arises a reluctance to learn, laziness overcomes.

    Lack of interest in learning and school motivation

    Educational schools adhere to a particular program in the learning process. It can be useful and interesting for children, or vice versa boring and rustic. Each subject in the school is taught by a teacher.

    Students do not yet know how to separate the concepts of "subject" and "teacher": if the teacher is not interesting, then they will not like the subject either.

    It is extremely difficult to find a school where the entire teaching staff is creative and creative. To help a child learn, you need to take into account his interests. If a child has an idea of ​​who he wants to become or what he will do, then there will be motivation, purpose and a desire to learn.

    sick child

    Children who have various diseases, firstly, often skip school because of their ailments, and secondly, sometimes they like to simulate such attacks, complaining of feeling unwell or having a headache. Everyone takes pity on them and helps, and the teacher makes concessions. Here the child has a question, why study, because they will give a good grade anyway.

    Features of temperament

    The process of successful learning motivation also depends on the type of nervous system in the child.

    We all remember that from birth, a child is dominated by one of 4 types of temperament:

    1. Melancholic.
    2. Sanguine.
    3. Phlegmatic person.
    4. Choleric.

    It will be very difficult for a child with a weak nervous system to learn, such children are hard pressed by failures, they are whiny and unsure of their actions and words. Therefore, it is important for them to take breaks in work to restore their working capacity.

    But children with a strong nervous system can work productively, study and withstand any mental load up to six lessons a day. Coming home, they immediately sit down for lessons. It is easiest for them to combine studies and visit additional sections, unlike other children.

    What should parents do in such situations?

    Primary School

    Experts believe that first-graders most often have the following fears and experiences:

    1. I will have an angry teacher.
    2. I won't be able to make friends.
    3. How difficult it is to do the lessons.

    First-graders do not go to school, because they understand that they will have to wake up early and go to classes, that their parents will scold them for some grades.

    • When parting with a child, hug the baby and say that you will definitely come for him.
    • Put a photo of you together in a briefcase, this will give him self-confidence and remind you of you.
    • Let him take any toy with him to school, sometimes children can play with them at breaks.
    • Introduce your child to the school in advance. Approach the teacher together, let him meet him with a smile and take his hand.
    • Read the book "Forest School" by M. Panfilov. In it you will find many stories and fairy tales about school rules and paraphernalia. Empathizing with fairy-tale characters, living with them the difficulties of learning and fears, children quickly adapt to school. Each fairy tale has its own games and exercises for various life situations that can be performed at home.

    • Play the game "First Grader". Let him try to collect all the necessary school items in his portfolio and explain why they are needed at school.
    • Suggest various exercises for the development of fine motor skills and coordination "Patterns"; "Graphic dictations"; "Draw an animal."
    • If you think that your child is not ready enough for school, visit a psychologist, he will diagnose mental processes, after which he will conduct developmental classes and prepare him psychologically for school.
    • Rehearse how he will get up to school, collect a briefcase where clothes will hang. This will teach the child to be independent.
    • Use in your games and achievements the motivational aid Calendar of success "Children's Week" I. Podolyak.

    • Play teacher, let him complete the task, and then check it himself with a red pen, this can reduce anxiety before grades. Be sure to discuss any errors.
    • Make a promise that you will not punish for some grades, but first you will analyze the mistakes and teach him how to achieve a good result.
    • After the first day of study, go to the park, cinema with the whole family. Show that it is important for you that he has already grown up and went to school! Have a fun party, invite your friends!

    middle link

    Psychologists believe that schoolchildren aged 9-12 do not want to study because of conflicts with teachers.

    It was during this period that they laid the first rudiments of character. Therefore, it is difficult for them to make a choice between their own desires and the opinions of others, and this provokes conflicts.

    What should parents do

    • Talk and find out what worries the child and if this anxiety is related to the school.
    • Visit the teacher, let him clarify the reasons for the failure and help you decide on further actions.
    • Sometimes a child's negative behavior can be directly related to the atmosphere at home. After all, it is known that children are the mirror of the family. Try not to clarify conflicts in front of the child.
    • Children should always be sure that they will receive support from you in any situation.
    • Remind them of interesting cases from your school life, look at photo albums.
    • Praise your child for effort and reward.
    • Perform the following exercises "My portrait in the sun." Let the child draw the sun, himself in the middle, and write all the positive traits and virtues around the edges. This will give him confidence, show that there can be more rays.

    • Play the game "King (Queen) of the School". The child must imagine that the school is his kingdom, and only he can establish his own laws and orders here.
    • Be wary of all children's experiences, learn to listen and understand it, take a positive position.
    • Let yourself make a decision, choose what clothes to wear and what to do, let them learn to be responsible for their actions.
    • If he complains about the teacher, visit the school and resolve this issue, and tell your child that you will not pay attention to the grade in this subject.

    If you do not want to join the team of parents, about whom there is even a joke about the process of preparing homework, use the humane option to help children in their conquest of the granite of science.

    Otherwise, the scenario "... the mother became hoarse, and the neighbors and the dog fully learned the material ..." will be your daily nightmare throughout the school year.

    Why don't kids want to learn?

    Healthy children are inquisitive by nature and seek to find out everything that will interest them.

    Therefore, if a child of kindergarten or primary school age categorically refuses to study, then it can be unequivocally said that the merit of adults is hidden at the heart of the protest.

    It is in high school that hormonal storms begin, because of which yesterday's mommy-daddy joy seems to break loose, “scores” on study and attention to the words of elders, because brain and consciousness in confusion and does not know where to direct the owner.

    And little children - “don’t give them bread”, but just tell them something more interesting.

    A child's dislike for learning can arise due to:

    Most of the above reasons are distraction only for a relatively short time.

    If at that time the material was difficult for self-assimilation at school and the child did not understand it, and then received a reprimand from the teacher, and even was ridiculed by classmates - with the permission of the teacher, by the way, at home he received a thrashing for failure, then in the end you can get complete loss of interest in learning.

    And very possibly forever.

    In rare cases, the reason for the child's inability to learn school material is due to a defect in hearing, vision or severe developmental delay.

    However, preschool children always undergo medical examinations, so such problems are usually clarified long before school.

    What to do?

    If before they did not know where to hide from the avalanche of questions about the arrangement of the world, then the sudden loss of interest in learning should lead to thinking about a problem at school.

    Provided that the situation in the house has not changed and everything is in order in the yard of the son or daughter.

    In this case, you are required to unobtrusively find out with whom what conflict took place to be and then suggest how to resolve the situation. Or actively participate in the process.

    When clarifying the fact of unprofessional behavior of a teacher, the first measure is parent-teacher conversation"heart-to-heart" and reporting to the teacher's mind that he is wrong and should not behave incorrectly towards children.

    If the conflict does not end here and it is clear that the confrontation will continue, then it is better to change the class or even the school.

    The same forced measure is necessary in the case when it became clear that the professionalism of the teaching staff is in great doubt. Naturally, assessment must be adequate, and not formulated purely due to raging emotions.

    What to do if the child does not want to do homework? When the lessons are disgusting and there is no more strength for them, the best alternative is home help. Involving a child in a livestock care team is especially effective.

    Just a couple of hours of throwing the waste products of cows with a shovel magically returns the desire to sit with a pen in front of a textbook with a notebook.

    If the age of a negligent student is small, then it should be noted that a small shovel is also brings pedagogical benefits while not allowing it to break.

    If there is no farm, a preventive measure against unwillingness to learn can be:

    If occupational therapy does not bring results, and even long physical complex duties do not reduce the enthusiasm to work with your hands, do not return the desire to learn, then perhaps your child, by nature, focused on work with a quick onset of visible practical benefits.

    It’s impossible to say that this is bad: it’s possible that a child will grow up into an excellent locksmith, turner, carpenter or a specialist in another profession where a lot of physical work is required.

    And is the notorious and well-read jack-of-all-trades Gog-Gosh from the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” an unworthy person with a bad fate?

    Do not agree with such a radical view of the situation? Then consider other solutions to the problem:

    1. If there are difficulties in understanding, then try to personally explain how and what works, what follows what and why. Freehand drawings, small thematic stories of their own composition help out well, helping the child to form a figurative idea of ​​​​an abstract concept. In the absence of pedagogical talent among parents, they are looking for an adequate tutor.
    2. If the refusal to complete the lessons is associated with congestion and banal fatigue, reviewing the agenda child, reduce the additional facultative load.

    How to convince a child to study? How psychologists advise motivating a child to study:


    How to generate interest in learning?

    Very useful for kids:

    How to show a child's interest in learning? How to work with students:

    1. Talking to a child about his plans for the future and having found out what attracts him the most, tell about the knowledge that will be useful in this area. And then show the connection between these skills and individual school subjects. Explain to the child that it is these lessons that you need to lean with all your might, and the rest you need to study to expand your own horizons. This is more honest with the child. He, in turn, will be able to understand the abstract future benefit of his current efforts.
    2. If there was interest, but disappeared, urgently find out the cause and eliminate it as early as possible so that you do not have to make up much of what you missed.

    It is very useful to forbid yourself and other adults in the family to discuss the shortcomings of the domestic sphere of education and specific teachers in front of the child.

    If there is no desire look like idiots in front of their own children, which you send to the same school.


    How to encourage your child to study?

    1. Support him by being interested in the topics of the lessons, the results of the experiments.
    2. Help learn new things using your experience in this area (if any) or one of your relatives.
    3. Recognize victories, help to survive defeats.
    4. Captivate. Keep the flame of passion alive by offering help in purchasing items or finding information on a topic.


    How can you help your child study well?

    1. Choose the best possible educational institution and, if necessary, a tutor.
    2. To help him with lessons if he asks. But do not chew the material, but push with leading examples to the right decision.
    3. Organize the day. The brain needs a good rest to properly cope with new data.
    4. Establish nutrition and rule out iodine deficiency. In the absence of the opportunity to use a variety of foods in the diet, cover the lack of substances by taking good vitamins.
    5. Get serious about the topic joint trips.

      The more new places a child visits, the better his brain will be able to form the neural connections necessary for the development of intelligence and memory.

    6. Organize a tour in an institution where the child dreams of working as an adult, or similar in terms of the specifics of the activity.

    Is it necessary to force to comprehend the granite of science?

    How to make a child study?

    It is possible to force openly, using pressure by authority, if you wish the child harm and nervous breakdown in the near future.

    For the benefit of the cause and the preservation of the mental health of the child, use the wisdom and insight of the big Kaa (a boa constrictor from the cartoon about Mowgli, if anyone has forgotten) and push the child in the right direction humane and civilized methods.

    As mentioned above, a child who has lost interest in learning is an “object” subjected to serious outside pressure.

    Primary parent task: identify the source that generates problems and deactivate it.

    After that, you can begin to embark on a difficult but important process. revival of interest the child to gain knowledge.

    If the child does not want to study. Neurology and psychology:

    Another deuce in the diary of a son or daughter leaves few parents indifferent. It is even worse when a child answers a standard question about how things are at school in monosyllables and without enthusiasm. Unwillingness to study and, as a result, poor academic performance are problems that require an immediate response, but shouting and threats will not help here. The hysterical-authoritarian behavior of a parent will surely cause a protest in the child's soul. In order for the steps you have taken to be adequate and effective, first find out why the child does not want to learn.

    Reasons for losing interest in learning

    A child is not only flesh of your flesh, it is a separate person with his own abilities and needs. It is important to always remember this, and not to replace his life attitudes with your own. Very often, parents, having not realized themselves in some area, make excessive demands on their children, impose their addictions on them. But the purpose of paternal care is different: you must reasonably assess the intellectual potential and emotional maturity of the baby, identify his inclinations and direct them in the right direction. Thus, the first thing to do is to honestly answer the question: “Does your child not want or cannot learn?”.

    Some students are mentally or physically unable to complete the standard school curriculum. In this case, parents need, recognizing the child's features, to place him in a correctional class. It is often difficult to take such a step: personal ambitions, fear of neglect from others interfere. And at the same time, it needs to be done. When a child is given tasks that are feasible for him, he develops both interest in learning and self-confidence.

    However, there may be a reverse situation, when the level of education does not meet the high demands of the student. Boredom, which overcomes gifted children in a regular high school, completely kills motivation. So that the child does not completely cool off to study, he can be transferred to a specialized institution, given to a section, studio or circle.

    In general, it has been observed that children who attend training and classes outside of school are more organized and purposeful. However, such hobbies also have a downside. Realizing that sports, music or dancing is his true calling, the child will pay less attention to school disciplines. In such a situation, it is advisable for parents to agree with the child on the boundaries of what is permissible.

    There are other reasons why children do not want to learn:

    • overprotection of adults, suppressing the initiative of the student;
    • lack of control and connivance on the part of parents;
    • conflicts with peers, high school students, teachers;
    • harmful addictions and dysfunctional friends;
    • excess energy that interferes with concentration (hyperactivity);
    • tense family environment;
    • inability to realize innate leadership inclinations;
    • the presence of complexes or, conversely, excessive demands on oneself (perfectionism);
    • difficulties with understanding the material, pedagogical neglect.

    How to increase motivation to study

    It must be understood that the desire for knowledge is a natural craving for a child, which must be encouraged from birth. Try to always answer the questions of the little “why”, talk in detail with him during walks, play role-playing games. Arrange a joint viewing of educational programs, followed by a discussion. Be sure to read interesting books to your preschooler - not only children's encyclopedias, but also works of art, poetry.

    Remember that you need to develop your baby comprehensively: intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically, morally. At the same time, show a sense of proportion: thorough preschool preparation can lead to the fact that the first grader will not be interested in the lessons.

    At primary school age, it is necessary to stimulate with game tasks, through joint activities. Children don't want to go to school if they don't have motivation. Often parents understand this, but choose the wrong incentives. Thus, a popular method of influencing a child is the “carrot and stick” method, consisting of threats, blackmail, punishments, promises and rewards.

    Such a strategy has the right to life, but should not dominate, as it fosters commercialism and is not always effective. It is much more effective to awaken intrinsic motivation. One of the postulates of communication psychology, formulated by Dale Carnegie, says: “The best way to get a person to do something is to make him want to do it himself.”

    Tips for parents on the formation of educational motivation in the child are as follows.

    • Criticize less and praise more. Emphasize in every possible way the connection between their efforts and the end result. This makes it easier for children to learn.
    • Be sincere. In order not to devalue the achievements of the child, do not replace honestly deserved praise with on-duty flattery.
    • Criticize to the point and delicately. Do not get personal, do not make your feelings for a loved one dependent on his achievements.
    • Never compare your child with other children. The only measure of success is the satisfaction that your child receives from useful activities.
    • Set challenging tasks for your child. Don't refuse help when he asks, but don't do the work for him either.
    • Don't underestimate the importance of communication in your children's lives. The success of the child directly depends on how he contacts with family members, peers, teachers.
    • Teach by example. If you want your child to improve his performance in physical education, stop sitting in front of the TV in the evenings and go out on the treadmill together. Does he have difficulty learning French? Well, there is a reason to learn a new language together. Such an approach not only strengthens intra-family ties and increases the authority of an adult in children's eyes, but also forms a clear idea in the child that it is never too late to learn.

    What to do with "negochuhoy"

    When a child does not want to go to school, you need to talk heart to heart with him. Be interested not so much in grades as in the general atmosphere in the class, topics and content of the lessons. Do not neglect the experiences of a loved one. Sometimes one stupid remark is enough for him to close up and no longer share anything secret with you.

    If the child does not want to go to school, and you are unable to find out the reason for the demarche on his part, seek help from a psychologist. There is nothing shameful in the fact that you visit a specialist, no. A professional will quickly be able to bring the child to a frank conversation, to see an objective picture of the problem. In cases where absent-mindedness, increased excitability interferes with normal learning, a consultation with a neurologist may be required.

    Perhaps you know what to do in the cases described above and what to do; What if the child does not want to study because of a conflict with the teacher? What then? This situation is more difficult...

    The reasons for tensions can vary. In elementary school, they usually arise due to the carelessness of the baby. Adolescents sometimes consciously oppose themselves to the teacher in order to assert themselves in the team. Conflicts often arise between creative children growing up in a free home atmosphere and authoritarian teachers. According to statistics, boys often “fight” with teachers. Adults are dissatisfied with hooligan behavior, absenteeism, being late and the appearance of children.

    5 steps that a parent needs to take in case of a conflict between a son (daughter) and a teacher, we will describe below.

    • Give your child the opportunity to speak frankly and emotionally. Listen carefully. Don't blame or ridicule. Do not scold the teacher in front of him. Take the position of an arbiter who wants to figure everything out.
    • Analyze the situation with your child. Find out why the conflict happened. Decide what to do next.
    • Meet with the teacher to get their point of view. Maintain neutrality in communication. Be sure to notify your child of your visit to school. If he doesn't want classmates to see you coming, visit the teacher after class.
    • Set up a conversation for the three of you. Let the child and the teacher express their claims in a civilized manner. Play the role of mediator yourself, offering compromise solutions.
    • If it is obvious that the teacher is to blame, that he continues to provoke a conflict, immediately contact the principal of the school. If the administration took the side of the teacher, it makes sense to change the educational institution. But remember: this must be done quickly, since every day of being in an aggressive environment causes serious damage to the child's psyche.

    When your child does not want to study and counseling does not help, pay attention to the following recommendations for organizing working time and place.

    • It is desirable that the student has his own room. If this is not possible, allocate a work area to the student.
    • From an early age, teach your child to order. Chaos on the table makes it difficult to concentrate, makes work difficult.
    • Don't force yourself to do your homework right after you get home from school. Let the student have 1.5–2 free hours to relax, do what they love.
    • Don't let your child study late. After 7-8 p.m., productivity tends to drop noticeably.
    • Make sure your son/daughter is comfortable. Some people need silence to learn effectively. Someone, on the contrary, works more productively to their favorite music or in the company of a friend.
    • Make sure that the student does not overwork. Teach him to take 5-10-minute breaks every half hour of class.

    It is undesirable for homework to take more than two hours. If this happens, think about intensification methods. For a child to want to learn, he needs to prove that this is an interesting and easy process. Is your child bad at remembering poetry? Refer to his imaginative thinking. For example, poems about nature are best taught while walking. Another way to quickly remember the text is to come up with a melody for it and perform it like a song. Foreign languages ​​being studied will be easier if bright cards with words are hung around the house.