What colors mean what in psychology. The meaning of colors in psychology

A lot depends on the right color in clothes, interior and even hair. By choosing the right range for a room, office space or your own style, you can succeed in business and love affairs. In addition, the character of a person can be determined by his favorite shades. Below we will tell you the meaning of colors in psychology, which one and how it affects others, what it tells people.

Personality by favorite color

Why do some people like red and others like green? It seems to be impossible to explain. But not everyone thinks so. Psychologists are sure that there is a certain pattern here between character traits and the chosen shade. According to them, it looks something like this:

Personality Features


Symbolizes the desire of a person to become successful. The one who loves red is distinguished by strong-willed character, courage and determination. However, there is also a downside here - the unrestrained energy seething in you haunts you and those around you.

If, on the contrary, you put this shade at the end of the list, you often doubt yourself, have a number of unnecessary complexes.


Close to red, but softer and less aggressive. Associated with a subtle nature, a romantic mood, living in a world of dreams all his life. It is dangerous to have serious business with such a person; he can fail due to his airy nature.


Symbolizes light and warmth. This is a sign of optimism, calmness, a friendly attitude towards people. His lovers are sociable, easily find contact with others, original and imaginative. However, they are often selfish and distrustful.

If, on the contrary, you don’t like yellow, then this person is a pessimist, unsociable and extremely serious in business.


Such a person is romantic, dreamy and has extraordinary intuition, original, sometimes reckless. Among the shortcomings can be noted inconstancy and hypocrisy. If a person’s orange is in last place, he is a loner, it is difficult to get along with people and has only a couple of close friends. However, he is faithful to them and will never betray.

Green, blue and their shades: how do these colors affect the personality?

People who prefer these colors tend to be calm and peaceful. But they also have disadvantages, in more detail below:

  • Green. If you prefer it, you lack confidence. Someone else's influence is constantly pressing, and you cannot get rid of it. However, these are far-fetched complexes, you are smart by nature, you know how to arrange others, you are interesting in communication. And if you listen, you will feel a considerable stubbornness in yourself, which is capable of conquering a lot;
  • light green characteristic of powerful individuals with cynical views, trying to suppress everyone around. But if it is in your last place, you are rather shy than domineering and cynical;
  • Blue inherent in people who are calm, those who are difficult to unbalance. In addition, you are a naive nature, pure in front of others, like the sky on a fine summer day. If you don’t like this shade, you are a Protestant, constantly looking for something new and, most importantly, that this new one is very different from the ordinary;
  • Blue- a sign of impressionability, the ability to be faithful friends all your life, to be attached to people. This shade is loved by many artists, artists and musicians. It symbolizes success and recognition. If you discard blue - you lack change, something is going wrong in life, you are unhappy with it and are looking for updates.

Black and white, what can they say about temperament?

Black and white are the two most symbolic colors, completely opposite to each other. Also, people who prefer one or the other:

  1. White- a symbol of purity and innocence. It is believed that the person who chooses it is open, peaceful and tolerant. It has a lot of positive qualities, like an angel, who is depicted in bright robes for a reason. But, for all their spirituality, white lovers are very critical both to themselves and to others. Hence the frequent problems in communicating with colleagues or other little-known people;
  2. Black- the color of passion and unbridled character. He is chosen by emotional natures, capable of both destroying and building with their energy. But this fact is always hidden, such a person is secretive, unsociable and often prone to depression due to the lack of an opportunity to throw out energy. At the same time, he is a reliable friend, he can be trusted with any secrets, even the most intimate ones.

Personality by eye color

If you want to determine what kind of person is standing in front of you, pay attention not only to what colors of clothes he prefers, but also to his eyes. They have a lot to say:


Their owner is impulsive, emotional, needs a constant change of impressions. But for all their impulsiveness, they are workaholics gifted with violent imagination.


Usually found in people with oriental roots. And they are known to strive for leadership and have incomparable charm. The main drawback is intolerance towards people, spaces and experiences.


These eyes are always associated with tenderness, naivety and openness. Their owner seems defenseless and vulnerable to others, but this is not always the case. Although there is some truth in this and excessive touchiness is inherent in them.


The rarest, but if you already met such - you are in luck. These are spiritual personalities, sensual and romantic.


The owners of such eyes are almost always friendly and peaceful. No wonder they write songs and poems about them. These are honest and decent people, with a slight note of recklessness.

Character by hair color in women

And you can pay attention to this if you want to understand the essence of someone or learn more about yourself:


These are sunny people. Despite the fact that they are considered cunning and insidious, nothing of the kind can be expected from them. Usually they are kind, radiate positive and warm. But getting along with them is not easy due to their secrecy.


Their owners are often very beautiful and charming. They are tolerant and industrious, making good wives and mothers. True, their beauty is not always noticed, but if someone appreciates it, they will get a great friend and life partner.


Usually they are associated with witches and femme fatales. But in fact, these are just extremely purposeful and independent girls. However, their soul is bright and trusting, only hidden behind seven locks from prying eyes.


Always positive and open to communication. A cheerful disposition is combined here with exactingness towards oneself and others. Whether it's an annual report or preparation for a birthday, the owner of brown hair will treat matters equally responsibly.

6 shades of clothing that will help you succeed

Sometimes it doesn’t matter what color you prefer, but what matters is what it can tell others about you, for example, at an interview or in another significant place:

  • Black others perceive as a sign of prestige, intelligence and seriousness. Going to an interview or other serious event, choose it;
  • Brown symbolizes reliability, rationality and intelligence. A characteristic coat or skirt can be worn for an interview, and for an exhibition, and for a theater, and even for a date;
  • Blue exudes reliability and confidence, so this fabric is often used in business suits and school uniforms. In addition, its shades soothe others, make it possible to relax in your presence. If you need to win people over and inspire confidence in them - choose a blue jacket;
  • Green gives a feeling of peace, lightness and satisfaction. For social events or outings in nature, it is best suited;
  • Red- bright and effective. When you need to make a lasting impression, attract a man and leave an exciting memory in his memory - wear it;
  • Yellow- just for relaxation and fun. If you want to cheer up others, focus on yourself, captivate and conquer - choose yellow.

The importance of colors in psychology is enormous, experts give them a major role in all areas. But at the same time, the inner world of a person is also important, do not forget that, having a bad character, it will not work to win over people, even wearing clothes of all shades at the same time.

Video: the influence of shades on a person's personality

In this video, psychologist Kira Rogozina will tell you what your favorite color can tell about your character and preferences:

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The way we react to a particular color, the analysis of these reactions and associations help us to know ourselves and determine our attitude to the world around us. A favorite color can also tell a lot about a person. That is why leading psychologists and scientists are actively involved in the topic of color, including experts from the Pantone Color Institute, the world authority in this field.

site I decided to figure out exactly how the basic colors and their shades affect us from the point of view of psychology and physiology.


Red is never timid, no matter what its shade. Warm red shade - passionate and romantic. Cold is associated with maturity, power and authority. Red stimulates the appetite, improves the sense of smell, sharpens the taste, it is able to increase sexual and hormonal activity. Studies show that the color red has a stimulating effect on the brain.

Personality and red. Red is preferred by self-confident, imperious, active people with strong energy, courage, lust for life. Lovers of red, as a rule, are extroverts, they constantly need to solve new and new problems, tasks.

People, rejection of red, experience a lack of vital energy, and this annoys them. All this can be the result of fatigue, physical weakness, in some cases even heart failure.


Pink combines passion with purity, it is touching, love and innocence are associated with it. Light pink tones are perceived as soft and gentle, romantic. The exception is bright shades: fuchsia, phlox. They can be classified as defiant, they are persistent and more aggressive, perceived as energetic, attracting attention.

The observations of Alexander Schauss, a doctor at the American Institute for Biological Research, showed that pink can significantly reduce the level of human aggression, lower blood pressure, pulse rate and heart rate. His research was adopted in one of Seattle's jails, where new inmates were kept in a pink cell for 15 minutes before being sent to the main block. During this time and at least for the next half hour, the prisoners did not show aggression.

Personality and pink. People who prefer pink are not as energetic as those who prefer red, but this does not mean that they are slow. They combine both passion and purity, they are gentle, romantic, soft, talented, but devoid of ambition. Pink lovers are extremely fickle.

People, who don't like pink, annoying naivety and sweetness, which he broadcasts. They consider such qualities a manifestation of weakness, they lack the assertiveness, passion that is in red.


In Jungian psychology, yellow is a symbol of intuition. According to studies published by Dr. Max Luscher in his book, yellow is most often associated with fun, freedom, open expression of feelings, light, self-realization, it is perceived as friendly, energetic and open. This is an uplifting color.

Despite the fact that yellow is associated with fun, joy and energy, it can also carry the opposite meaning. This applies to greenish and dirty-sulfur shades of yellow, in many cultures they are associated with deceit, betrayal, and guilt.

Personality and yellow. Lovers of yellow have original thinking, a rich imagination and excellent intuition. They have a highly developed creativity. Connoisseurs of yellow are charged with optimism and activity, they are attracted by everything new and unusual, they are impulsive and strive for joy. These are people who know how to keep other people's secrets. They are reliable friends.

Usually, don't like yellow realists, practical people who are skeptical of new ideas and prefer a bird in their hands. The denial of yellow may indicate that a person feels alienated, his hopes and dreams have collapsed.


Orange combines red and yellow, so this color carries the characteristics of both of them. Orange is the only color that does not have cold undertones. This color is associated with the most delicious juices and fruits.

Bright shades of orange are associated with energy, sociability, fun. Many consider this color flashy and vulgar. But deep brownish-orange tones look more acceptable.

Orange increases appetite, for this reason it is often used in the design of food packaging. It is able to instantly attract attention, cause joy, stimulate activity, which makes it an ideal color for decorating fast food restaurants. Delicate shades of orange are used by owners of expensive restaurants.

Personality and orange. People who like orange are very enthusiastic, adventurous, almost always in a good mood and regularly have original ideas. Orange lovers are equally good at both work and leisure. They are stubborn, persistent, like to be among people, easily compromise, non-aggressive. Charming, cheerful fans of orange achieve success in their work without any problems.

Those who doesn't like orange, often have a reputation for being unsociable, they avoid noisy companies, do not expose their personal flaunt, it is difficult to converge with people. If they find a friend, then for life, and the circle of their acquaintances consists of a small number of close people.


Blue color is perceived as comfortable, safe, reliable, soothing. It evokes a sense of harmony in people, gives a sense of control and responsibility. At the same time, an excess of blue can cause melancholy and mild depression.

Blue has a calming effect: blood pressure decreases, pulse rate decreases and sweating decreases. Of the entire blue range, only its brightest shades do not have a calming effect.

Personality and blue. Love for the color blue is often fanatical and lifelong. Blue lovers are trustworthy, you can rely on them. Vulnerability often hides behind external confidence and coldness. People who love blue value trust, sincerity, loyalty. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, strive for excellence, and are overly demanding.

Those, who doesn't like blue, usually energetic and restless, cannot stand routine and monotony. They are looking for variety and hate when the burden of responsibility falls on them. For such people, blue symbolizes longing and depression.


Green color has a wide range, so it can cause a wide variety of associations - positive and negative. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the human eye perceives the most green tones.

Most people associate green with nature, green leaves, it is the color of the forest, fresh mint and lime. The least popular of the green family is a dirty, yellowish-green, sulphurous hue that most often causes a negative reaction, as it is associated with nausea and feeling unwell.

Green color calms eyesight, especially after prolonged contact with red. Therefore, the uniform of surgeons is often green. Green has a calming effect on the psyche of people. This is well known to casino owners - the tables are usually covered with green cloth, which helps to reduce the level of players' excitability.

Personality and green. Most often, green lovers are stable, balanced people, kind, generous, reliable, scrupulous. He appreciates the respect and admiration of others. They prefer proven ways of doing things, have a high level of intelligence and the ability to grasp new concepts quickly.

The same, who doesn't like green, not very sociable, unfriendly, they do not like to look and act like most do. Such people are rarely seen at a party, this is not for them.


Purple is the most complex and mysterious of all colors. It combines the passion of red and the cold calmness of blue. The mood that it will broadcast depends on which of these colors prevails in the composition of the purple hue. It is not surprising that purple is preferred by artists, designers, artists - creative, eccentric people.

Color therapists claim that violet light helps to cure coughs, lower blood pressure and eliminate insomnia. Purple has an ambiguous psychological meaning, it is difficult for people to perceive its shades. This causes a dual perception and reaction to it.

Personality and purple. Like the purple color itself, its lovers are mysterious, have a developed creative beginning and are very susceptible to various kinds of spiritual ideas, mysticism. It is preferred by people who consider themselves different from others. Violet lovers are generous by nature, they are very charming, they are witty, observant, but at the same time they are characterized by mood swings, vanity and increased sensitivity, secrecy.

Those, who doesn't lovepurple Colour, feel the need for sincerity, honesty, they are open, fair people who expect the same attitude from others.


Brown has a profound psychological effect on the human mind. Even those people who claim not to like this color can easily surround themselves with brown furniture, make a wooden floor and feel quite comfortable surrounded by this color. And all because brown symbolizes refuge and allows a person to feel calm and safe.

And he also has an irresistible associative connection with chocolate and other luxurious confectionery products: cakes, cakes, sweets.

Personality and brown. Brown lovers have a sense of duty and responsibility. They are stable and reliable, loyal friends, understanding, at the same time decisive and ready to defend their point of view. These people love and appreciate comfort, simplicity, harmony, they are attached to the house, security is important for them. Carelessness and spontaneity are not characteristic of brown lovers, but at the same time they often rebel against dullness and routine. Losing control over the situation, such people are very nervous and stressed.

The same, who doesn't love brown, love to fantasize and get involved in risky situations, they are generous, witty and impulsive. Routine, like homebodies, drives such people crazy.


Depending on the shade, gray can symbolize detachment and suppression of feelings, be elegant and refined, boring and neutral, calm and safe, a symbol of longevity and strength, intelligence. Gray serves as an excellent background for bright, rich colors.

Personality and grey. People who prefer gray to all other colors are absolutely neutral in life. For such people, the priority is peace, security, balance. They prefer to contemplate what is happening, rather than actively act. They often make compromises, try not to attract attention to themselves, are ready to work hard and hard, doing routine work. They are focused, conservative and reliable people.

Personality and white. True lovers of white are very neat, they are distinguished by perfect taste both in clothes and in the design of their home. Such people are characterized by scrupulousness and excessive criticality.

Those, who doesn't love white are not sluts at all. But this is a clear sign that order is not the main thing for them. These are balanced and calm people with whom it is pleasant to spend time.


For some people, black seems magical and sinister, while others are sure that there is no more sophisticated color. In any case, black is unlikely to be ignored. It has a huge inner strength, now it is the color of chic and good taste. Black looks best in elegant combinations and on expensive textures.

Residents of big cities often prefer black both in clothes and in home decoration. They believe that it helps them feel less vulnerable, protected, provides some privacy. But psychologists are sure that the rejection of the rest of the colors of the rainbow in favor of black often leads to depression.

Personality and black. The essence of black lies in the negation of color as such. Therefore, lovers of black are extremely contradictory, prone to rebellion. Such people can be sophisticated, conservative and simple, or they can consider themselves serious intellectuals or extremely sexy people. Black lovers have a complex but noble character, they value intelligence, wit, personal security and prestige above all else.

For those, who doesn't like black, this color is a symbol of mourning and death, an eternal mystery, a road to nowhere, it is uncomfortable for them.

In different periods of life, the attitude towards a particular color may change. What color is your favorite today?

Each color has its own meaning, its own character, which affects our lives and behavior much more than it seems. What is color psychology? How do colors affect our emotions? What does each color mean? What is the symbolism of flowers in different cultures? What is the meaning of colors in psychology? Each tone and shade is associated with certain feelings, thoughts… In this article, we will get acquainted with the basic concepts of color psychology and give you some tips on how you can use the influence of color in everyday life. You will learn how to apply the knowledge of this science in practice.

The psychology of color

The psychology of color: what is it and what is it used for

What is the meaning of colors in psychology? What does each color mean? There is a whole science of color, which includes knowledge about the nature, components, characteristics of color, color contrasts, harmony, etc., called coloring. The psychology of color, in turn, explores How do colors affect us?. Colors may change our perception feelings and even make us worry. With the help of color, you can improve memory and attention, and even convince a person to make a particular decision. Knowing the meanings of colors is the key to understanding human behavior.

Color can completely change our idea of ​​a particular object, subject or element. Imagine for a moment a toy for toddlers. Most likely, you imagined a bright, cheerful rattle or a shiny, contrasting fun toy. Now imagine the same toy, only ... completely black with silver details ... shocking, right?

Test memory, attention and other abilities with

Very likely. Although there is no color code for certain things as such, throughout our lives, we associate everything we see with certain colors. We do it every day and don't even think about it. However, when suddenly we notice, for example, a blue banana, orange eye lenses, or a sparkling yellow tree, it surprises us.

Research in the field of color psychology does not stop. The possession of this knowledge is of key importance for creative people, businesses and companies that plan to bring new products to the market. However, this science is also useful in everyday life: how not to make a mistake with the choice of a gift for a special occasion, how to please your best friend with the right present, how to create comfort in the house - understanding the psychology of color can help us in all this.

Color affects emotions and mental state. The psychology of color: the brain and emotions

Every day we do a huge number of things and are influenced by numerous incentives. Our brains are constantly being challenged. We do not even always have enough time to process all the information received through the senses during the day.

Therefore, the associations we have adopted about shape and color save us a lot of time because they are processed automatically.

The psychology of color: the symbolism of blue

The meaning of green

Green is the most natural color, the color of nature, grass, youth and hope, health, fertility, money. According to the psychology of color, it is also the color of freshness and harmony, peace, tranquility. People who protect nature are also called "greens".

However, this color also has its “dark” side. It is also associated with poison, with that which poisons us, as in the above example - "turned green with envy or anger." However, most of the meanings of this color are positive.


The meaning of brown

Brown is associated with laziness, dirt, vulgarity, vagrancy and ugliness. It may seem outdated, boring. This is one of the most underrated colors.

However, brown is also the color of wood and autumn, warmth and comfort. It is the color of chocolate and tan. This color surrounds us everywhere and evokes a huge variety of associations.

Psychology of color: what brown says

The meaning of gray

In the psychology of color, gray symbolizes mainly old age, modesty and simplicity. It can be dark, boring or bland, and even harbor secrets and mysteries. Hence the expressions - "gray scheme" or "gray salary". On the other hand, this color reminds us of elegance in fashion or the "gray matter" of the brain.

What does black mean

As with white, there is still debate about whether black is actually a color. According to color psychology, black is associated with night, power, and death. It represents mystery, mourning, denial, hatred, cruelty, and the like. Black cats are associated with bad luck and no one wants to experience a “rainy day”.

However... who doesn't have black in their wardrobe? This color surrounds us everywhere, it is useful and functional. A beautiful black dress or suit is always an elegant option for evening wear.

Psychology of color: what does black mean

Eva Geller's book The Psychology of Color goes into detail about the meaning of colors. This book is one of the main sources for this article.

Color symbolism in different cultures

Research has been done as to whether the classification of colors is natural or determined by society. B. Berlin and P. Kay, having studied various cultures, came to the conclusion that among most cultures there are general trends in the categorization of colors. It is generally accepted that there are six primary colors, and all the rest are somehow grouped around them. The concepts of primary colors are the same, and then variations are already possible.

As for the meanings: in Europe it is not customary to dress brightly for a funeral, black or dark colors are preferable. In Asia, mourning is symbolized by the white color, since this color is associated with ideas about reincarnation. However, earlier in Europe, this color was widely used by women in mourning, they covered their heads with large white scarves.

However, within our culture color symbolism is not permanent. Did you know that in Europe, girls began to dress in pink and boys in blue, around 1920? In recent years, this tradition has come under increasing criticism. Over time, we change the meanings of colors and create new traditions that will someday also be forgotten or fashion will dictate its own new rules.

The brand of a company is very important. If we are told about the color red and a drink… no more clues are needed, we understand what kind of company we are talking about. Various companies use certain colors and other visual elements in their logo in a way that conveys their individuality. The role of color is key in marketing strategies, and sciences such as neuromarketing explore the effects of colors on the brain and human consumer behavior.

Imagine that the same restaurant chain will decorate each of its restaurants in completely opposite colors, without respecting the corporate style. In this case, our understanding of this brand will be blurred, we may not even remember that this is the same network. As a result, such a restaurant will lose many opportunities to retain and expand the customer base. Of course, the image, logo and corporate style is not everything, but it is important. Especially now, with a high level of development of competition in the market.

We can even see how companies use colors depending on the target audience or current market trends. For example, many people add a green light to their logo, which symbolizes ecology and environmental protection.

Color is important not only for customers and consumers. Employees will also feel better and be more productive if they work in a comfortable office or space. A dark, poorly lit space will have a bad effect on performance and force workers to spend as little time as possible in the workplace.

And vice versa, if we paint the walls white, add something green, blue and other warm colors to the interior (taking into account the corporate style), the workplace will become cozy.

How colors affect our daily life

Colors play a big role in our daily life. From birth, we are asked what color we like, and here everyone has their own preferences. Almost all items that are sold are available in different colors. Therefore, for sure, when buying a cup, we will choose our favorite color.

For more serious purchases, options are possible. The main thing here is not to make a mistake. Maybe you love the color orange, but when you buy a car, you realize that you don't want to draw undue attention on the road. Therefore, probably, the choice will fall on a car of a different color.

On the other hand, black or blue cars are hard to see on the road at night. White color is very picky about cleanliness, and you might want something "fun". Such doubts are resolved through much thought and advice from family and friends.


1 Your favorite color is not suitable for all occasions

Maybe you love purple, but this color can be dreary if you over-decorate your room with it. However, it is a wonderful color in clothing. You can create unusual, unusual combinations, for example, by combining it with orange. But before you get dressed, always think about whether such an outfit is suitable for this particular occasion.

2 Context plays a key role in choosing a color

We know about the meaning of color in different cultures and circumstances. Showing up for a lawyer interview in a bright green sequined suit doesn't make much sense. In other situations, don't be afraid to experiment.

3 The main thing is to be able to combine colors

Imagine that we need to send an important letter or design a poster, and we have taken into account all the elements of color psychology. However, there is another aspect - how will two colors be combined with each other together? For example, brown combined with golden, yellow or orange is associated with autumn. However, in combination with black or gray, it becomes too conservative and unimpressive.

4 Colors should also be functional

When wearing a white shirt, who hasn't thought about how easy it can get dirty with anything during the day? There are colors that are more resistant to dirt, or those that are more appropriate to wear in the heat, or those that will help us to remain unnoticed when we are not in the mood ...

When writing a letter or creating a poster, it is important that the font color stand out against the background color. As much as we would like to write in light pink on white, black on orange shows up much better. Moreover, this is one of the most contrasting combinations.

5 Use colors to

If you're studying for an exam and can't remember, say, a list or checklist, try associating each item with a specific color. Mnemotechnical techniques increase our learning ability. The same method works if you need to make a presentation. Use color to highlight the most important and associate each color with a specific meaning.

6 Be Consistent

If you have your own business or are just thinking about it, think carefully about what message you want to convey to your customers. Once you've completed your analysis, determine what your brand needs to do to achieve those goals. It is important that all divisions of the company act in a single corporate style. Choosing the right designer to develop a brand that can take into account all these aspects can be a key condition for the successful launch or development of a business.

Thank you for reading this article. Do you now think about what colors surround you most in everyday life and why? Do you use advice? As always, we will be grateful for questions and comments on the article.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva

The properties of the colors of the palette are often used in psychology and psychotherapy as one of the effective methods of treatment, which allows you to correct the mental state of a person.

Some of them have a calming effect, balancing the mood, while others, on the contrary, have an exciting effect, activate and energize. In any case, each shade can be both useful in a particular case, and harm your well-being.

There are many special tests that allow you to determine the characteristics of the psychological color perception of a person. Studies have shown that the dosed effect of a particular shade can cause changes in well-being, correct the psychological state.

That is why attention is paid to the features of interior design, in which a person spends most of his time. The sleeping and working areas are also separated, in which it is necessary to adhere to different color concepts for optimal well-being.

There are many tests that are based on choosing a person's favorite color. Depending on the preferences, one can interpret the actions of the individual and describe his character, fears and desires.

Characteristics of colors in psychology

To understand the features of color therapy, you should know what colors mean in psychology. Let us dwell in more detail on each of them and give them a brief description.


This mysterious and mysterious shade contains two almost opposite colors - blue and red. This blend includes a mild soothing effect and an energizing component, which combine to provide a unique effect.

It is generally accepted that purple contributes to the development of artistry, intuition. Under its influence, creative ideas and other activities that require maximum concentration and sensitivity are easier to come by. It will be useful for creative people to surround themselves with this shade for a surge of inspiration and better results in their work.

If a person has symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia or neurosis, they will have an excellent effect on purple in the interior and even in small household details.

Red color

This shade is considered to be the color of fire, love and even danger. In any case, it is a powerful force that is used in any direction of human activity. Eastern teachings associate red with yang energy, which is the masculine principle, thus recognizing red as the most powerful and active color of all available in the palette.

There are many shades that, when combined with others, can diminish the effect of red and have a slightly different effect on a person. In psychology, this color is considered to represent aggression, so it is often advised to avoid it if a person needs to calm down and find inner balance.

Red is useful in a specific dosage for activation and awakening of forces. In the interior and even in clothes, this color is a highlight and is used more as an element of elegance or festive style. A large amount of red in places where a person spends a lot of time is annoying and negatively affects well-being.

Blue colour

This shade in psychology symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for the design of work areas and offices, when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization, and leadership qualities among employees.

Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises, make cold, balanced decisions. It disposes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.

It is used as a balancing lever, which returns the mind and contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of people with neuroses and other mental conditions. The whole psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and maximally adapted color, which causes only positive feelings in a person's life.

Naturally, many shades of green can cause some discomfort, such as neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsen well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms that are intended for eating.

Other shades of green are more calm and peaceful. Favorably affect the vision and well-being of a person. A return to the primitive beginning of a person associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interiors, clothes and household trifles.


Quite a cheerful, bright and positive color that mixes all the warm shades and is wonderfully suited for home interiors and those cases when you need to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

It is well perceived by children and therefore is often used in educational and preschool institutions. Yellow color promotes the development of intellectual abilities, so its inclusion in the workflow will be very useful.

Shades of yellow are well perceived by different people and rarely cause discomfort. In addition, the effect of this color on the digestive system is known. Yellow promotes the activation of the pancreas, the secretion of bile, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. These properties are used in those rooms where it is necessary for a person to stimulate appetite. For example, in cafes, restaurants and even in supermarkets.

Black color

A very concise and monochrome color, which is quite often used today. It is a rich and strong shade that absorbs other colors. A bold enough solution for interior design, so it is often combined with other shades to dilute the monochrome range.

In some cases, psychology is recognized as the color of depression and even more serious mental imbalance. The predominance of black in the drawings of children should definitely alert, since this color is completely uncharacteristic for the child's psyche.

For adults, most often black means closeness, which hides a person behind a mask of unwillingness to stand out or open up.

Black in clothes is used by those who do not want to focus on their own person and do not even want to draw it to their appearance. In some cases, he emphasizes other characteristic features without diverting attention to himself.

Orange color

The warmest shade from the entire palette, as it is created using red and yellow. It is a cheerful and optimistic color that is used to maintain a person's mood. In psychology, it is used to correct depressive disorders.

It also has a rejuvenating effect, improving the metabolic processes of the body, the work of internal organs. Orange almost always reveals only the positive aspects of life, showing every event from the good side. Therefore, such a source of joy is used to get out of neuroses and asthenia.

Orange helps to improve appetite and enhance the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of a traumatic situation in a person's life, he provides the necessary support and improves psychological well-being.

Pink color

The most sensitive and delicate shade of the entire range. It is a fairly positive shade that symbolizes youth, femininity and romance.

Very often used in psychology to pacify and restore balance in children, mostly girls. For them, this color is much closer and more pleasant.

In a sense, pink means purity if its shade approaches more white. It is useful in psychological terms for mothers and pregnant women, as it can cause calmness and sensitivity. Pink is often used as a symbol of conciseness, which is revealed more softly than white.

Grey colour

Quite often it is associated with depression, the lack of colors in life and the desire to fill them. If psychological tests conducted on a particular person show gray, one can assume an emptiness that gnaws at him from the inside. This does not necessarily mean a depressive state, but most often symbolizes depression or apathy.

In the modern world, gray is rarely used on its own. Its conciseness and neutrality contributes to the fact that it goes well with any other shades. Gray in the interior will increase a person's ability to focus on specific tasks, neutralize other distracting details.

The psychology of a favorite color defines this shade as too neutral. A person, for sure, does not feel the need, strength or those vital colors that are needed in his life.

White color

It is the absolute equivalent of purity and purity in any sphere of human life. It is used as a concise component, which is often diluted with more emotionally rich colors. Depending on the application, it most often has a cold effect, which causes a feeling of neutrality and detachment.

White interiors or clothing styles, unlike gray, do not make a person want to hide or not attract attention. On the contrary, this shade indicates a specific personality, connecting it with everything bright and good in this world, which is represented in this color.

For example, a wedding dress acts as this signpost, drawing attention and showing the positivity of the moment and the happiness that it implies.


Pretty neutral color, which is a symbol of restraint, purity and depth of feelings. Depending on the specific application, blue can be quite gentle and sensitive, or it can also evoke a sense of balance, calmness, and peace.

If a person likes the color blue, most often he gravitates towards these two aspects of his influence. Usually these are people who love cleanliness, conciseness, rather restrained in the manifestation of their emotions. Blue also prompts philosophical reflection, promotes organization and increased efficiency.

Purple colour

This shade represents people who are constantly in search of their ideal balance. Most often, these are individuals with ambitions who are trying to achieve more in their lives, business personalities.

People for whom lilac is their favorite color are quite sensitive, artistic and gifted. They have a delicate taste and the ability to psychological sensitivity, that is, they know how to sympathize and often come to the aid of those who need it.

Lilac helps to stand out, to determine one's own uniqueness and even eccentricity. Often people who like this color are subject to nostalgia. It is extremely difficult for them to part with unnecessary things from the past, memories of good times often cause not a smile, but tears of grief that this will not happen again.

Brown color

This is one of the conservative colors, which, unlike white or black, has a fairly rich range of warm shades. Most often, it is chosen by conservative people who do not want to stand out among the crowd. In everyday life, they prefer functionality and comfort rather than energy and originality.

These are far from demonstrative people who do not like to expose their own thoughts and secrets. They are characterized by life without the attention of others, closing in their own world with their own rules.

People who like brown don't like change and have a hard time with any moves and changes in their daily routine. In psychology, they are used to balance their own desires, as well as to find meaning in their lives.

Burgundy color

This is a bold color that defines a person as strong enough, but not willing to show his abilities. A certain mutedness of red calms the raging energy, but at the same time creates a sugary aftertaste of its own style.

People who prefer this color want to stand out, but not as much as red lovers. Their desires are more related to sophistication, uniqueness of sensations and their own style.

Burgundy embodies the nobility, sophistication that people want to show through the color scheme. In psychology, such individuals are considered self-confident, with high self-esteem and self-esteem.


Since ancient times, this color has been considered a symbol of the mystical beginning, purity, healing, perfection, and was used to create amulets. In some cultures, the wedding color is traditionally considered not white, but turquoise. In psychology, it is a talisman of good luck, attracting wealth and even career growth.

This color is chosen by people who are self-confident, quite sociable and sociable. They easily find a common language with others and fit into any team. Most often open and rarely keep secrets.

People who prefer turquoise need peace and tranquility. They want to balance their own desires and find peace.

Beige color

It's more of a background neutral hue that doesn't draw much attention to itself, but at the same time has a sufficient set of qualities that are appreciated.

People who prefer beige are quite self-sufficient and do not need to be highlighted and updated. They do not have to emphasize their individuality, since their rich inner world does not require this.

The beige color is very warm and gentle, soothes and gives a feeling of peace and balance.

What do colors mean in psychology - look at the video:

Each color is unique in its own way, and also contains many shades, the effect of which may vary slightly. Therefore, to choose the right color scheme for your wardrobe or interior, you should focus more on your own feelings than on the recommendations of designers about the meaning of color in psychology.

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Color is something that surrounds each person every day, causes special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothes, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks of a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize the temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

The meaning of colors in psychology

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).
Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry in themselves, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your state, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood and much more by choosing and combining certain colors in your style and environment (objects on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to a particular color. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors, such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always blow in black or gray tones.
Subconsciously, people similarly perceive and react to colors. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceive red as an alarming sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform the desired actions, confidently move forward without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, differently affect the perception and psychological state of a person.


Since ancient times, people have shown a special interest in the color red. In many languages, the same word denotes the color red and, in general, everything beautiful, beautiful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a "red heart", while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black.
Red - exciting, hot, activating, association with danger and aggression. Red is easy to draw attention to any advertisement. The pulse and blood pressure may increase if you look at red for a long time. Red gets tired quickly.
People who prefer red love to be leaders. Almost all of their senses are at their maximum. They are persistent, do not like to put things off. It often happens that those who prefer red are demonstrative and selfish, intolerant, stubborn and cruel. A woman in red, most often, tends to flirt with guys.
Red color also means power, greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The Emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, willingness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this carries this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and takes him out of a depressive state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list of the best colors for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their feature is inconstancy and arrogance.

Purple color in psychology

When you combine red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in antiquity painted pregnant girls using this palette shade. This phenomenon is explained by consonance with sensuality.
In the modern world, experts argue about its negative and even depressive effects on a person. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied personalities prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothing. Using it in small amounts can be beneficial, because purple overestimates self-esteem. It should be noted that this color is not used when working with the elderly and young children.


Pink is a soft color that dulls the emotions of anger and aggression. In places where children with antisocial behavior are corrected, pink walls or furniture are often used. If after a hard day you come home angry and aggressive, look at something pink and your aggression will disappear.
Pink can mean goodness, passion, romance, love. Those who prefer pink want to live life to the fullest, desire new experiences, are hardworking and do not like to rest. But sometimes people who prefer pink can be frivolous, childish, who love to show off in front of everyone.
Pink is the color of life, of all living things. He talks about the need to love and be kinder. Those who like him can get excited about the most insignificant thing. In people who are overly pragmatic, this color causes irritation.

Blue colour

This shade in psychology symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for the design of work areas and offices, when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization, and leadership qualities among employees.
Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises, make cold, balanced decisions. It disposes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.
It is used as a balancing lever, which returns the mind and contributes to the rapid rehabilitation of people with neuroses and other mental conditions. The whole psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and maximally adapted color, which causes only positive feelings in a person's life.
Naturally, many shades of green can cause some discomfort, such as neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsen well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms that are intended for eating.
Other shades of green are more calm and peaceful. Favorably affect the vision and well-being of a person. A return to the primitive beginning of a person associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interiors, clothes and household trifles.

Black color - meaning in psychology

Many people believe that everything connected with black has a negative meaning, but in fact it is not.
It embodies authoritarianism, it has been proven that people in black clothes become more weighty, so it is not for long surprising that rich people prefer it.
In some cases, the color value indicates a serious psychological imbalance. If black prevails in the drawings of children, then it is urgent to contact a specialist.
A person who prefers this color is a mystery and, choosing such clothes, he unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others. If dark tones prevail in the wardrobe, then this indicates that such and such important things are missing in life.
Black color in psychology has a connection with sexual attractiveness. People who love him agree to experiments in bed.

The meaning of white in psychology

The lightest representative of the color scheme is the personification of purity, innocence, joy and fidelity.
It means freedom of opportunity and the removal of all existing barriers. White color in psychology is a symbol of equality, because it combines other shades.
A person who prefers white is completely given to any business, wanting to bring it to perfection. He is open to the world and easily senses deceit.
Understanding what colors mean, it is worth noting that this light shade also has an opposite meaning, which is due to the fact that it is able to neutralize other colors, personifying emptiness.

The meaning of gray in psychology

The average neutral value between black and white is occupied by gray, so it does not distract from important matters. According to surveys, there are very few people who prefer it in their wardrobe and life in general.
Gray color in psychology means that the person who likes it puts the mind in the first place, not emotions. For insecure people, clothes of this color give strength.
Consider a mixture of black and white a shade of calm, balance, realism and order.
Doctors and psychologists are sure that people who love gray are on the verge of nervous and emotional exhaustion.


The color of gold, which since ancient times was perceived as a frozen color of the sun. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and withering leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.
In many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often, yellow color served as a hallmark of noble people and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothing with a red sash.
On the other hand, among some peoples of Asia, yellow is the color of mourning, sorrow, sadness. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Among the Slavic peoples, yellow is considered the color of jealousy, betrayal, and in Tibet, jealousy is literally called “yellow eye”. Let's also remember the "yellow press" and the "yellow house"

Blue color - meaning in psychology

If you want to calm down and inspire confidence in another person, it is recommended to use blue. With it, you can earn respect and emphasize your social status.
Blue color in psychology is a symbol of stability. It stimulates and motivates well, so it is recommended to paint the walls in the office with it.
Blue is a symbol of straightness and stability.
In the design of the hospital, this shade is used, since it has been proven that it gives strength to seriously ill people, helping them fight ailments. Athletes, training in the hall with blue walls, achieve the best results in competitions.

The meaning of brown in psychology

If a person prefers things with such a shade in his life, then this indicates his self-confidence. Psychologists recommend that you always use brown in moments of life when many problems arise. He inspires hope in a person that everything will turn out well.
Brown in psychology means that the people who choose it love to work and always tell the truth. When going to an interview, it is recommended to wear brown clothes.
It is associated with common sense, reliability and resilience, but it is also associated with frustration and depression.
Brown combines red, which contains aggression and activity, and yellow, which extinguishes these qualities.
Finding out the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that brown fans love life in all its manifestations, but at the same time they are reasonable. In critical situations, they can show composure and rationalism.
As for the sex life, the “brown” person prefers conservatism and traditionalism. For him, in the first place is the emotional state, and then, already physiology.

Burgundy color - meaning in psychology

To form this shade, red and brown are used, so the characteristics inherent in them are transferred to burgundy. In life, he is preferred by strong business people who are conservative, confident and solid.

Burgundy color in psychology personifies power and strength. If you often use it in clothes, you can develop assertiveness, stamina and determination.

It is important to bear in mind that in large quantities, Bordeaux begins to negatively affect the psyche and can cause depression, so psychologists recommend using color in doses.

When analyzing the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that people who wear burgundy things are energetic, and they have excellent organizational skills, but at the same time they are stingy with emotions.