Essential life skills. Main skill in life

The parents are responsible for the children. Everything that is vital and necessary to know and be able to do in order to be successful and happy should be taught to children by their parents. This article will give you 10 life skills to teach kids.

What is not taught in school

The knowledge that is necessary to be happy, successful and healthy is not given from birth. The instinct of self-preservation and other innate features of the human body do not guarantee psychological well-being insofar as a person is not only a biological, but also a social being. Everything that is really necessary for survival in society has to be learned.

Man learns from his birth. Knowledge comes from experience or brought into consciousness as a result of their transmission to children from adults. The process of transferring and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities is education as the main means of preparing a person for life and work.

A special role in the education of the younger generation is assigned to school. Although this, as a rule, is not the only educational institution in a person's life, it is here that he assimilates the greatest amount of knowledge.

One can argue for a long time about what children are taught at school and how useful this knowledge is. It is clear that most of them are purely theoretical. Children in school study science, but not practice and not life. Vital and practical skills should be taught to children by their parents.

Parents are responsible for their minor children, and this responsibility is not only legal, but also psychological character. In a fairly short period of childhood, the father and mother need to learn a lot for the child.

In order to understand what the baby should be taught, you need to be aware of the goal, namely, to know the answer to the question “What kind of person would you like a child to grow up?”. Most loving parents only want the best for their children, so they respond: Healthy, successful, happy».

Vital Skills

The first thing to understand when raising a child is that it is impossible to demand and expect from him what he is not taught and what he does not observe in the behavior and character of his parents.

It is foolish to demand determination, courage, independence from the baby, if the only thing that is instilled in him is the obligation to obey his elders, sit still, fall asleep quickly, not meddle with questions, and so on, that is, be submissive and lack initiative.

It is ineffective to wean a child from a bad habit if the parents also have it.

Of course, self-education also plays an important role in a person’s life, but still it is based on parental education.

You can help your baby grow up healthy, successful and happy if you instill in him such skills and abilities:

The older the child, the more lively, active interest in the world around him, he shows: first, silently feeling with his hands and trying "on the tooth", and then turning into a "why-why" - why is the grass green; why the sky is blue; where the babies come from? The kid wants to know everything! And it is very important not to drown out this desire in him with banal or false answers or even silence in response.

To ask questions- a skill that a person needs throughout his life. This is the basis of curiosity. Thanks to this skill, a person learns not only the world around him, thereby developing his intellect, but also himself.

All the great scientists, inventors, discoverers, businessmen were distinguished by the ability to ask questions.

Do not “swallow” all the information coming from outside, do not take a word, do not trust unverified sources, but analyze, compare, compare, verify, find the necessary information among the mountains unnecessary, have your own opinion, you can only learn to ask questions.

In addition to asking questions, components of curiosity are:

  • the ability to learn;
  • love for knowledge;
  • hobbies, hobbies.

Self-reliance and self-confidence

These undeniably necessary qualities for a person are also formed in early childhood. Already at the age of three, the child strives and should be able to do what he wants on one's own. No matter how scared the parents are for the baby and no matter how much they want to protect him from any danger, you need to give him freedom (naturally taking the necessary security measures).

By drowning out initiative, activity and the desire to do everything on their own, you can raise an infantile, fearful, passive, insecure child.

Self confidence It is formed when parents support, praise, encourage the baby in his endeavors and give him the opportunity to be alone.

Personal space and time forms the child's ability to don't be afraid of loneliness, do not consider it something terrible, but perceive it as an opportunity to understand yourself or do what is interesting.

Having realized their "I" at about three years old, children understand what is "mine", "alien", "general" (and not only things, but also feelings). The ability to share, give, selflessly help, sympathize, empathize, compassion, reckon with those who nearby create a counterbalance to natural egoism and help a person to socialize in a society where there is no order and peace without goodness and mutual assistance.

It is easier to be an egoist than an altruist. But, being an altruist, it is also important not to go to extremes and not forget about reasonable selfishness for your own good.

At some point, the child begins to realize the value of money. He establishes a connection between the ability to satisfy a need, the availability of money and work. Parents are paid wages because they work. But different work is paid differently, there is also one for which a person receives not money, but spiritual values.

How to encourage a child for work, materially or non-materially, is a private matter of the family. But so that the child does not grow up greedy and does not believe that everything can be bought for money, in any case, he must know what labor is " thank you».

Homework is not paid, but the love of work most often begins with the performance of this particular work. The kid helps his mother with the housework, and the reward for his help is her admiration, gratitude, care and love, which cause a lot of positive emotions. It is happiness as "payment" for work that gives rise in the child to the desire to work again and again with joy.

On the other hand, children must learn manage money, because in adult life they cannot do without it, which means that parents need to please their children with pocket money.

Ability to negotiate

Tolerance for differences between people and the understanding that all people are different needs to be conveyed to the child, starting at about the age of three. Skill respect another, his features and interests will come in handy already in kindergarten, when the child has just entered the stage of socialization.

If these skills are reinforced in a preschooler, they will later turn into a skill agree find compromises and resolve conflicts. Such qualities as diplomacy and non-conflict are formed, which in adulthood will help build harmonious relationships both at home and at work.

Time Management

Important components of time management:

  • observance of the daily routine,
  • making plans for the near future,
  • goal setting and goal setting.

If children are taught to the daily routine from early childhood, then other skills are developed later, at about 12-18 years old, when the child is already sufficiently developed intellectually.

The most important thing that a child should learn from parents is the ability to appreciate the time, do not waste it, understand that it is an important life resource.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to have values, principles and life guidelines, but it is also important not to “ossify” in them. The world is changing rapidly and sometimes shocking with its innovations, but if you do not adapt to them, it is difficult to be successful and happy.

What helps to be labile - creativity in the broad sense of the word:

  • the ability to look at things from a different perspective,
  • unconventional approach to problem solving
  • think not only logically, but also creatively,
  • go beyond the usual and traditional,
  • be the creator of your life
  • develop as a person.

The need to change with the world, adapt, learn new things and not stop in development should be taken as a rule by a child in childhood. And to be more precise, he don't forget how it's done, because all preschoolers think figuratively, fantasize, see the world differently than adults.

Small children look at the world for the first time, therefore they are interested not only in form, but also in content, which is why they are sometimes wiser than adults.

Schoolchildren are taught to think logically, thereby driving thinking into a framework, eliminating “as unnecessary” creativity, curiosity, freedom of choice and the plurality of correct options.

Know how to find your

In life it is important to understand and know yourself: their individual characteristics, abilities, talents, focus, goals, preferences, and so on. Knowing "your own", it is easier to find it. This knowledge and skill helps to make right life choice.

One of the most important choices in life choice of profession. It has to be done by a child, a teenager who is not yet mature enough as a person. This choice cannot be made correctly if you do not know the characteristics of your personality and do not understand what profession you will like.

It is from ignorance of oneself and the inability to find “one’s own” that children go to study anywhere, where it’s prestigious, where their parents said, where their classmates went, and so on, and then the money for five years of study is thrown to the wind, because the diploma is gathering dust on the shelf , and the child does not work in his specialty.

Of course, not always the wrong choice becomes the reason for the inability to get a job in the specialty. Many other factors influence this. But still, a person who has studied in his field has a much better chance of being realized in the profession and becoming successful, because he loves the business he has chosen.

The second, no less important choice in the life of every person is choice of life partner. Here it is also important to know “one’s own”: what kind of person is suitable, with whom it will be comfortable, what relationships will become the key to personal happiness, how to distinguish love from self-interest, deceit, dislike, and the like.

Getting married “because all the girlfriends are long gone” or getting married because of age, parents want grandchildren and so on is often the wrong way.

The herd feeling and behavior "as directed from above" are the problems of very many people, the existence of which some scientists associate with the ideology that reigned in our society in the last century. Like everything in the world, collectivism is not bad if it is not exaggerated. Listening to the advice of elders can be useful, but you need to make decisions on your own.

Survival Skills

The modern world is comfortable to live in due to the large number of benefits of civilization, but is still very fragile. It is good when a child grows up surrounded by everything necessary, but it is bad if he grows up too pampered and cut off from nature.

Although many schools teach the basics of life safety, it would be good to on practice to teach your child in adolescence to survive in extreme and primitive conditions:

  • provide first aid,
  • organize life in field conditions,
  • make a fire,
  • distinguish between edible and non-edible plants and fruits,
  • look for water sources
  • navigate the area.

The ability to be happy is perhaps the most important and vital skill for a person. Like creativity, the ability to enjoy life is inherent in all young children, they do not need to be taught this.

The problem is that over the years this skill lost and what was simple in childhood becomes an unattainable dream in adulthood. Therefore, the task of parents is to reinforce the skill to be happy, to enjoy every little thing and not to lose heart both in the child and in themselves!

Components of being happy:

  • optimism,
  • positive thinking,
  • the ability to enjoy the little things
  • the ability to regard mistakes as a useful experience,
  • concern for their psychological well-being.

child skill taking care of their psychological well-being, few people in society take into account. Meanwhile, this is an extremely urgent problem!

Why is physical education taught at school, but there is no “psychological culture” subject? But the horrifying statistics testify to the urgent need to teach children about psychological culture.

Many countries that were part of the USSR today occupy a leading position in the list of child mortality due to suicide. Among the twenty-five countries with the highest number of suicides are Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Russia ranks first among European countries in terms of the number of suicides among children and adolescents.

Every child should know that any problem is solvable, that he can be happy, no matter how hard it is for him at the moment, that you need to believe in yourself and never give up!

This is what parents really need to teach their children!

It is never too late to develop and become better. There are a huge number of skills that can be mastered at any time and used to your advantage.

“I want to learn how to draw, play the guitar, speak French…”, all this can be heard from the lips of a large number of people. At the same time, everyone has an excuse why they did not master the desired skill. In fact, everything is simple, the main thing is to want, and maybe the time has come to learn something new.

1. Develop your creativity.

The ability to draw or photograph has long grown from a hobby into a way to make money. Only a few can create beautiful paintings or take worthwhile photographs, and you have a chance to join their company, the main thing is to have a creative start. In many cities there are schools and courses where you can learn the basics of the chosen direction and become a true professional. It is important to practice every day, devoting at least half an hour to developing the skill.

2. Catch up on lost knowledge.

During school and university it is impossible to master everything, and as often happens, a person chooses a job that may not at all relate to the education received. It is never too late to fill in the gaps and learn new things, for example, the basics of accounting, law, and so on. You can study with a tutor, online or on your own, with the help of books and study guides.

3. Culinary masterpieces in the home kitchen.

The ability to cook is useful not only for women, but also for men. Believe me, if you can do something more than banal fried potatoes or meatballs, then this is a huge plus. There are a huge number of restaurant recipes on the network that you can master at home. Cooking skills are useful at any age. If you want to surprise your relatives and friends, then prepare something unexpected and very tasty for them.

4. Do-it-yourself minor home repairs.

The ability to repair a cabinet door or attach a baseboard will be useful to many, since it is a shame to call a master on such trifles. The training will take place at home, since you can find a huge number of videos on the network explaining in detail how to carry out simple repairs. Heroism should not be shown even in case of serious breakdowns, it is better to contact a specialist.

5. No language anywhere.

One of the most useful skills of a modern person is fluency in foreign languages. It's never too late to learn, the main thing is to set a goal. There are many options for obtaining knowledge: special group courses, individual lessons with a tutor, self-study and online learning.

6. You need to be able to protect yourself.

Unfortunately, the crime rate is constantly growing and no one is safe from attack, so even minimal self-defense skills can save a life. You can learn simple tricks on your own by watching a video that talks about pain points and shows the technique, and if you want to hit the offender in full, then it's better to attend lessons from a trainer.

7. Learn the skills of a designer.

Of course, no one says that you need to devote your whole life to this, but everyone can know the general principles in decorating rooms and develop style skills in themselves. It is recommended to get acquainted with the main color types and combinations, to understand the main features of each style. With this minimal knowledge, you can transform your home and workplace.

8. Realize musical dreams.

We have long wanted to master the guitar or the piano, but there was simply no time for this, perhaps it has finally come, and it is worth making the idea a reality. The main thing is to buy an instrument, and you can practice at home using numerous training sites, programs and videos. There are people who teach private lessons on various instruments. A few lessons and you will be able to amaze your friends by playing your favorite instrument.

9. Subtleties of human psychology.

That's what will never be superfluous is the ability to understand and understand people and yourself. Thanks to this, you can build good friendships and love relationships, avoid set-ups and other problems. You can study psychology throughout your life by reading useful books.

10. Now only successful negotiations.

A very useful skill for people building their career or business. There are many useful books that will help you understand how to build relationships with people around you, how to negotiate in order to get benefits and not let others manipulate you.

We. Publishing house life

What You Can Learn in a Week: 24 Skills You Can Learn in 7 Days

Do you think seven days is too short a time to learn something new? I also thought so, until we gathered as a content landing and remembered what each of us managed to learn in a week. At least once. It turned out to be quite a list. Browse, choose activities to your liking and act, of course.

1. Learn the alphabet of a foreign language

By allocating 10-20 minutes every day to memorize and repeat the alphabet of a language - Swahili, French or Bulgarian - you can learn it by heart in a week.

2. Learn to play one song on the ukulele

Proven by Sergey Kaplichny. The ukulele is a Hawaiian musical instrument that resembles a small guitar. And it will be possible to master it even for someone who is far from music, but close to bears, who tend to step on the ears of anyone. You will play a simple melody in a week.

3. Talk about yourself in Spanish

And Tanya Burtseva put this in the "piggy bank of ideas". In just a week, she learned to talk to herself quite tolerably in Spanish: “Hi! How are you? My name is Tanya. I'm 29. I'm from Russia, and you? I like to travel and I really like to sleep. And I also have two cats.

Rather, yes. Hola. ¿Como estas? Me llamo Tanya. Tengo 29 anos. Soy de Russia. Y tu? Me gusta viajar y me gusta mucho dormir. Tengo dos gatos.

4. Make a real video.

If you didn't imagine yourself as a cameraman and video editor even in your wildest dreams, it's time to act. The impossible is possible - it's true. Completely unable - at first - to handle "movie makers" and other programs with no less terrible names, this year the videos were made Sergei Kaplichny , Larisa Parfentieva and Tanya Burtseva. Take ten minutes to see how cool they turned out.

5. Ride a bike without hands

Of course, if you know how to ride with your hands 🙂

6. Juggle

Helpful Hint: It will work only if you have it on hand good instruction.

7. Paint Gradient With Watercolor

Yulia Bayandina will soon be recognized in stores in Perm, where everything for creativity is sold. This year, she learned how to draw a gradient and a real rose beautifully (it didn’t turn out the way you wanted the first time, but a week is enough for you to learn how to draw flowers almost with your eyes closed).

8. Cook falafel

Since Sergei Kaplichny moved to Moscow, he has been organizing falafel parties on Thursdays (in fact, they have been in China and in Yekaterinburg), where a variety of - and very interesting - people come. Well, their name speaks for itself. Here is falafel made by SKaplichniy.

9. Run 15 minutes non-stop

Remember the physical education lessons at school? “Five laps around the stadium! Don't hide behind a pillar - I can see you. Forgot your uniform at home? Have you forgotten your head? Run in what you came! Even if you still wake up in a sweat from the cry of a physical teacher, this is no reason not to run. Just a week - and you can feel like an athlete with a capital "A", as Yulia Bayandina did.

Confirmation of what has been said 🙂

10. Make origami

The indefatigable Sergei Kaplichny - I suspect that his secret is in the Lifelist - said that origami can also be mastered. So think about what figure you want to fold out of paper, and get started.

11. Prepare a delicious cocktail

Or five cocktails. Take a shaker, Google and everything you need to eat (and “drink”) for cooking, and start the experiment.

12. Learn card tricks

Of course, one cannot become a Copperfield in a week, but one or two tricks can definitely be mastered.

13. Plank for two minutes

If you find it hard to tear yourself off the floor today, in a week you will do it once or twice. Particularly stubborn will master

14. Spin the hoop

There is nothing to explain here. We take a round object that can be climbed into and vigorously rotate the hips.

15. Ride a bike, scooter, skateboard, hoverboard

Who likes what. While summer (at least until there is no snow), you can work out.

16. Find a way to get rid of stress

Every day is a new way. So in a week you will definitely find one that works better than others. Here are a few articles to get inspiration from (and these very ways):

17. Keep a sleep schedule

Complaining about bad sleep? Follow the regimen for seven days, and you will, but wake up like a rested adult.

18. Plan a budget

Okay, at least get started. Of course, this will not turn into a habit in a week, but you will get used to writing down income and expenses. I’ve been doing this for three years already - it’s convenient: you see where the money goes, where you spent more than you should have, and in the next months you can adjust your spending. Download the application on your smartphone (try a few to understand which one you like best), think about the categories and write down everything, even a hundred rubles.

I can see at any time when and on what I spent the money.

I take out my phone right at the checkout in the store and write down the exact amount that the cashier calls. I usually have time to do this even before the money is debited from the card. It's faster than you think.

19. Become more confident in yourself ...

…if you pass . The seven-day challenge is another test of strength. Many MYTHs have been through Hell Week (check out the reports: one, two, and three), and I can say for myself: we are able to do much more and much cooler than we imagine. Every person has potential waiting to be unpacked. And Hell Week is the first step in that direction. Just be sure to get ready to get the most out of this difficult - really difficult - week (but it will leave impressions for a long time).

1. Master financial literacy
Apply the rules of working with money in your life. Learn how to start your own business and manage your money.

Read books first:

- Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
- Yuri Moroz "Business. Manual for geniuses";
— Robert Allen, Multiple Sources of Income.

2. Learn to think
There are special techniques of thinking. Learn them from books:
— Edward de Bongo;
— and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ).

3. Learn how human memory works
Read the book by Vladimir Kozarenko "Textbook of mnemonics". If you have children, then they will become excellent students in school simply by applying memorization techniques.

5. Master touch typing
Practice 2 weeks for 15 minutes a day with the Stamina program. And you can surprise your friends by touch typing. And most importantly - save yourself time in the future on typing.

6. Manage your dreams
By learning to control your dreams, you will open access to your creative abilities. Take the Lucid Dreaming in 7 Days course or read books on dreams. Lucid dreams are exciting adventures, they are like 3D films with your own participation.

7. Learn the Laws of Success
Successful people know things that others don't. There are secrets of success, applying which, you can achieve what you want. The most complete collection of working materials about success is collected in the collection "Magic of Success".

8. Work through your emotions. Manage sexual energy
The most important stage of development. It is unrealized emotions that create an obstacle in self-development.
Read books:
- Alexander Lowen "Psychology of the body";
- Stanislav Grof "Holotropic consciousness";
- Mantek Chia books.

What to teach a child, in addition to the school curriculum? What does he need in life to be successful? Just school knowledge is almost not useful, says psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya, author of the book "Education for Life" and a fierce critic of the school system. Her daughters are family educated, and the mother, a business coach, compiled for them a whole list of skills needed by a modern person. Here and speed reading, and Photoshop, and the skills of teaching and ... cleaning. In general, there is something to agree and argue with.

For me personally, the most important thing is the ability to work effectively with text, with information. The ability to extract the necessary thoughts from the flow, structure and process.

In second place is everything related to the computer and the Internet. In particular, a competent detailed search, work with sites, layout and other indispensable skills.

Well-developed communication and presentation skills are also important.

Where is all this taught?

There are many free tools out there. You yourself use them. With a little imagination, they can be adapted to the needs of children and included in the learning process.

Mind maps for the development of thinking. There are free services where children can structure each complex topic using a mind map. First, this approach develops systems thinking. Secondly, it facilitates the memorization and processing of a large amount of information. And then, it's just a good habit.

You can develop thinking, as my children do - on chess or in circles of logic games. Connect educational computer games (the main thing is to abandon them in time in favor of real life).

Working with a computer at a basic level. An indispensable skill for a modern person is blind ten-finger typing. And it's not even about the speed of recruitment, at 10-12 years old it's not very important. But while the child masters the skill of typing using the same "Keyboard Solo", he becomes more attentive, reduces the percentage of typos and missing letters. In addition, the basics of spelling are learned in a playful way.

The simplest programs and the basics of site building. This part of the interaction with the Internet will be appreciated by teenagers. So they will be able to blog, gain subscribers. At the same time, they will have to master working with website designers, at the simplest level - Photoshop, as well as other editors. And even get to know the basics of marketing, the creation of selling texts and viral copywriting.

Basics of negotiations. Both theory and practice are good in this direction. You can send your child to negotiation or public speaking training. Or you can entrust a child (at any age) to negotiate with the staff in a store or cafe. Life is the most demanding teacher.

Effective information handling skills. In this direction, there are many paid and free online simulators. I took a different path: I paid for speed reading courses (available for children from 7 years old), as well as memory and attention courses (from 10 years old).

Physical development of the child is not a skill, but I put it in that category. It is absolutely not necessary to give the child to professional sports. I was quite satisfied with the children's program in our sports center (swimming, water polo, gymnastics, dancing, karate, yoga, aerobics, gym for children), three times a week classes for the children's choice.

Now my daughters are interested in breakdancing, the eldest even began to win international competitions only six months after the start of classes. That is, the child gave her the sports training she needed.

It is too early for my children to undergo such training, but they are already looking through the materials of the seminars "Free Journalism", "Glossy Journalism", "Copywriting" and others. The eldest has already started writing fairy tales and stories, and I helped her make a website for publishing materials.

Teaching skill. It can be school subjects or hobbies. In any case, there are a lot of advantages in such employment:

  1. Deeper and more detailed knowledge. In order to teach someone, you yourself will have to dig much deeper than usual.
  2. There will be a need to clearly and systematically express your thoughts. And this trains both oratory skills and self-confidence.
  3. marketing approach. Already in adolescence, your child will learn to monetize their skills.

So encourage your child to run a free peer group. It's easy to organize them if you want. Or let him try himself in the role. This practice existed in pre-revolutionary Russia: high school students taught younger students.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​at a good conversational level. This is already a vital necessity (and not just a plus when entering a university): either you need to collect information from foreign sources, then read a book in the original, then orient yourself abroad ...

I came to the conclusion that a month of live communication with native speakers abroad is comparable to five years of studying a foreign language at school. Only being in a language environment will give knowledge of the language without tedious cramming.

However, a good baseline can provide:

  • computer programs;
  • cartoons and films with subtitles;
  • audio courses;
  • lightweight books with built-in translation.

Housekeeping and household skills I consider one of the most important. First of all, the ability to cook and clean. If a child is able to serve himself and even help around the house, this is good from all sides:

  • firstly, he feels like an adult, independent and more willing to take responsibility;
  • secondly, the burden on parents becomes less. You can always either ask the child to help, or make some of the housework his daily duties.

Special courses for children and teenagers can teach - for example, culinary or sewing and knitting. What if there are no required courses? For example, those where they would teach children how to clean, repair clothes or shoes, repair household appliances?

You can arrange a free internship for a teenager. Do you want your child to learn cleaning skills? Arrange for him an internship at a cleaning company! It's also a tricky skill. A professional cleaning lady manages to do the work for an untrained person all day in a minimum amount of time.

To get skills maintenance and simple repairs of equipment, send the boy for individual training to household appliances repairmen, to car mechanics in the garage, to builders, finishers. To the repairmen of clothes and shoes, finally! And you will find a hobby for a child, and save on specialized services.

I also want to draw the attention of parents to a number of abilities that either fade in children as they grow up, or do not develop at all if they are not practiced.

The ability to ask questions. The constant "why", "what for" and "how" is the natural, natural state of children. But as they grow older, this feature, which drives parents crazy when their child is four years old, disappears somewhere unnoticed.

Often the fault of the parents. If the child expects that instead of a detailed answer he will receive either an excuse or rudeness, he stops asking. But questions are the main way to gain knowledge.

Ability to independently solve problems. A person who knows how to break complex problems into simple ones, and then solve them one at a time, will cope with any job.

Want to develop this skill? Do not rush to help at the first call. It doesn't matter if it's about trying to put on pantyhose or solving a math problem. Of course, it is much easier to write an answer for the child and go back to your own business. Only in the end, a teenager gets used to shifting difficulties onto the shoulders of parents (that is, yours) or another adult. And it doesn't go away with age.

The habit of finishing what you start. Any action you take can be a small project. Explain to the child that if he undertook something, then it is important to finish it.

The ability to find a calling or a life's work. If you ask graduate students what they want to do in life, you will get sad answers. Most go to continue their education at the university chosen by their parents.

I am by no means saying that higher education is not necessary. It's just that education imposed by parents, or "whatever, if only higher", usually goes to waste along with the money and time invested in it.

If a child likes to do something, he will be able to do something really worthwhile out of any "non-prestigious" occupation. And you can be calm for his self-realization and harmony with himself.

Tolerance. The boundaries have been erased, and your child will not be able to interact normally with the world if, at the sight of a person who differs from him in race, religion, sexual orientation, social status, or who has any physical disabilities, he will fall into a stupor. We are all different, with our own views and characteristics, and in order to interact, people need to learn to accept and understand each other.

The ability to be a person. Sometimes it seems to me that over the seven decades of the Soviet Union, the skill of not standing out and being a gray mass was fixed at the genetic level. To remain unnoticed, not to stick out, to be like everyone else! Your "I" means nothing. The main thing is not to break away from the team.

At a certain age, a child has a completely natural desire to be like someone. But over time it passes. However, unfortunately, not everyone.

Here, the children have already bought a car from my employee, built a house and planted a tree! And you do nothing at all and it is not clear what you are doing!

You have to go to work! And you are sitting on the Internet or hanging around incomprehensible at meetings! Is this work? What will I tell people if they ask?

Such variants of parental statements are very common. It turns out that a person does not live his own life, but some "accepted in society." Yes, certain social norms must be observed (since we live in a society, and not in a dense forest), but completely adjusting your life to the opinion of the majority is not the best choice!