Winner of the international award named after Sergei Yesenin. Sergei Yesenin International Literary Prize

The geography of participants who applied for competitive works in 2017 is truly impressive - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, the Baltic countries, Belarus, Poland and Germany. The award for "Honor and Dignity" was awarded to the legendary sculptor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Selivanov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, author of the world-famous series of portraits and compositions about Sergei Yesenin. The soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater Artyom Makovsky became the winner in the "Song Word" nomination. He performed songs based on the verses of the great poet at the evening. Director Vladimir Parshikov (Voronezh) was awarded the prize in the nomination “Cinema. Theater. A television". Andrey Rumyantsev (Irkutsk) became the owner of the Big Prize this year. The host of the ceremony and co-chairman of the Jury of the competition, the well-known Moscow poet and publicist Dmitry Darin, separately noted an interesting trend in the Nomination for Criticism "Searching Look" - the second and third places in which participants from Belarus deserved this year. The Publishing Prize 2017 was awarded to Alexei Leonidovich Kazakov from Chelyabinsk, and the "Debut" was Eugene Onegin from Moscow.

Full list of 2017 Winners:

FOR HONOR AND Dignity - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Selivanov

SONG WORD - Artem Makovsky

DEBUT - Eugene Onegin (Moscow)

CINEMA. THEATER. TELEVISION — Vladimir Parshikov (Voronezh)

PUBLISHING HOUSE PROMOTING THE CREATIVITY OF SERGEI YESENIN – Alexey Leonidovich Kazakov "Alexey Kazakov and Comrades" (Chelyabinsk)


1st place - Andrey Rumyantsev (Irkutsk)

2nd place - Valery Domansky (St. Petersburg)

3rd place - Ekaterina Baranova (Pushkin, Moscow region)


1st place - Natalia Malinina (Yaroslavl)

2nd place - Lyudmila Bantserova (Ryazan)

3rd place - Andrey Medvedev (Zheleznodorzhny)


1st place - Sergey Pyatkin (Arzamas)

2nd place - Nina Kolenchikova (Minsk)

3rd place - Anna Evdokimova (Ryazan)

3rd place - Lyudmila Vorobieva (Minsk)


1st place - Ivan Droshnev (Ryazan)

2nd place - Evgeny Pozdnyakov (Khabarovsk)

3rd place - Alina Seregina (Moscow region)

Members of the JURY 2017: head of the Yesenin group of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky RAS Natalya Shubnikova Guseva; People's Artist of Russia actor Sergei Nikonenko; Honored Artist of Russia composer Vladimir Presnyakov senior; Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Viktor Kiryushin; Secretary of the Board of the Moscow Regional Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Creative Union of Cultural Workers Igor Vityuk, Chief Editor magazine "New Nemiga Literary" Minsk Anatoly Avrutin; member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Doctor of Sciences, poet, writer, publicist Dmitry Darin.

The International Prize named after Sergei Yesenin "Oh Rus', flap your wings ..." was established and held by the Writers' Union of Russia (URW) and the National Fund for the Development of Culture, Tourism and Crafts "Osiyannaya Rus" (NF "Osiyannaya Rus") since 2005 in the status of All-Russian and with 2010 in the status of International with the support of the Government Russian Federation, administrative and public organizations of the Russian Federation.

The Sergei Yesenin International Prize has become a traditional milestone event cultural life, which unites already recognized masters in the field of literature, music and art and still just beginners, but already objectively bright debutants - carrying a significant ideological orientation: increasing and recognizing interest in Russian culture, historical literary heritage all over the world where they write, speak and think in Russian.

Yesterday in the Writers' Union of Russia at 13, Komsomolsky, a solemn event was held for the presentation of the International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin "Oh, Rus', flap your wings."

Members of the Award Committee and some of the nominees for the award gathered in the Union Board room long before the event.

A press conference with journalists was scheduled for 17.30. But representatives of the Kultura TV channel interviewed the audience for so long that the start of the ceremony was a little delayed. While all this was going on, I sat down with Valery Alexandrovich Sukhov. We met and talked. Valery Ivanovich is a person who is passionate about Yesenin and poetry. He is a candidate philological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Methods of its Teaching, Penza State Pedagogical University named after Belinsky, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of the Governor's Prize Penza region for achievements in literature. Author of five collections of poems, poet, literary critic.

Valery Ivanovich spoke with enthusiasm about the conference dedicated to Yesenin, which he had just attended. He showed me collections of poems published in Penza, big book in hardcover, published on the materials of the conference. We talked with him about Yesenin, about Russian culture in general.

Valery Ivanovich stressed that rumors about her decline are greatly exaggerated. And books and his story about literary life in Penza is a vivid proof of this.

And the TV people at that time tried to interview Sergei Petrovich Kononenko, People's Artist of the RSFSR, film and theater actor, film director. In the film "Sing a Song, Poet", which was released in 1971, Sergei Petrovich played the role of Sergei Yesenin, one of his literary idols. And in 1994, Sergei Nikonenko founded the Eseninsky Cultural Center - the Museum of Sergei Yesenin.

TV people ran after Sergei Nikonenko and said: “We urgently need to interview you, we don’t have much time!” To which Nikonenko quite logically shouted: “What? You don't have much time!? I haven't received the award yet. I'll get it, then take an interview. And they don't have much time! You are for me, not I for you!”

Finally, a press conference began in which participated:

Boyarinov Vladimir Georgievich - Secretary of the Board of the MHO SP of Russia ( (

Gennady Ivanov - Chairman of the Prize Committee, First Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Darin Dmitry Alexandrovich - Chairman of the jury of the Prize named after Sergei Yesenin (

Zamshev Maxim Adolfovich - ( (

Nikiforova Natalya Vladimirovna - Executive Secretary of the Russian Literature (

We were sitting at round table with a green velvet surface and talked about the award. In the middle of the table is a bronze birch leaf with Yesenin's profile. Prize made by sculptor Grigory Pototsky.

Gennady Ivanov brought last year's prize. Bronze statue of Yesenin. I liked this year's prize more. He will have to live in the houses of poets. A Pototsky leaf will decorate the house and add warmth to it.

Finally, the cameras were removed and we moved into the hall. The awards have begun.
Dmitry Darin sat comfortably at a small table on the stage. Diplomas and birch leaves are on the table.

Dima said welcoming speech. Can. His speeches are always on fire. And the awards began.
The first was the nomination "Debut" Leaflet and the certificate was received by Olga Medelyan from Moscow. Each recipient was given the right to read one poem.
And the next number of the program was the nomination of Internet poetry.

Irina Polonina was the first to be awarded ( Happy Irina read the poem and left satisfied with a letter and a piece of paper.

Before awarding the second place, Dima somehow hesitated. And then he went up to the microphone and embarrassedly said that out of excitement he handed Irina a sculpture, which was awarded only to the first place. Irina is so lucky! They don't take things back. Therefore, the leaflet went to permanent place residence with Irina. And well deserved! She has wonderful poetry. Visitors to the Literary Lounge on the Arbat could be convinced of this. Last Sunday, Irina visited us for the first time, and she really liked it. Next Sunday we will congratulate her on her victory.

Second place went to Andrey Beniaminov ( from Pskov.
And the first is Gennady Bannikov (, Moscow.

Gennady did not read his poems, but said a few words into the microphone. He wished that there were more and more poets. For everyone to become poets. I picked up Gena's idea and talked about our site, which has more than 300 thousand poets. Hall gasped. Those who do not know about us gasped. But these are becoming less and less. In this Union of Writers, we talked about for the first time.

The widow of Stanislav Zolottsev ( Olga Nikolaevna Zolottseva was awarded a certificate of honor for Stanislav's contribution to literature.
Then there was the nomination “Hope of Russia”, I especially liked Alexey Shmelev from the awarded ones. I then talked to him. He is one of ours. From The page just didn't find it. Those that are under this name are clearly not his. Apparently, he is on the site under a pseudonym. She invited him to us, he will come, then we will find out where his poems lie.
Sergei Petrovich Nikonenko received the award in the Film, Theater and Television nomination. He read Yesenin's poem like that! Amazing. Bezrukov still needs to grow to such an understanding of Yesenin. Bravo! Yes, and he himself looks like Yesenin in age.

We sat in the front row side by side. He, I and Boyarinov. Nikonenko commented on what was happening with subtle humor. And he often said: “But ours are the best!” Vladimir Georgievich and I nodded in agreement: “Of course, the best!”

There were also songs with a guitar and beautiful poems.

But the performance of Voronov Valery, who received the Big Prize, I categorically did not like. When he finished reading his poem, the audience applauded. Two people in the front row did not clap. Me and Boyarinov. I think there were those in the hall. I really wanted to boo the speaker, but I understood: I have no right. This is my mistake too. I am a member of the Award Committee. It was necessary to approve the texts that will sound from the stage.

At my vicious whisper, peace-loving Boyarinov whispered: “Natasha, well, this oriental motifs
I respect the culture of the East and all religions. But… Everything has its time and place. In my understanding, the Sergei Yesenin Prize is designed to strengthen and glorify Russian culture.

At the last press conference, telling how the work of the selection jury went, I again misspoke and said: “Long list”. I corrected myself, long list.
Correspondents last year Nezavisimaya newspaper they turned to screaming when they put me in my place. “How can you call a long list a long list!” This, they say, is not respect for the Russian language and the entire Russian culture as a whole. I promised not to use that common term.

And now I exclaim: “How can you read poems about the burqa while receiving the award named after the great Russian poet!” I'm just angry. This is disrespect for Yesenin, and for all those present, and for the entire Russian culture as a whole. Yes, Yesenin wrote:

* * *
Shagane you are mine, Shagane!

About wavy rye in the moonlight.
Shagane you are mine, Shagane.

Because I'm from the north, or something,
That the moon is a hundred times bigger there,
No matter how beautiful Shiraz is,
It is no better than Ryazan expanses.
Because I'm from the north, or something.

I'm ready to tell you the field
I took this hair from the rye,
If you want, knit on your finger -
I don't feel any pain at all.
I'm ready to tell you the field.

About wavy rye in the moonlight
You can guess by my curls.
Darling, joke, smile
Do not wake up only the memory in me
About wavy rye in the moonlight.

Shagane you are mine, Shagane!
There, in the north, the girl too,
She looks a lot like you
Maybe he's thinking about me...
Shagane you are mine, Shagane.

Listen to the lines! He writes about Russia.

Of course, you can sing customs not peculiar to Rus', sing, probably, even the veil. BUT... This does not meet the conditions of the competition. And the poet had no right to read it from this scene. This is my personal opinion.

I think that the members of the Committee should also take into account next year make sure that Yesenin's spirit is really present in the works. And let's leave oriental motifs for the evenings Eastern poetry.

Let me remind you that the work was evaluated by a selection jury formed by a member of the Prize Committee Natalya Nikiforova and Editor-in-Chief of Dmitry Kravchuk. The selection jury included the following poets:

I express huge thanks members of the selection jury for the hard work done. The work was evaluated according to ten-point system. The jury members evaluated the works independently of each other. The results were summed up by members of the Prize Committee.

When speaking from the stage, I said that the Internet Poetry nomination is a bit illogical. The Internet is just another publishing opportunity, and fast publishing. And poetry is one for all.

But on the other hand, I am infinitely glad that such a nomination has appeared. And I express my gratitude to Dmitry Darin and Dmitry Kravchuk for the competition. Because there is still an opinion among the people that there are only graphomaniacs on the Internet. That there is no literature on the Internet at all, there are blogs. I heard this at a very respected conference, namely the International Forum "Popular Literature and modern society»(). Only professionals gathered at the Forum, And they believe that there is no literature at all on the Internet.

The nomination "Internet poetry" in such a respected competition proves to these smart people that it exists!

At the buffet table, the table of sticherians was the most numerous and cheerful. This is not all the winners went to the buffet. Irina Polonina was not there. And Dmitry Artis (, who was awarded in the "Big Prize" nomination. The photojournalist of Nezavisimaya Gazeta also preferred to sit with us. So look at the pictures in the news.

  • Award co-founder- all-Russian social organization Writers' Union of Russia.
  • Award co-founder- National Fund for the Development of Culture, Tourism and Crafts "OSIYANNAYA RUS" .

Dmitry Darin:

"To the legacy of the Russian magician poetic word given in Russia, thank God, great attention: held annually scientific conferences, papers are written and dissertations are defended, state meetings compositions. And there are quite a few awards named after our national poet. established them different organizations- from the Government of Moscow to, of course, the Ryazan authorities. Some of these awards have already died in the Bose, some are being awarded at the present time. However, the Sergei Yesenin Prize with the title “O Rus, flap your wings” stands out from this series. Firstly, its co-founder since 2005 is the Writers' Union of Russia - the only professional organization, which has almost century history. Secondly, since 2010, when the 115th anniversary of the great poet was celebrated, the literary award “O Rus, flap your wings” has become international. International, not so much by name, but by the fact of participation in it of applicants from the most different countries world - more than twenty in number. I, as the Co-Chairman of the Prize Committee and the Chairman of the Selection Jury, was incredibly happy with the expansion of the geography of participants, because, first of all, this confirms the depth of penetration of the Russian poetic word, Yesenin's word, and with it the Russian spiritual culture in our greedy and non-vegetarian times. - (From an interview with the portal, Moscow,.)

  • Award co-founder- National Fund for the Development of Culture and Tourism.
  • General partner - .
  • General partner- Socio-literary magazine "OSIYANNAYA Rus'".

"At a time when Yesenin was perceived almost exclusively as a village and peasant poet in his homeland, foreign critics felt especially keenly that the feeling of homeland in broad sense this word is the main one in his work. Reflecting on Yesenin's poem "Transfiguration" as a patriotic work, Pyotr Savitsky (Petronik) wrote back in 1921: "Never, perhaps, for the entire time of the existence of Russian poetry, from" The Tale of Igor's Campaign "to our days, idea Motherland, the idea of ​​Russia was not woven so closely into the lace and patterns of consonances and images ... The great spiritual mission of the national Russian poet of the 20th century is that he became a figure that united Russian literature split in two of the 20th century. Most clearly, this mission of Yesenin was defined in 1950 by Georgy Ivanov: “On the love of Yesenin<… >two poles of the Russian consciousness, distorted and fragmented by the revolution, converge, between which, it would seem, there is nothing in common.<… > Dead Yesenin succeeded in what no living person has succeeded in thirty-two years of Bolshevism. From the grave, he unites the Russian people with the sound of a Russian song…”. - (“Discourse of the Russian emigration about Yesenin”

Mysterious world, my ancient world,
You, like the wind, calmed down and sat down.
Here they squeezed the village by the neck
Stone arms of the highway.

So scared in the snow
There was a ringing horror...
Hello you my black doom,
I'm coming towards you! ...

(S. Yesenin)

On October 2, 2015, on the eve of the birthday of the great poet, in the reception hall of the Union of Writers of Russia, the solemn ceremony of presenting the International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin "Oh, Rus', flap your wings ..." was held, which traditionally opened with lines from the poem of the great poet.

The International Literary Award was co-founded by the Writers' Union of Russia on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. the main task this Prize - the search for the most talented and original poetic works, as well as critical works on Russian poetry in the context creative heritage Sergei Yesenin. The annual award contributes to the popularization of the song beginning, traditionally inherent in Russian poetry, to attracting public interest to classical and modern poetry, as well as maintaining the status of Russian literature in the global cultural space.

Submitted to the competition every year great amount works from different parts of the world: France, Israel, USA, CIS countries and many others. The prize "O Rus, flap your wings..." is awarded in the following nominations: "Searching Look" - criticism, "Song Word" - for singing songs based on Yesenin's poems, "Russian Hope" - for the talented works of young poets, "Publishing house that promotes creativity of Sergei Yesenin", "Honor and Dignity" - for a significant contribution to the service of Russian poetry, "Big Prize" - for a major poetic work or poetry collection.

An authoritative jury, which includes famous poets, journalists and other artists, choose the best authors, which are awarded with an elegant bronze statuette in the form of a leaf with the face of Sergei Yesenin showing through on it, and all nominees receive diplomas of the Competition. The members of the jury are faced with a difficult choice: every year more and more talented poets send their works, which speaks of the continuous development of Russian literature and poetry in particular.

This year there have been some changes in the list of nominations: due to the lack of strong and decent jobs, the Prize Committee decided not to present the award in the nomination "Internet Poetry". However, a new nomination appeared - Elena Zaslavskaya became the laureate of a special award. The poetess from Lugansk proved that no disagreements and conflicts can hinder the development of culture. In 2015, another new nomination was introduced - "Translations" - for the most artistic and complete translation into foreign language poetry of Sergei Yesenin. Vladimir Naniev from South Ossetia became a second-class diploma. First place went to Magomed Akhmedov from Dagestan.
A diploma for third place in the nomination "Russian Hope" was given to a young poet from Moscow, Anton Anosov. Mine creative way he started only about two years ago, but has already made notable progress. Honorary second Moscow poet Alexander Antipov received a place in this nomination. The Penza poet Mikhail Rudakov became the laureate of the award.

The author of the book "Sergey Yesenin: the origins of creativity" - Maxim Skorokhodov was awarded for the third place in the nomination "Criticism with a searching look".

The second place was shared by Peter Radechko, who wrote the book “Rehabilitated Yesenin” and Isakhan Iskhanly, the author of the work “It was not for nothing that his eyes blinked. Yesenin in Baku”, which describes the period of life and travel of Sergei Yesenin in Baku.

The first place was given to the researcher, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of World Literature Savchenko Tatyana Konstantinovna. The young poetess Anna Martynchenko from the city of Minsk became the winner in the nomination "Debut in Poetry". Andrey Frolov took the third place in the Big Prize nomination, Evgeny Yushin became the diplomat of the second degree. Andrey Popov became the laureate of the award.

The 15th anniversary awards ceremony dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin became special: the award participants showed that poetry is an integral part of our culture: it exists in music, books, cinema.

The international project "Yesenin JAZZ" was presented by the Feelin's jazz group.

Prizes jointly with Italian vocalist Boris Savoldelii. On Italian the poems of the great poet “Letter to mother”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” and others sounded. The statuette for the team's victory in the "Song Word" nomination was presented by the Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Presnyakov (old).

Boris Vasilyevich Shcherbakov, a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, became the laureate of the Cinema, Theater, Television award. People's Artist of Russia, laureate state prize USSR, who played the role of Yesenin in the one-man show "My Dear, Good" at the Moscow Art Theater. Bronze statuette presented to Boris Shcherbakov National artist Russia, laureate Lenin Komsomol, the first performer of the role of Sergei Yesenin in the cinema (Sing a song, poet, 1971), creator of Yeseninsky cultural center, actor Sergei Nikonenko.

At the end of the event, all laureates and nominees, together with the Feelin's jazz group, performed the traditional award anthem.