Why crying is good for the body. What happens if you cry too much? Bactericidal properties of tears

Do you think crying is good or bad? Actually, tears are positive manifestation human or negative? The first thing that can almost always be heard in response to such questions is that tears are bad. And think about it, because there are many things that are associated with tears in a positive way. Cry for joy, for example. Yes, and for the soul they take exactly those books over which you can cry. So is it good to cry?

Today there is an opinion that there is nothing good in tears. What good is crying, people say? After all, when you cry, you experience negative states. Longing, sadness, pain, disappointment - terrible, scary and unpleasant. Whether business to laugh - here it is good.

And you think so?

If yes, you are deeply mistaken! There is nothing more beautiful in a person than the ability to cry. Of course, only on condition that these tears are not a hysterical demand for attention to oneself, but a manifestation of love.

Tears play big role in the life of a visual person. In fact, through them he lives a more vibrant life.

Tears can be both good and bad.

If the film hooked him, if he sees injustice in the world, if grief happened, a visual man can and should cry, restrain his emotions in such cases - it’s more expensive for himself!

Tears relieve painful conditions

Tears are given to the visual person by nature. He experiences tragedies in life more acutely, such as death. loved one or breaking up with a loved one. The emotions that scream in him at such a moment are very negative. And the only way to remove them is with tears.
Crying in difficult moments of life is an opportunity to remove negative state, get off one's chest. Therefore, it is recommended to cry in moments of grief and longing.

Don't hold back your tears love, compassion, kindness, sadness, do not be shy about them - there is nothing better for a visual person than to cry.
Do not be afraid to be ugly - it manifests itself in tears true warmth and kindness visual person.
Never give up the desire to cry in difficult moments life. Cry out loud, cry with emotion, cry sincerely. And tomorrow you will be able to feel how much easier it has become for you to live and how much the world is brighter.
Tears- this is a kind of cleansing, for example, having cried, you can forgive past grievances, part with the past, which is too pressing, and so on.

Dislike for the term "weaker sex" in last years takes root almost all over the world. There is a tendency to deny in every possible way that women are beings, for the most part, refined and prone to a vivid manifestation of emotions. One of the manifestations is crying. Whether tears are useful or not is not an easy question. Both girls and boys are weaned from crying literally from childhood. What to say about adults. But maybe crying isn't shameful, at least in certain situations?

The benefits of tears: is it

This issue can be approached with different points vision. The opinion of physiologists is especially interesting and revealing, although the psychological aspect of crying is also worth considering in order to better plunge into this area. Let's figure out whether it is useful for a woman to cry, according to physiological and psychological reasons. Both components have important points, knowledge of which will allow more accurate and complete conclusions.

Physiological benefits of crying

Tears themselves are secretions that form in the tear ducts and carry mainly protective function. That's why physiological process crying is incredibly important. The benefit from it in this case can be such.

  1. Removal of contaminants. The appearance of tears is quite natural in the event that the eye is "littered". Any grain of sand, a speck of dust, a small insect is much easier and faster to be removed from the eye along with tears. This is a natural mechanism that helps keep the organs of vision in good condition.
  2. Extra hydration. Drying up of the eyeball is a very dangerous situation, from which tears just perfectly protect. The tear fluid envelops the eyes, moistens them, protects them from dryness and discomfort. The appearance of tears can be a reaction to exposure to chemicals that can harm the eyes.
  3. Disinfection. Tears have a bactericidal quality, thanks to which the eyes can be protected from infections, viruses, bacteria, and so on. Of course, they are not completely destroyed. But their negative impact on contact with the lacrimal fluid is significantly reduced.
  4. Elimination of toxins. Together with tears, various toxic components accumulated in the body are also excreted. In principle, almost all body secretions play important role in detox. Tears are no exception.
  5. Raising the pain threshold. Highly interesting feature executioner, which is usually forgotten. Studies show that when a woman cries, her pain threshold rises. It becomes possible to endure pain more steadfastly, regardless of its nature and origin. And we are talking about pain associated not only with the eyes. It doesn't matter where the pain is located. Its effect will still not be so pronounced.

With the physiological benefits of crying, everything is clear. There can be no more questions here. It is possible and necessary to cry in order to maintain health and normal well-being. How about with psychological aspect? It is no less important, and therefore needs additional consideration.

Psychological benefits of crying

To understand how tears and psychology are connected, it is worth first looking at what psycho-emotional processes crying can be caused by. Usually this is a situation of grief, strong emotional shock or bright joy. In all these cases, tears may appear, especially in women, whose emotionality is objectively more pronounced than in men. What is the benefit in this case? Here are at least the main important points.

It turns out that with psychological point view of crying is really helpful. Which is nice, crying woman will not be condemned. Therefore, you can safely use such weapons in order to maintain health, and facilitate relationships with others, and get rid of overwhelming duties.

Crying is good if not often

There can be no doubt that crying is useful for a woman, and in some cases very effective. I just wanted to remind you that you always need to know the measure. Often it is impossible to use crying to achieve any goals. At least in the presence of the same people. After all, sooner or later this way of influencing or even manipulating magical powers will lose. But occasionally it is quite possible to shed a tear, to pity, to get close to someone through crying.

Why does a person need tears and why do we cry? When is crying good and when is it bad?

That big boys or girls don't cry is a well-established idea and a popular saying, but it can also be the other way around. Shedding tears can be very healthy, especially if you are feeling deep pain, sadness, anger, or tension.

Tears heal

According to statistics, adult men cry 7 times less than women, and 5-6 times more likely to suffer from disorders caused by. What’s more, people who can’t cry at all—doctors call this condition “dry eye disease”—are more likely to suffer from skin and eye diseases and are less able to tolerate stress. Even with minor stress, they have excessive salivation.

This only confirms the fallacy of the notion that tears are a sign of weakness. In fact, tears are constantly produced by the lacrimal glands, and every time we blink, the surface of the eyeball is moistened with a thin layer of tears. In this way, the eyes are protected from dust and specks, strong wind and others external factors. - the first and main function of tears.

Pain and tears

Another function of tears is a reaction to physical injury and pain. When we experience severe pain, substances similar to morphine appear in the composition of tears. In this case, tears can relieve pain and contribute. In clinics and laboratories different countries were carried out numerous experiments, confirming this property of tears that occur in response to pain and physical injury.

Emotions and tears

Tears are not only mechanical, but also emotional. It is also known that along with tears, a certain amount of catecholamines, substances that stimulate stress, are excreted from the body. These substances are most dangerous for a young body, so children cry more often than adults. Yes, natural defense mechanism protects the child's, not yet formed, psyche.

The main benefit of emotional crying is the ability to relieve stress. Moreover, a sense of relief comes more often to those people who cry over an already resolved problem. Crying before a big decision is not helpful and may even make you feel worse.

Tears of happiness

As you know, we cry not only because of, but also “from happiness” and tenderness. Such tears can be shed when watching movies, when meeting people close to us after a long separation, after a loved one recovers from a serious illness ... There can be many reasons for tears “of happiness”. The basis of these tears is emotional relaxation, removal of past overexcitation, liberation from feelings such as anxiety, fear, sadness, and so on.

With whom and where can you cry?

“It is useful to be able to properly deal with your emotions, so that it brings relief, and corresponds to the situation in which the person is. The ability to share emotions with another person also plays a role.says psychologist E.Yu. Kolyada. A pattern has been established - relief after crying is experienced by those people who, in addition to releasing emotions, also find support from others or receive it out of sympathy.

Therefore, if you are a crybaby, it is very important on the shoulder of a friend who will understand, support and not judge. When your consciousness narrows, you may not think that later you may be ashamed in front of people who have witnessed your tearful outpourings. However, when you calm down, you can realize that your behavior characterizes you as a person who does not know how to control himself, which, of course, is not a plus. So, if you want to cry at work or in the company of people in front of whom you may later be ashamed, try not to burst into tears in front of them, cry in the restroom.

When crying won't help

Crying is unlikely to help you if you are constantly depressed. People with clinical depression or anxiety disorders rarely feel better after crying. If you are one of them, and after crying you only get worse, you should consult a doctor in order to help you improve your emotional state. Once you find ways to control your depression, your quality of life will improve and life will take on new meaning.

Tatyana Zhilkina

Many people have heard that crying is good for you. This hypothesis has been repeatedly confirmed by scientifically proven facts. The main function of tears is - they allow a person to see.

Literally. Tears moisturize the eyeballs and eyelids, prevent dehydration of various mucous membranes. Lack of lubrication means no vision. Writes Jerry Bergman: "Without tears, life would be radically different for people, and vision would be completely lost."

Human's own antibacterial and antiviral agent, these are tears, they have many positive functions:

  • fights off all microbes;
  • protects against harmful effects computer, smartphone and TV;
  • helps to remove foreign objects that interfere with vision and much more.

Crying is useful in various stressful situations. In this case, this function helps to relieve stress. People crying during nervous tension feel much lighter. Them emotional health higher, it is easier for them to survive all the difficult moments in life.

Biochemist William Frey, who studied this function body, discovered that emotional tears—those that occur in distress or grief—contain more toxic by-products than tears of irritation. They remove toxins from the body, accumulated due to stress. They are similar to natural therapy or a massage session.

Answering the question as to whether it is good to cry when stressed? The answer is yes, crying is quite useful and helps to restore emotional and physical health person.

The opinion of doctors about crying

Experienced psychologists explain in detail why it is good to cry. Their explanations give a clear picture of what the usefulness of this emotion is and how it affects general state person. Scientists say that tears in people arose as a tool of self-defense.

They moisturize the mucosa and are used as a means of survival. Evolutionary biologist Oren Hasson suggested that humans use tears to show others that they are vulnerable.

When most people see a crying face, they are tempted to ask what is wrong, offer help or empathy. Emotional tears are indicative of a person's willingness to trust and become connected to supportive communities.

Men have this kind of emotion. At this moment they open their inner world and release negative emotions. Is it good to cry? The answer is yes, it should be done at least occasionally. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing psychological disorders and serious stress. It is important to always remember this, and try to periodically show such emotions.

And this can be done without anyone's presence.

What are the benefits of tears for a person?

It makes 9 out of 10 people feel lighter, reduces stress, and may help keep the body healthy. This kind emotional discharge- free, available to almost everyone, and has no known side effects except for red eyes and liquid makeup.

Crying is not itself

th the best remedy for antistress, but latest research show that it is very effective in healing, and that it improves the mood of 88.8% of the respondents, and only 8.4% feel worse. So useful that the researchers suggest that anyone who finds themselves in a difficult life situation, you should cry well and they will feel better, this activity is useful for women.

Laughter and anger have their benefits. Laughter has been shown to promote:

  • healing;
  • increased blood flow;
  • lower levels of stress hormones;
  • boosting the immune system.

But what useful tears? Emotional tears come from the same lacrimal glands that produce a fluid that forms a protective film over eyeballs. As a result, the organ gets the opportunity to get rid of irritants, releases excess fluid when the eye becomes irritated or a foreign body enters it.

Therefore, if a girl suddenly burst into tears, you should not immediately be scared, maybe a mote got into her eye.

The value of crying for the emotional state of a person

The phenomenon supports the so-called recovery theory that emotional tears and their contents are one way to bring the body back into balance after stressful event. Concentration chemical substances harmful to a person increases during times of emotional stress, and can be removed from the body with the help of tears. That is, when a person cries in difficult situations for him, he frees his body from harmful toxins and emotions. Since unavoidable stress can increase the risk of a heart attack and damage certain areas human brain, the ability of people to cry has a survival value.

Other evidence supports the theory. Emotional tears have been shown to be more high levels certain proteins, manganese and potassium, and hormones, including prolactin, than simple tearing due to an object in the eye or irritation. Manganese is important nutrient, and prevents slow blood clotting, skin problems, and lowering cholesterol levels. Potassium is involved in nervous work, muscle control and blood pressure.

Prolactin is a hormone involved in stress and plays a role in immune system and other bodily functions. His involvement in tears may help explain why women cry more than men.

Women have more prolactin than men, and levels rise during pregnancy, when the frequency of crying among women increases significantly.

Most people's opinion about crying

Is crying bad or good? There are many more useful properties, especially in stress and various emotional situations. It is important to note that crying is also useful during pleasant moments. In this case, it has practically the same useful properties that and tears caused by stress.

There have been claims that crying can reduce pain, although there is little research in this area.

The counter-theory is that tears don't do much to help the body recover from whatever caused them. This increases arousal to stimulate behavior that can help avoid the threat. In support of this theory, studies show that skin sensitivity increases during and after crying, and breathing deepens.

A study done at Tilburg University in the Netherlands shows that both men and women will provide more emotional support for someone who cries, although they are less positive about someone who is crying.

Another study found that men liked it best when they cried, and women when they didn't. The results support the theory that crying is an attachment behavior designed to get help from others.

Crying has received so many negative characteristics that it can be difficult to accept the fact that it has a lot of positive aspects. This article sheds light on the benefits of crying.

Who says crying is bad for your health? So much has been said about the positive effects of laughter that people tend to associate crying solely with negativity. The fact that tears are caused by negative emotions does not mean that they are exclusively Negative influence.

As studies have found, crying can also be good for your health . Although the positive aspects of this emotional manifestation no more than those associated with laughter, they certainly cannot be ignored. So if you feel like crying after a sad event, don't hold back those tears of sadness. Holding back emotions can actually be harmful. Crying allows you to release emotions and relieve tension. It can really help relieve stress, beat depression, and lift your spirits.

health benefits of crying

  • stress reduction

Crying can be good for releasing emotional stress, which is considered to be the main trigger in the development of heart problems, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. In a 15-year study on human tears conducted at the University of Minnesota led by Dr. William Frey, it was noted that crying helps clear the body of chemicals/hormones that are formed under stress. Some of the main stress hormones are eliminated from the body through tears. The researchers, however, noted that crying associated with cutting onions is not effective in reducing stress. The study showed that tears caused by grief, sadness or resentment have a high content of protein-based hormones and adrenocorticotropic hormone. All of these hormones are normally secreted in response to stress. It is for this reason that people, after grief and emotional pain tend to feel better after crying. Also, while we are crying, we tend to deep breaths, which also contributes
fight stress.

  • Improves mood

In addition to relieving stress, crying can also help improve your mood. In a study published in the Journal of Social and clinical psychology observed the effects as well as the causes of this display of emotion. Happy tears after any achievement provided the maximum improvement in mood. An increase in mood was also observed in the presence of someone who could console. Similar expression reflecting on your feelings after a personal loss can help you deal with the situation so you can feel better afterwards.

Another theory proposed by scientists refers to the connection between crying and low level magnesium. It has been noted that too much manganese in the body can cause a negative effect on mood, which manifests itself in the form of nervousness and emotional disturbances. However, since tears contain a significant amount of manganese, crying can lead to low levels of magnesium, which can positive influence on the mood.

  • Expression of emotions

It is believed that negative emotions, if accumulated, can cause mental disorders such as depression . Crying helps express these deep emotions, which helps you feel better. containment negative emotions can also cause wide range chronic diseases including diabetes and arthritis. So, letting go of this emotional burden through crying is very important for overall well-being.

  • Synthesis of endorphins

Apart from exercise and laughter, even crying promotes the synthesis of endorphins - chemicals that give a feeling of euphoria. Endorphins also have pain-relieving properties that is, they prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. This means that the endorphins associated with crying may also help relieve physical pain. So if you feel like crying after a traumatic experience, don't be shy.

  • washes your eyes

Studies of human tears have shown that they contain lysozyme, an enzyme that is well known for its antibacterial properties. The enzyme destroys the bacterial wall, which is necessary for their survival. It is the antimicrobial property of human tears helps stop bacteria that can cause eye infections. Besides, reflex tears, which occur after exposure to smoke, dust and onions really help protect the eyes from damage, and avoid injury from these irritants.

  • Removes toxins

Emotional tears that arise from sadness are full of toxic chemicals, as found in one study. With the help of crying, the excess of these toxic substances is excreted from the body, which contributes to the improvement of the general condition.

  • Lowers blood pressure

It should be noted that crying lowers blood pressure. Clearing negative emotions makes us feel better, which helps lower blood pressure and heart rate. In addition to the decline blood pressure, tears also help in lowering the heart rate.

While crying has its benefits, you don't have to bring yourself to tears every now and then. Only when you find that you are no longer able to carry the burden of emotional pain, especially after traumatic episodes, you just need to cry out.

Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.

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