The story of the solar planet. Planets of our solar system

This short note presents material on the topic: the solar system for children. In a simple and understandable language, we described the solar system, the planets that are in it, and many other interesting things.

There are many objects in the Universe, including planets and satellites, stars and systems, as well as galaxies. The solar system, in which our planet Earth is located, is also full of both planets, satellites, and asteroids, comets, and many other interesting objects. To date, scientists suggest that our solar system was formed from a giant cloud of gas and dust. It has 8 planets, which are divided into 2 groups - the inner planets (they are also terrestrial planets). This group includes Mercury, Venus, Earth (the third planet from the Sun) and Mars. And the outer planets or gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Between these two groups lies the asteroid belt. And behind the gas giants are trans-Neptunian objects. The largest of which is Pluto. Previously, Pluto was considered an ordinary planet, but now it is ranked among the dwarf planets and at the same time the largest object in the Kuiper belt.

The Kuiper belt is similar to the asteroid belt, but differs in that it is 20 times wider than it, as well as in its composition.

solar system

How to remember the planets and their order?

Short mnemonic phrases, they are also mnemonics, facilitate the memorization of various information by forming artificial associations.

On this page we have collected memoirs of the planets of the solar system for children, which will facilitate this, at times, not an easy task. The only caveat is that when they came up with Pluto, they attributed it to the planets, and therefore it is present in almost all memos. And as we know, since 2006, Pluto has been considered a dwarf planet, and now, when memorizing, it can be omitted.

Memoirs of the planets of the solar system

You can remember the order of the planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) by the first letters of the words M-Mercury V-Venus Z-Earth M-Mars S-Jupiter S-Saturn U-Uranus N-Neptune P-Pluto in phrases:

  • After all, we know - Yulia's mother sat on pills in the morning!
  • Teddy Bear Bitten Raspberry Ham, Nimble Gopher Dragged Pen Knife.
  • Frosty Evening Climbed Young's Mast Aiming To See An Unfamiliar Port.
  • Mom Always Forbade Me Young Pathfinder to Know the Names of the Planets.
  • The Sea Wolf Tortured the Young Jung, Completely Tired the Unfortunate Guy.
  • We'll Meet Tomorrow, My Young Companion, At The New Planet.
  • Wise Sorceress Golden-domed Fashionista of the Southern Countries Takes a great interest in the Newest Poetry.
  • We All Know: Many Young Woodchucks Learn the Names of the Planets.
  • It is possible to Fly Beyond Mars, Turning Jewelery at Our Planet.
  • Mom Cooks Strawberry Juice, And The Young Son Is No Longer Crying.
  • Venya measured the Earth with a Marusina Skirt, Satin and Uranium, He is an unlucky rogue.
  • A grim venereal disease can briskly strike a tired nymphomaniac.
  • Least Notice Mary of the Southern Sun Smile on the Beach.
  • Slowly Carries the Earth Little Peter; The garden is decorated with Unbreakable Plafonds (the mnemonic of the planets by Alexei Golovnin).
  • Dreaming of Getting Married, Little Skirt Remove - Smile Must and Kiss.

Remembering the order of the planets with the asteroid belt

Masha with a Venik Chalk Land, And Yura Sat By the Spider's Hole.
That is, the letter “A” was added in this phrase - the Asteroid belt.

Memorization of the planets from the most distant planet (Pluto) to the closest (Mercury) to the Sun

Planets It is not difficult to Remember the Youngest Kid, Knowing Venus, Mercury.

Poems for remembering the planets

Between the wolves the hare rushed about,
slipped, stumbled, fell -
didn't get up.

All the planets in order
Call any of us.
One Mercury, two Venus,
three Earth, four Mars.
Five Jupiters, six Saturns,
Seven Uranus followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row
and quite later
and a ninth planet called Pluto

An astrologer lived on the moon
He kept a record of the planets:
MERCURY - once,
VENUS - two-s,
Three is EARTH
Four - MARS,
Seven is Uranus
Eight is NEPTUNE
Nine is the farthest PLUTO
Who does not see - get out!

Memory verse for 8 planets without Pluto

Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,
Three is Earth, four is Mars,
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune

Blank verse for memorizing the order of the planets

It is not enough to measure the age of the earth
the youth of the garden is wretched
no fruits

Other ways to remember the order of the planets of the solar system for children and adults

Another way to remember the order of the planets is to compare with other but similar words and make sentences using them.
For example: Fading (Mercury) my friend Venus (Venus) on Earth (Earth). Because she ate Mars (Mars), which was lying on a music stand (Jupiter), and threw the wrapper into a full, that is, a full urn (Saturn), after shouting "Hurrah" (Uranus). And not a vocational school (Neptune), but she graduated from the institute, later escaping with some rogue (Pluto).

Between the two gods with the letter M: Mercury and Mars are 2 women: Venus and Earth. Behind the god Mars is his father - Jupiter. Behind the supreme god Jupiter is a planet unique in its rings - Saturn. In the name Saturn, both Saturn (SAT) and the subsequent planets: Uranus (UR) and Neptune (N) are encrypted. Following them, Pluto is not a planet, but looks like Pluto's dog, looking in bewilderment at the pantheon of Greek gods in front of him.

Acronyms for remembering the planets

Another way to learn the order of the planets is to use an acronym - that is, an abbreviation that is formed by the first sounds of words in a phrase. That is, this is a word that can be pronounced together, while it is an abbreviation. To memorize the planets, you can remember the acronym: MeVeZeMa YUSUNP.

Do you also know any interesting memos or original ways to memorize the planets of the solar system? Write them in the comments.

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center of the solar system, a hot star, the Sun, shines brightly. Eight major planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the Sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth, it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are farther away, a complete revolution can be several Earth years. The planets also rotate on their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the solar system


A bright star at the center of the solar system. The sun, like a hot fireball, distributes heat to its nearest planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are farther from Mars are very cold, because the warm rays almost do not reach them. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, very convenient for the appearance and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun on one side. Therefore, it is very hot on one side of Mercury and very cold on the other.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it is such an air shell. Only unlike our earthly one, it does not consist of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. There are no plants, no animals, no bacteria.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is our common home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of the planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which there is a huge amount of oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history, and from here we observe other planets and stars. And the planet Earth also has a little girlfriend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Red small planet, fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are always looking for it, because once there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened, and the water disappeared. This mystery is yet to be unraveled.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made up of gas and is called a gas giant. Storms and whirlwinds of winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, very quickly rotates around its axis, like a top.


A beautiful and unusual planet, the sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is a ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, but in fact it is not a solid disk, but thousands upon thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


A mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which, for unknown reasons, lies on its side and rotates in a completely different way than other planets. Uranus has an unusual blue color and looks like a round ball with a flat surface.


The icy, very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays hardly reach the surface of this blue planet. The strongest winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, it is very cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small for the title of a planet and it is now called a dwarf planet and they are not allowed to adult planets with a name. Maybe Pluto is still quite a baby and he just needs to grow up)


In ancient times, people knew only five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, only they can be seen with the naked eye.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered with telescopes in 1781, 1846 and 1930. For a long time, astronomers studied the planets by observing them from Earth. They determined that all the planets, except Pluto, move in circular orbits in the same plane and in the same direction, calculated the size of the planets and their distances from the Sun, formed their own idea of ​​​​the structure of the planets, even suggested that Venus and Mars could be similar to Earth, and there may be life on them.

The launch of automatic space stations to the planets made it possible to significantly expand, and in many respects to revise, ideas about the planets: it became possible to see photographs of the surface, to explore the soil and atmosphere of the planets.


Mercury is a small planet, slightly larger than the Moon. Its surface is also littered with meteorite impact craters. No geological processes have erased these dents from his face. Inside Mercury is cold. Around the Sun, it moves faster than other planets, and around its axis very slowly. Having circled the Sun twice, Mercury only has time to turn around its axis three times. Because of this, the temperature on the sunny side of the planet exceeds 300 degrees, and on the unlit side, darkness and severe cold reign. Mercury has almost no atmosphere.


Exploring Venus is not easy. It is enveloped in a thick layer of clouds, and under this serene exterior hides a real hell, the pressure exceeds the earth's by a hundred times, the temperature on the surface is about 500 degrees, which is caused by the "greenhouse effect". The Soviet automatic station "Venera - 9" for the first time managed to transmit to Earth images of a surface filled with lava and covered with stones. Under the conditions of Venus, the apparatus lowered to the surface of the planet quickly fails, so American scientists decided to obtain data on the relief of the planet in a different way.

The automatic station "Magellan", flying around Venus many times, probed the planet with a radar, as a result, a comprehensive picture of the surface was obtained. In some places, the relief of Venus is similar to the earth, but, in general, the landscapes are strange: high mountainous round areas surrounded by mountain ranges 250-300 km across, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is occupied by volcanoes; other volcanic formations resemble cakes with steep edges and a flat crown. The surface of the planet is carved with channels that have been carved by lava. Traces of active volcanic activity are visible everywhere. Meteor craters on the surface of Venus are distributed evenly, which means that its surface took shape at the same time. Scientists cannot explain how this could happen, Venus seemed to boil and was flooded with lava. Now volcanic activity on the planet is not detected.

The atmosphere of Venus is not at all similar to the earth's, it mainly consists of carbon dioxide. The thickness of the gaseous shell of Venus, in comparison with the earth, is monstrously large. The layer of clouds reaches 20 km. They found the presence of a concentrated aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. Sunlight does not reach the surface of Venus, twilight reigns there, it is raining sulfur, the landscape is constantly illuminated by flashes of lightning. High in the atmosphere of the planet, constant winds rage that drive clouds at great speed, the upper layer of the Venusian atmosphere makes a complete revolution around the planet within four Earth days. The solid body of Venus, on the contrary, rotates around its axis very slowly and in a different direction than all the other planets. Venus has no satellites.


In the 20th century, the planet Mars was chosen by science fiction writers; in their novels, the Martian civilization was incomparably higher than the earthly one. The mysterious inaccessible Mars began to reveal its secrets when Soviet and American automatic spacecraft began to be sent to study it.

The Mariner-9 station, revolving around Mars, took pictures of all parts of the planet, which made it possible to create a detailed map of the surface topography. Researchers have discovered traces of active geological processes on the planet: huge volcanoes, the largest of them, Olympus, 25 km high, and a huge fault in the Martian crust, called the Mariner Valley, which crosses an eighth of the planet.

Gigantic structures grew in the same place for billions of years, unlike the Earth with its drifting continents, the surface of Mars did not move. The geological structures of the Earth, in comparison with the Martian ones, are dwarfs. Are volcanoes active on Mars now? Scientists believe that geological activity on the planet is obviously a thing of the past.

Among the Martian landscapes, reddish rocky deserts predominate. Light transparent clouds float above them in the pink sky. The sky turns blue at sunset. The atmosphere of Mars is very rarefied. Every few years there are dust storms that capture almost the entire surface of the planet. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours 37 minutes, the inclination of the axis of rotation of Mars to the plane of the orbit is almost the same as that of the Earth, so the change of seasons on Mars is quite consistent with the change of seasons on Earth. The planet is poorly heated by the Sun, so the temperature of its surface, even in a summer day, does not exceed 0 degrees, and in winter, frozen carbon dioxide settles on the stones from a fierce cold, and the Polar Caps also mainly consist of it. No traces of life have yet been found.

From Earth, Mars is seen as a reddish star, which is probably why it bears the name of the god of war, Mars. Two of his satellites were named Phobos and Deimos, which in ancient Greek means "fear" and "horror". The satellites of Mars are space "rocks" of irregular shape. Phobos is 18km x 22km and Deimos is 10km x 16km.

The planets are giants.

In 1977, American scientists and engineers launched an automatic interplanetary station towards Jupiter as part of the Voyager program. Once every 175 years, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are located in such a way relative to the Earth that a launched spacecraft can examine all these planets in one flight. Scientists have calculated that under certain conditions, the spacecraft, flying up to the planet, falls into the gravitational sling, the planet itself sends the apparatus further to another planet. The calculations turned out to be correct. Earthlings were able to see these distant planets and their satellites through the "eyes" of space robots, unique information was transmitted to Earth.


Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It has no solid surface and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Due to the high speed of rotation around its axis, it is noticeably compressed at the poles. Jupiter has a huge magnetic field, if it became visible, then from the Earth it would look the size of the solar disk.

In the photographs, scientists were able to see only clouds in the planet's atmosphere, which create stripes parallel to the equator. But they moved with great speed, whimsically changing their outlines. Numerous whirlwinds, auroras and flashes of lightning have been recorded in Jupiter's cloud cover. On the planet, the wind speed reaches one hundred kilometers per hour. The most amazing formation in the atmosphere of Jupiter is a large red spot 3 times the size of the Earth. Astronomers have been observing it since the 17th century. It is possible that this is the tip of a gigantic tornado. Jupiter releases more energy than it receives from the Sun. Scientists believe that in the center of the planet, gases are compressed to the state of a metallic liquid. This hot core is the power plant that generates winds and a monstrous magnetic field.

But the main surprises for scientists were presented not by Jupiter itself, but by its satellites.

Satellites of Jupiter.

There are 16 known moons of Jupiter. The largest of them, Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede, were discovered by Galileo, they are visible even with strong binoculars. It was believed that the satellites of all planets are like the moon - they are cold and lifeless. But Jupiter's moons surprised researchers.

And about- the size of the moon, but this is the first celestial body, except for the Earth, on which active volcanoes were discovered. Io is covered in volcanoes. Its surface is washed by multi-colored lava flows, volcanoes emit sulfur. But what is the reason for the active volcanic activity of such a small cosmic body? Rotating around the huge Jupiter, Io either approaches it or moves away.

Under the influence of either increasing or decreasing gravitational force, Io either contracts or expands. Friction forces heated its inner layers to an enormous temperature. Io's volcanic activity is incredible, its surface is changing before our eyes. Io moves in Jupiter's powerful magnetic field, so it builds up a huge electrical charge that discharges onto Jupiter in a continuous stream of lightning, causing storms on the planet.

Europe has a relatively smooth surface, virtually without relief. It is covered with a layer of ice, it is likely that the ocean is hiding under it. Instead of molten rocks, water oozes from cracks here. This is a completely new kind of geological activity.

Ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system. Its dimensions are almost the same as those of Mercury.

Callisto dark and cold, its surface pitted with meteorite craters has not changed for billions of years.


Saturn, like Jupiter, does not have a solid surface - it is a gas giant planet. It also consists of hydrogen and helium, but it is colder, since it produces less heat itself and receives less from the Sun. But on Saturn the winds are faster than on Jupiter. Stripes, vortices and other formations are observed in the atmosphere of Saturn, but they are short-lived and irregular.

Naturally, the attention of scientists was directed to the rings that surround the planet's equator. They were discovered by astronomers in the 17th century, since then scientists have been trying to understand what they are. Photos of the rings, transmitted to earth by an automatic space station, surprised the researchers. They managed to identify several hundred nested rings, some intertwined with each other, dark stripes were found on the rings that appeared and disappeared, they were called knitting needles. Scientists were able to see the rings of Saturn from a fairly close distance, but they had more questions than answers.

In addition to the rings, 15 satellites move around Saturn. The largest of them - Titan is slightly smaller than Mercury. The dense atmosphere of Titan is much thicker than Earth's and almost entirely composed of nitrogen, it did not allow to see the surface of the satellite, but scientists suggest that the internal structure of Titan is similar to the structure of the Earth. The temperature at its surface is below minus 200 degrees.


Uranus differs from all other planets in that its axis of rotation lies almost in the plane of its orbit, all the planets look like a toy top, and Uranus rotates as if "lying on its side." Voyager managed to "see" little in the atmosphere of Uranus, the planet outwardly turned out to be very monotonous. There are 5 satellites around Uranus.


It took Voyager 12 years to reach Neptune. How surprised scientists were when they saw a planet very similar to Earth on the outskirts of the solar system. It was deep blue in color, white clouds were moving in different directions in the atmosphere. Winds on Neptune blow much stronger than on other planets.

There is so little energy on Neptune that the wind, having risen, can no longer stop. Scientists have discovered a system of rings around Neptune, but they are incomplete and are arcs, there is no explanation for this yet. Neptune and Uranus are also giant planets, but not gas ones, but ice ones.

Neptune has 3 moons. One of them - Triton rotates in the opposite direction to the rotation of Neptune itself. Perhaps it did not form in Neptune's gravity zone, but was attracted to the planet when it came close to it and fell into its zone of attraction. Triton is the coldest body in the solar system, with a surface temperature slightly above absolute zero (minus 273 degrees). But nitrogen geysers have been discovered on Triton, which indicates its geological activity.


Pluto is now officially no longer a planet. Now it should be considered a "dwarf planet", one of three in the solar system. The fate of Pluto was determined in 2006 by a vote of members of the International Astronomical Society in Prague.

To avoid confusion and not clutter up maps of the solar system, the International Astronomical Union has ordered to classify as dwarf planets sufficiently large celestial bodies that are not among the eight previously identified planets. In particular, Pluto, Charon (a former satellite of Pluto), the asteroid Ceres circulating between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, as well as the objects of the so-called Kuiper belt Xena (Xena, object UB313) and Sedna (object 90377) received a new status.

The issues of development and upbringing of children are considered the most difficult, each parent goes through his own path of "trial and error", trying not to harm his baby. And many are interested in how best to talk about space and the planets of the solar system. For children, as for many adults, this topic is extremely mysterious and interesting, but it is very important not to overload them with unnecessary information. But in no case is it worthwhile to consciously reduce the material that could be interesting to the crumbs.


So, what do you need to tell preschoolers, what initial astronomical knowledge is important for them to convey?

  • What is the Sun, what is its role, why is the system called Solar?
  • The location of the planets.
  • Brief information about the planets themselves. So, a preschooler is already quite able to understand why Mars is red.
  • Information about how the universe was born.

Especially inquisitive kids can also tell:

  • How are planets different from stars?
  • what is a satellite (for example, why the Moon is called a satellite of the Earth);
  • what are the known constellations, how they look on the star map and in the sky.

Listening to the explanation of mom or dad, the baby not only learns a lot about the world around him. He will improve his vocabulary, enriched with special vocabulary, in addition, astronomy classes will help develop thinking, imagination, memory.

How to start dating?

There are several options for conducting the first astronomy lesson.

  • The simplest is watching a movie with a preschooler with accompanying comments from the parent and the answer to the questions that the child has. BBC films are quite high-quality, they allow you to understand the huge size of the Universe, while being informative, although sometimes they contain unproven hypotheses.
  • The second option is self-employment. Mom or dad themselves will tell the child about the galaxy, that our galaxy is called the Milky Way, and the Sun - the star to which we all owe our lives - is actually not so big.
  • Finally, another way is to play the game. An interesting script can be found here.

You can also combine the methods, first playing with the baby, and then telling him the theory.

How to represent the planets?

Astronomy is a serious science, it is not interesting for everyone, because the composition of the planets, the properties of red dwarfs and black holes are sometimes fascinating only thanks to science fiction. And so parents will have a hard time. On the one hand, you need to provide truthful information, for which you should be savvy yourself. On the other hand, do not be too serious and boring, otherwise the child will lose interest very quickly.

There are several tricks that will allow you to find the "golden mean":

  • Make a presentation with text and photos. This will help not to miss the important and not to overload the child with too much.
  • Use pictures, posters, cards - all kinds of visual aids. This will allow the baby to visualize the difficult realities. Indeed, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
  • Together with the child, you can create a model of the galaxy.

It could be a drawing. For example, mom draws the Sun in the center of the sheet and at the same time tells that this star is a source of heat and light, all the planets of our galaxy revolve around it. It is advisable to explain to the child that the Sun is not a yellow circle with rays, as it is usually depicted by younger preschoolers, but a celestial body consisting of two gases - helium and hydrogen. It will be interesting for a child to know that mankind has still very little studied this most important luminary for us, since it is impossible to fly up to the Sun due to the high temperature.

Similarly, Mercury is drawn, which is much smaller than the main star. For clarity, it is worth depicting the orbit in which the planet revolves around the Sun. Then other celestial bodies are applied to the sheet.

If there is no desire to draw, a planetary model can be molded from plasticine, laid out from colored mosaic elements, sewn. The main thing is that the child should be interested, that he should ask questions, strive to learn more.

A situation may arise when mom or dad does not know what to answer the baby's "tricky" question. In this case, you need to take a break, say that “we will definitely talk about this topic tomorrow.” Prepare to respond. We must not forget children's questions or be glad that the child does not ask again and, apparently, he himself forgot. This approach destroys healthy curiosity and the desire to explore the world.

What to tell?

Consider what description of the planets will be interesting for kids.

  • Mercury.

It is the closest planet to the Sun, so it is very hot here. It differs in small size, during the day the temperature here is +350°C, at night - below -160°C. The duration of one day on this planet is about 60 Earth days, the year lasts 88 days. Interestingly, Mercury can sometimes be seen from our planet. To consolidate the material, you can ask the child to think of what living creatures could live here. A preschooler may assume that these are some creatures that are not afraid of either cold or heat, or a sharp temperature drop.

  • Venus.

It is very similar in size to Earth. The planet is also accessible to the naked eye, does not have a water shell, is covered with craters. Interestingly, the rotation occurs in a different direction than the rest. For memorization, you can draw Venus as a wayward round young lady who does her own thing.

  • Earth.

Our home planet is distinguished by the presence of oxygen necessary for life. It is here that the conditions are optimal for us, the people, to be comfortable. In addition, only on Earth there is the necessary amount of water. The satellite of the planet is the Moon.

  • Mars.

You can look at drawings of the planets, see the red surface, tell the kid that research is being actively carried out in our time, that flights to Mars have become available. You can ask a question that will make sure that the material is assimilated correctly: where is the temperature higher, on Mars or on Venus, and why? The child should answer that on Venus, since it is located closer to the Sun.

  • Jupiter.

This is a giant planet, consists of gas, is the largest in the solar system. A year on Jupiter is 12 Earth years. There is no oxygen and water here, the number of satellites is more than 60. You can also ask if the life we ​​are used to is possible on Jupiter? Ideally, the child should guess that it is not, since there is neither water nor oxygen here.

  • Saturn.

A beautiful ringed planet, the second largest in the solar system.

  • Uranus.

It is called an ice planet because the temperature here is below -220°C.

  • Neptune.

It has 6 rings, several satellites and its own atmosphere. Painted in a beautiful blue color.

Together with the child, you can draw the planets like this:

  • Mercury - in sunglasses;
  • Venus is a fashionable girl, for example, in a hat;
  • Earth is a blue-green planet that has life (flowers, trees, animals, people);
  • Mars is red;
  • Jupiter is a large planet;
  • Saturn is a little smaller, with rings;
  • Uranus - ice, light blue;
  • Neptune is bright blue.

This funny picture will help you remember the distinctive characteristics of celestial bodies.

How to learn order?

A preschooler needs to know the location of the planets from the Sun in order. There is such a trick:

  1. For each planet, use the first letter: M - Mercury, V - Venus.
  2. Next, come up with a phrase, a memorable phrase, the words in which begin with the first letters of the names of the planets.

For example: We Call Everyone To Wash Yula With A Universal Purpose Means.

You can also simply reduce the planets to the first letters and place a hint on the picture that the baby will have in front of his eyes: MVZMYUSUN.

Expand your boundaries

It is very important that the parent's story about astronomy does not have a boring superficial character, does not limit the child's curiosity. You can tell your child the following:

  1. About Pluto, a small celestial body that was previously considered the ninth planet of the solar system, but later it was decided to exclude it from this list. Some researchers do not classify Pluto as a planet at all.
  2. What is an asteroid. This is not a planet, not a satellite, but a completely unique celestial body, which is a fragment of a dead planet. Such an idea will show that the Universe is changing, some celestial bodies disappear, others, on the contrary, are born. Individual asteroids form a belt that protects our planet from external influences.
  3. Comets. These are beautiful celestial bodies with a tail of gas, which periodically fly in close proximity to the Earth.
  4. Possibility of life on other planets. An inquisitive child should be told that the presence or absence of intelligent life has not yet been proven, that there are several theories on this matter.
  5. The structure of the earth. The planet consists of a core, a mantle and a shell, that is, in fact, it is very similar to a peach: the bone is the core, the red-hot part. The mantle is the pulp, and the thin skin is the shell. People, like all living things, are located precisely on the shell. Only here conditions are acceptable.
  6. The Big Bang Theory. Without going into details, we can explain that, according to the most common hypothesis, our universe arose due to a gas explosion that occurred billions of years ago. As a result of this process, the celestial bodies familiar to us arose.
  7. Stars. What is it, what are the most famous we know, how constellations are formed.

It is very important not to force the child to memorize the names and properties of celestial bodies, but to acquaint him with them in an exciting way, to arouse sincere interest and desire to learn more.

Forms of classes

For preschoolers, the best way to get to know the world of astrology is to play. Therefore, we can offer to play a homemade board game, which is a field on which planets and cells are drawn for moving chips. After rolling the die, the players make a certain number of moves. If they get to a stop-planet, they should tell something about it. The one who reaches the Sun first wins.

More training options:

  • Parents offer the child a model of the solar system - several pre-prepared schematic planets (you can draw them on thick cardboard) and rope-orbits. The child's task is to fold the model.
  • When getting to know the stars, you can invite the child to draw the famous constellations (first according to the model, then from memory).
  • Role-playing games. If there are several children, each of them tries on the role of one of the planets of his choice (you can even prepare a costume for the greatest interest), after which he tells “about himself”. If the baby is alone, toys become “planets”.
  • Think of a fairy tale. The child, together with his mother, composes a fascinating fairy tale about celestial bodies or the history of the Universe. Fictional events are intertwined with scientific facts, creating a unique text.

The study of astronomy with a preschooler, acquaintance with the planets of the solar system is the most important stage in the development of the horizons and cognitive interest of the child. Parents are required to talk about space briefly, but competently and interestingly, so that the baby wants to learn more.

The solar system is a group of planets revolving in certain orbits around a bright star - the Sun. This luminary is the main source of heat and light in the solar system.

It is believed that our system of planets was formed as a result of the explosion of one or more stars and this happened about 4.5 billion years ago. At first, the solar system was a collection of gas and dust particles, however, over time and under the influence of its own mass, the Sun and other planets arose.

Planets of the solar system

In the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which eight planets move in their orbits: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Until 2006, Pluto also belongs to this group of planets, it was considered the 9th planet from the Sun, however, due to its considerable distance from the Sun and its small size, it was excluded from this list and called a dwarf planet. Rather, it is one of several dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt.

All the above planets are usually divided into two large groups: the terrestrial group and the gas giants.

The terrestrial group includes such planets as: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are distinguished by their small size and rocky surface, and in addition, they are located closer than the others to the Sun.

The gas giants include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. They are characterized by large sizes and the presence of rings, which are ice dust and rocky pieces. These planets are made up mostly of gas.


This planet is one of the smallest in the solar system, its diameter is 4,879 km. In addition, it is closest to the Sun. This neighborhood predetermined a significant temperature difference. The average temperature on Mercury during the day is +350 degrees Celsius, and at night it is -170 degrees.

  1. Mercury is the first planet from the Sun.
  2. There are no seasons on Mercury. The tilt of the planet's axis is almost perpendicular to the plane of the planet's orbit around the Sun.
  3. The temperature on the surface of Mercury is not the highest, although the planet is located closest to the Sun. He lost first place to Venus.
  4. The first research vehicle to visit Mercury was Mariner 10. It conducted a series of demonstration flybys in 1974.
  5. A day on Mercury lasts 59 Earth days, and a year is only 88 days.
  6. On Mercury, the most dramatic temperature changes are observed, which reach 610 ° C. During the day, the temperature can reach 430 ° C, and at night -180 ° C.
  7. The force of gravity on the surface of the planet is only 38% of the Earth's. This means that on Mercury you could jump three times as high, and it would be easier to lift heavy objects.
  8. The first telescope observations of Mercury were made by Galileo Galilei in the early 17th century.
  9. Mercury has no natural satellites.
  10. The first official map of the surface of Mercury was published only in 2009, thanks to data obtained from the Mariner 10 and Messenger spacecraft.


This planet is the second from the Sun. In size, it is close to the diameter of the Earth, the diameter is 12,104 km. In all other respects, Venus is significantly different from our planet. A day here lasts 243 Earth days, and a year - 255 days. The atmosphere of Venus is 95% carbon dioxide, which creates a greenhouse effect on its surface. This leads to the fact that the average temperature on the planet is 475 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere also includes 5% nitrogen and 0.1% oxygen.

  1. Venus is the second planet from the Sun in the solar system.
  2. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, although it is the second planet from the Sun. Surface temperature can reach 475°C.
  3. The first spacecraft sent to explore Venus was launched from Earth on February 12, 1961 and was called Venera 1.
  4. Venus is one of two planets that has a different direction of rotation than most planets in the solar system.
  5. The orbit of the planet around the Sun is very close to circular.
  6. The day and night temperatures of the surface of Venus are practically the same due to the large thermal inertia of the atmosphere.
  7. Venus makes one revolution around the Sun in 225 Earth days, and one revolution around its axis in 243 Earth days, that is, one day on Venus lasts more than one year.
  8. The first telescope observations of Venus were made by Galileo Galilei in the early 17th century.
  9. Venus has no natural satellites.
  10. Venus is the third brightest object in the sky, after the Sun and Moon.


Our planet is located at a distance of 150 million km from the Sun, and this allows us to create on its surface a temperature suitable for the existence of water in liquid form, and, therefore, for the emergence of life.

Its surface is 70% covered with water, and it is the only one of the planets that has such an amount of liquid. It is believed that many thousands of years ago, the steam contained in the atmosphere created the temperature on the Earth's surface necessary for the formation of water in liquid form, and solar radiation contributed to photosynthesis and the birth of life on the planet.

  1. Earth is the third planet from the sun in the solar system.a;
  2. One natural satellite revolves around our planet - the Moon;
  3. Earth is the only planet not named after a divine being;
  4. The Earth's density is the largest of all the planets in the solar system;
  5. The speed of the Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down;
  6. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1 astronomical unit (a conventional measure of length in astronomy), which is approximately 150 million km;
  7. The earth has a magnetic field strong enough to protect living organisms on its surface from harmful solar radiation;
  8. The first artificial Earth satellite called PS-1 (The Simplest Satellite - 1) was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Sputnik launch vehicle on October 4, 1957;
  9. In orbit around the Earth, compared with other planets, there is the largest number of spacecraft;
  10. Earth is the largest terrestrial planet in the solar system;


This planet is the fourth in a row from the Sun and is 1.5 times more distant from it than the Earth. The diameter of Mars is smaller than Earth's and is 6,779 km. The average air temperature on the planet ranges from -155 degrees to +20 degrees at the equator. The magnetic field on Mars is much weaker than that of the Earth, and the atmosphere is quite rarefied, which allows solar radiation to freely affect the surface. In this regard, if there is life on Mars, it is not on the surface.

When surveyed with the help of rovers, it was found that there are many mountains on Mars, as well as dried riverbeds and glaciers. The surface of the planet is covered with red sand. Iron oxide gives Mars its color.

  1. Mars is located on the fourth orbit from the Sun;
  2. The Red Planet hosts the tallest volcano in the solar system;
  3. Of the 40 exploration missions sent to Mars, only 18 were successful;
  4. Mars has the largest dust storms in the solar system;
  5. In 30-50 million years, a system of rings will be located around Mars, like that of Saturn;
  6. Fragments of Mars have been found on Earth;
  7. The sun from the surface of Mars looks half as large as from the surface of the Earth;
  8. Mars is the only planet in the solar system that has polar ice caps;
  9. Two natural satellites revolve around Mars - Deimos and Phobos;
  10. Mars has no magnetic field;


This planet is the largest in the solar system and has a diameter of 139,822 km, which is 19 times larger than the earth. A day on Jupiter lasts 10 hours, and a year is approximately 12 Earth years. Jupiter is mainly composed of xenon, argon, and krypton. If it were 60 times larger, it could become a star due to a spontaneous thermonuclear reaction.

The average temperature on the planet is -150 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium. There is no oxygen or water on its surface. There is an assumption that there is ice in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

  1. Jupiter is located in the fifth orbit from the Sun;
  2. In the earth's sky, Jupiter is the fourth brightest object, after the Sun, Moon and Venus;
  3. Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets in the solar system;
  4. In Jupiter's atmosphere, one of the longest and most powerful storms in the solar system, better known as the Great Red Spot, rages;
  5. Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, is the largest moon in the solar system;
  6. Around Jupiter is a thin system of rings;
  7. Jupiter was visited by 8 research vehicles;
  8. Jupiter has a strong magnetic field;
  9. If Jupiter were 80 times more massive, it would become a star;
  10. There are 67 natural satellites revolving around Jupiter. This is the largest figure in the solar system;


This planet is the second largest in the solar system. Its diameter is 116,464 km. It is most similar in composition to the Sun. A year on this planet lasts quite a long time, almost 30 Earth years, and a day is 10.5 hours. The average surface temperature is -180 degrees.

Its atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen and a small amount of helium. Thunderstorms and auroras often occur in its upper layers.

  1. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun;
  2. Saturn's atmosphere has some of the strongest winds in the solar system;
  3. Saturn is one of the least dense planets in the solar system;
  4. Around the planet is the largest ring system in the solar system;
  5. One day on the planet lasts almost one Earth year and is equal to 378 Earth days;
  6. Saturn was visited by 4 research spacecraft;
  7. Saturn together with Jupiter make up approximately 92% of the entire planetary mass of the solar system;
  8. One year on the planet lasts 29.5 Earth years;
  9. There are 62 known natural satellites revolving around the planet;
  10. Currently, the automatic interplanetary station Cassini is engaged in the study of Saturn and its rings;


Uranus, computer artwork.

Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system and the seventh from the Sun. It has a diameter of 50,724 km. It is also called the "ice planet", as the temperature on its surface is -224 degrees. A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, and a year is 84 Earth years. At the same time, summer lasts as long as winter - 42 years. Such a natural phenomenon is due to the fact that the axis of that planet is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the orbit, and it turns out that Uranus, as it were, "lies on its side."

  1. Uranus is located in the seventh orbit from the Sun;
  2. The first to know about the existence of Uranus was William Herschel in 1781;
  3. Only one spacecraft has visited Uranus, Voyager 2 in 1982;
  4. Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system;
  5. The plane of the equator of Uranus is inclined to the plane of its orbit almost at a right angle - that is, the planet rotates retrograde, "lying on its side slightly upside down";
  6. The moons of Uranus bear names taken from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope, not from Greek or Roman mythology;
  7. A day on Uranus lasts about 17 Earth hours;
  8. There are 13 known rings around Uranus;
  9. One year on Uranus lasts 84 Earth years;
  10. There are 27 known natural satellites revolving around Uranus;


Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. In its composition and size, it is similar to its neighbor Uranus. The diameter of this planet is 49,244 km. A day on Neptune lasts 16 hours, and a year is equal to 164 Earth years. Neptune belongs to the ice giants and for a long time it was believed that no weather events occur on its icy surface. However, it has recently been found that Neptune has raging eddies and wind speeds the highest of the planets in the solar system. It reaches 700 km / h.

Neptune has 14 moons, the most famous of which is Triton. It is known that it has its own atmosphere.

Neptune also has rings. This planet has 6.

  1. Neptune is the most distant planet in the solar system and occupies the eighth orbit from the Sun;
  2. Mathematicians were the first to know about the existence of Neptune;
  3. There are 14 moons circling Neptune;
  4. The orbit of Nepputna is removed from the Sun by an average of 30 AU;
  5. One day on Neptune lasts 16 Earth hours;
  6. Neptune has only been visited by one spacecraft, Voyager 2;
  7. Around Neptune there is a system of rings;
  8. Neptune has the second highest gravity after Jupiter;
  9. One year on Neptune lasts 164 Earth years;
  10. The atmosphere on Neptune is extremely active;

  1. Jupiter is considered the largest planet in the solar system.
  2. There are 5 dwarf planets in the solar system, one of which was reclassified as Pluto.
  3. There are very few asteroids in the solar system.
  4. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.
  5. About 99% of the space (by volume) is occupied by the Sun in the solar system.
  6. One of the most beautiful and original places in the solar system is the satellite of Saturn. There you can see a huge concentration of ethane and liquid methane.
  7. Our solar system has a tail that resembles a four-leaf clover.
  8. The sun follows a continuous 11-year cycle.
  9. There are 8 planets in the solar system.
  10. The solar system is fully formed thanks to a large gas and dust cloud.
  11. Spacecraft flew to all the planets of the solar system.
  12. Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise on its axis.
  13. Uranus has 27 moons.
  14. The largest mountain is on Mars.
  15. A huge mass of objects in the solar system fell on the Sun.
  16. The solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy.
  17. The sun is the central object of the solar system.
  18. The solar system is often divided into regions.
  19. The sun is a key component of the solar system.
  20. The solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
  21. Pluto is the most distant planet in the solar system.
  22. Two regions in the solar system are filled with small bodies.
  23. The solar system is built contrary to all the laws of the universe.
  24. If we compare the solar system and space, then it is just a grain of sand in it.
  25. Over the past few centuries, the solar system has lost 2 planets: Vulcan and Pluto.
  26. Researchers claim that the solar system was created artificially.
  27. The only satellite in the solar system that has a dense atmosphere and whose surface cannot be seen due to cloud cover is Titan.
  28. The region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune is called the Kuiper belt.
  29. The Oort cloud is a region of the solar system that serves as the source of a comet and a long period of revolution.
  30. Every object in the solar system is held there by gravity.
  31. The leading theory of the solar system proposes the emergence of planets and satellites from a huge cloud.
  32. The solar system is considered the most secret particle of the Universe.
  33. There is a huge asteroid belt in the solar system.
  34. On Mars, you can see the eruption of the largest volcano in the solar system, which is called Olympus.
  35. Pluto is considered to be the outskirts of the solar system.
  36. Jupiter has a large ocean of liquid water.
  37. The Moon is the largest satellite in the solar system.
  38. The largest asteroid in the solar system is Pallas.
  39. The brightest planet in the solar system is Venus.
  40. The majority of the solar system is made up of hydrogen.
  41. Earth is an equal member of the solar system.
  42. The sun heats up slowly.
  43. Oddly enough, the largest reserves of water in the solar system are in the sun.
  44. The plane of the equator of each planet in the solar system diverges from the plane of the orbit.
  45. The satellite of Mars with the name Phobos is an anomaly of the solar system.
  46. The solar system can amaze with its diversity and scale.
  47. The planets of the solar system are influenced by the sun.
  48. The outer shell of the solar system is considered the haven of satellites and gas giants.
  49. A huge number of planetary satellites of the solar system are dead.
  50. The largest asteroid, with a diameter of 950 km, is called Ceres.