Scenario the first of September at school. From success in school to success in life

Sounds like a collection of school songs.

start ruler vocal group with song (motive of music from KVN) 4Bcl.

Back at our school!

Back at our school

There is no empty space in our school,

Back at our school

Our school is full of hustle and bustle.

It means summer

Summer flew by very quickly.

new year educational

He again called us to his native lyceum


We are starting a new year.

For whom? For what?

To not leave aside

Nobody, nobody.

Let him not solve all the problems,

Will not solve all problems.

But everyone will remember this year

And everyone gets smarter!

Back at our school

Every day is unique for us.

Again in every class

In every class - sonorous laughter of children.

It means school

Our school is the best in the world

There is no native place

Than our glorious native lyceum.

Famphoras for the exit of the presenters.

Lead teacher: Good afternoon dear friends!

Lead child: Good afternoon. Happy holiday!

Lead teacher: With the beginning of the new school year!

Lead child: Yes, but they don't study on holidays.

Lead teacher A: It depends on what. Today is Memorial Day, right?

Lead child: So.

Lead teacher: Is the school ready for the school year?

Lead child: Of course, ready.

Lead teacher: Teachers are happy to meet students?

Lead child: As always.

Lead teacher: Have the students come?

Lead child: Even with parents.

Lead teacher: You see, you can start ruler.

Lead child:

The heart beats more joyfully

If in the morning soaring to the zenith,

The flag of Russia proudly curls,

The anthem of my country sounds!

(The anthem of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan sounds)

Lead 1 child: Study, hello!

School hello!

Let's go on a journey to learn.

It is a holiday today -

school holiday,

We welcome the school year!

Lead 2 child: In the school sunny yard

Fun today kids.

Sounds familiar school waltz

Invites us to the feast!

Waltz sounds. On stage children dance the waltz 4A and 4Bkl.

Performing 2B class

1. Soon to school. I wasn't in it

ninety nine days

And to tell you frankly

I missed her

2. I wanted to take out the books

Take notebooks, take a pencil case

Because I guys

I'm tired of resting!

Oh, how quickly the summer flew by!

It was all rain and heat,

We must take on case:

It's time for us to go to school.

We had a nice rest during the summer,

We look forward to seeing you again with your favorite school.

Today we sighed with joy

Let's go back to school with the kids!

Knowledge with a great desire

Our teachers give us

We respect them with all our heart

We appreciate their hard work.

Tomorrow as always without delay

A loud bell will ring.

We will continue our path to the realm of knowledge

We are starting a new school year!

Speakers 2A

1. Came september long-awaited,

Especially desirable for schoolchildren,

After all, the school opens its doors again

With love and special trust.

2. Holidays are over

Many rest days

Friends meet again

At the school doorstep.

3. We study in a beautiful school,

We enter a beautiful courtyard.

Birches bow for us

Magical flowers bloom.

4. And looking out any window,

And going out to the school yard,

You are filled with love

To the one who filled the world with beauty.

5. To the one who takes care of the school,

Caring for night and day

Head teacher of elementary school

We gladly give our word. (Speech by the head teacher)

The lead teacher conducts the game

Who else is present lineup? Let's do a rollover. The second grades will clap, the third grades will stomp, the fourth grades will jump, and the parents and teachers will wave their hands.

Lead 1 child: Everything. It's time to start practicing.

Lead 2 child: It is forbidden. There is no schedule for today.

Lead 1 child: There is a schedule. Today is Knowledge Day, and this ruler - times, class hours - two, but to have time to take pictures - three, and the teachers are all here!

Lead 2 child: Time to invite them to the party

Lead 1 child:

In that kingdom everyone is loved and honored

In that kingdom of science live

We will give each science a name

And all the queens will be invited here

Perform 3kl

On scene teachers are invited to verses

Music sounds on scene all elementary school teachers come out.


Math is hard

But I will say with respect

Math needed

Everyone without exception!


To bring culture into our lives

Need to know the literature

Develop the spiritual world.


Cities, deserts, countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans

You will know everything quickly

Be friends with my science.

People are connected with nature

Every step and every moment

Must know the world around

In the lyceum, every student.


Fate brought us together with the greatest in the world

With a beautiful, smart, Russian language.

Let it spread around the world more and more

And it will be like a beacon in the sea.


Do you speak English?

Yes ah doo!

Let me translate?

No need! In our scientific age

Any cultured person

Language English must know

Understand without translation.

Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education

It's time to hit the gym!

Practice today---

Jumps, run, dexterity!

I'll wave my magic brush

And the world will change like in a fairy tale

And the forest and the deep sea

You will find it in the paint box.

For us, singing lessons ---

Just enjoyment!

Let's drink for an hour

Let the whole school hear us!

We don't tear ourselves up

We just try to sing.

GPA educators

When the lessons are over

We are in no hurry to run home.

We are waiting for native teachers,

Solve new problems.

How to make class life cool

And create something new

From their notions and fantasies

Sometimes we want to fly!

Lead teacher

Now the teachers and I will conduct a joke test for our students, and you will pronounce the words "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends" where appropriate

1. I will clearly perform all homework

2. I will run to the lesson without delay in the morning.

3. At home, I will not forget a pen and a notebook and a pencil.

4. Ah! forgot! - I will roar for the whole class, for the whole floor.

5. At the lessons I promise not to make noise and not to chat.

6. If I don’t know the answer, I will raise my hand.

7. And during the break I promise not to make noise.

8. Do not knock people and walls, do not push like a bear.

9. I will be smart and cheerful, do good deeds.

10. So that my native school would accept me as a native.

Lead 2: Dear teachers!

From festive celebrations before school days

Just one moment separates us

May this year not be difficult

Although there are no easy ways to study.

Presenter 1: Flowers to our beloved teachers!

Educators by line

May the path be easy and the teacher be kind,

So be it, but in your life for now

A harbinger of accomplishments and discoveries

Head teacher of the school:

The right to give a school bell in the new academic year is granted to a 4A grade student Valeria Zhukova, the best elementary school student.

Lead teacher:

Our holiday line has ended.

We invite you to the lessons of knowledge.

Scenario of the solemn line

Target: holding a solemn line and a holiday dedicated to the "Knowledge Day".


1. Create a solemn, high spirits for all participants in the celebration.

2. Contribute to the formation of a sense of belonging to the life of the entire school.

3. Cultivate a sense of continuity of school traditions, a sense of responsibility, patriotism.

Fanfare sounds.

1 host:

Good afternoon dear teachers! Today is a good day because the new school year begins on September 1!
2 host:

Hello, parents and students of the Kursk-Smolensk school.

1 host:

Good afternoon school! We are together again! The great summer holidays are over. We are sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here!

2 leader.
Indeed, today is a great holiday for both teachers and students!
The new school year is starting!

1 leader.
Here is autumn.
This means the school year is back.
Across the country, September is red-headed
It's in student uniform!

2 leader.
Near the school, near our
Right from the early morning
Again in autumn
The kids were gathering.
Hi guys!
Our school is happy
Separated for a while
Remained friends
To meet the first day of September

1 leader.

We rested for the summer
And now, you know
Feel free to get down to business
And learn science.
Good luck, guys!
The school is happy for us:
Learn, hurry up
love objects,
Today is the first day of September.

2 host:

For 9th graders, the last First bell will ring.
1 host:

But for first graders, he is the very first First call.
2 host:

We invite first-graders, they have been dreaming about this day for a whole summer, they were worried, everything is new for them, school days begin. We invite students of the 1st grade together with the class teacher Zoya Vasilievna Chekhranova and students of the 9th grade together with the class teacher Zorina Tatyana Ivanovna.
To the music "What they teach at school" first-graders come out, first-graders are taken out by ninth-graders, then grade 9 takes a place on the ruler.
1 host:
Now everyone is assembled and we are starting our “First School Bell” holiday this school year.

Raise the flag of the Russian Federation is given to the best students of our school:

School, match up! Attention! Raise the flag!

(The anthem of Russia sounds.)

2 host:

The director of our school Olga Anatolyevna Tatkova congratulates you.

1 host:

Guests on our lineup include:



2 host:

Dear babies,
We know you are ready!
Are you ready to tell your poems?

(Performance of first graders ).

1 student : Frequently hosted by the school

Children in 1st grade

But today is a special day

We came! Meet us!

2 student: On this wonderful bright day

We are not too lazy to go to school,

We say: "Cozy class,

Welcome us!”

3 student: I'm still yesterday in the briefcase

Stacked notebooks

And pencils in a pencil case

Inserted in order.

4 student: No time for toys

I have fun

I will now

Practice every day.

I count to a hundred

I solve the problem

And so I want to go to school

What am I going to pay!

5 student: After all, they are waiting for me at school

Grammar, reading and mathematics,

Singing, labor, drawing

And the whole school schedule.

And believe me guys

That I'm not kidding -

Study at school

I really want to!

6 student: I will have books

Thick - thick.

I will read - I will know

Everything adults know.

7 student:
Let's just say, without deceit,
Teachers for us as mothers,
And our Zoya Vasilievna
Most needed right now!

8 student:
In the morning to my window
The sun has peeped
So congratulated me
Happy first of September!

9 student:
On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Sounds song number "Hello, first class"

1 host:

Parting words are given by 9th grade students.

(performance by high school students)

1. So you became a first grader!
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone
This first day of school!

2. You will take a briefcase with notebooks
And you will enter a spacious classroom.
You are with school orders
Get acquainted now.

3. The school has its own rules:
You can't break notebooks here,
Here you can not push, fight,
And tease and pinch.

4. You can't sleep here during the day!
Don't yawn in class
And, of course, it is impossible in dolls
In the lesson you play.

5. Will you be friends with the task book,
You read a lot of books.
Before you were just a boy
And now you're a student!

6. Well, the main thing is to study!
You don't have to be lazy.
Everyone will respect you
And reward with fives.

2 host:

Our school has a good tradition - on September 1, high school students give gifts to first graders. (To the music of the song "Let's tell the first graders" presentation of gifts).

1 host:

On this significant day, your younger comrades came to congratulate the first graders.(Congratulations d / garden).

1. First class will open the doors
For good kids
No more beautiful and smarter
Those cute little kids

2. They have new clothes on
And they are proud of themselves
Has died down quite recently,
In the garden of the children's graduation,

3. It was a pity to leave
With my kindergarten
Well, school is very strong,
For so long they wanted

4. Let the school lessons
They will only bring joy
Let reliable be nearby,
Always a true dear friend!

2 host:

On this day, first-graders embark on a long and difficult road, where they will face difficulties, experience the joys of the first "five". We hope that this road will be interesting and exciting for them.

1 host:

And now the first graders will be congratulated by their first teacher Chekhranova Z.V.

(Speech of class leader)

My dear first graders! That long-awaited, exciting day has come. You will remember this day forever: the school will accept you for the first time. It will open its doors wider - and the school week will begin, And after it the second, quarter, year ... Your school period will flow, Walk, run, rush, just have time to study for "five"! This is still in the future, now you will go to first grade for the first time. Knowledge is still a small reserve, but over the years you will overtake us.

2 host:

The last time ninth graders are present on our line. From year to year we rejoiced with them. Grade 9 students are the pride of the school. This is our hope.

(9th graders leave.)

1. More rain on the window pane
Knocking at us with a reminder
What is the first number
And it's time for everyone to sit down!

2. We are not joking, brothers, not a single gram:
After all, we ourselves hurried summer,
To quickly see everyone and you
We publicly admit it

3. We admit that we really wanted to come to school as soon as possible. Because this is our last holiday on the First of September.

4. We understand that we are entering the last school start. And this thought does not give us rest now.

5. We really want to complete our studies with dignity, to correct all the mistakes that we have made over the years.

6. We love you dear school. Please accept our recognition of this.

(They perform a song about the school “Summer holidays have flown by”.)

Summer holidays have flown by
Ruthlessly leaving us.
On the pavement in autumn
I'm going to the last class.
Smiling at your classmates
I caught a mysterious look.
How our boys have grown!
We can't get our childhood back.
Into blue eyes immodest
I look spellbound
And the bell rang - it did not save me.
A crazy windmill spun,
And in love on the school stairs
On the first day of September I go to class.
How recently we were careless
Not guessing what will happen!
You were friends with a girl from parallel,
Didn't notice me then.
Who knew that love is a trickster
Everything will change in one moment
When you are a matured youth
Give me one compliment.

1 host:
Creative, enthusiastic teachers work in our school, and today we congratulate them on the First Bell holiday this academic year. Let me mention those of them who have worked in our school for many years, devoting themselves to students

1. Dear teachers!
Your children welcome you!
Although everyone has a family
But you are closest to us in the world.

2. Today you have a holiday again,
We have come to you once again to congratulate you!
We are happy to meet
We are expecting fives from you as a reward.

3. You have no other worries
How to check notebooks
Scold us all year
Yes, make notes.

4. This is your share -
Be responsible for everything and everyone.
All by name to remember you,
Because we are your children.

5. Today for your holidays
All beautiful, well-groomed,
Powdered, tinted
We look at you enthusiastically.

6. Every day we want to see you
Dads, moms are our second,
We swear not to hurt you
You are too dear to us.

7. Dear teachers! May your holiday continue throughout the year! We are happy to contribute to this, let your happiness never end, and accept flowers as a reward!

Perform the song " Hello school, hello.
Welcoming again and again
A cheerful bell will ring.
All the children in the world are ready for the lesson
Long live school days!
Chorus: Hello school, hello.
Hello beautiful world.
The happiest years.
Good lessons and a strict teacher
They stay with us forever.
With a textbook, honestly
Here everyone is well known!
All the children in the world are ready for lessons
Long live our school house!

Here the friendship of success is the basis,
Hold on tight to the desk
All the children in the world are ready for the lesson,
Long live school life!
Chorus: 3 times

(The 8th graders leave.)

1. Now we are called "high school students"
And look at us with respect.
Now we are told "eighth graders"
We have 8 times more responsibility.

2. For the younger ones, we will become an example,
Assistants for teachers.
With hope, faith and love
We look forward more cheerfully!

(8th graders sing a song about the school to the tune “Smile”.)

From your smile life is more beautiful,

Let all further work be on the nerves

If suddenly there is a conflict - hold on,

Smile when it's time to scream


And then surely

You are in the eyes of the student

Respect read without error

From the blue stream

The river starts

Education starts with a smile!

2 host:

It all starts with a school bell!
Desks set off on a long journey.
1 host: There will be steeper starts ahead,
And they will be more serious, but for now
It all starts with a school bell!

2 host:

Attention! Attention, friends!
1 host: Let the first bell ring solemnly and loudly!
2 host:

The right to give the first call is granted…..
The bell rings. Leaders read the text.
1 host:

On the road guys!
Hello future!
The world of knowledge is open before you!
This world - wonderful and beautiful -
Bound forever to your destiny!
2 host:
Let the roads open for you

And school paths, let
There will be good luck and worries,
This is a world of discovery, go for it!
1 host:

Knowledge will help to realize
All desires and all dreams
We wish you to work all year,
We wish you good knowledge!
2 host:

Goodbye! Goodbye!
Come to the Realm of Knowledge!
1 host:

And according to a long tradition, first-graders are escorted to the Land of Knowledge grade 9.
2 host: Please, 9th graders, come to the first graders.
1 host:

Good luck guys!
Good luck!
Music sounds, grade 9 takes the first graders out of the hall.

2015-2016 academic year

soundtrack of the song "Stork on the Roof"

Sunbeam illuminating the planet

Gives birth to a new light of dawn.

And again the world is warmed by love

Creates a melody of hearts.

So, in the clear sky of a peaceful life

In a gentle touch - two wings

Two birds fly in harmony

The folk tale goes:

Where is the proud white stork of happiness

Touches the roofs with his wing

There the light will disperse all bad weather

Joy comes to this house

From the mystery of the first cause

The magic flower will bloom

And into the eternal peace of the sacred land

The wise child will come again...

Seeing the light, exclaim loudly:

"I was born, meet the earth"

And take care of the child

Family in your arms.

Seven years old, good parent

He raised his child in love

Leads to the gates of the world of knowledge

There will meet the "school family"

"Oh, our baby, a miracle will happen -

You have grown up in your destiny

New road opened

Happy journey to you!

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1:

Early September morning

Festive and cheerful

We act wisely

The door opening the school.

Host 2:

The holiday is wisely conceived

Get a little more fun

Early September morning

You have become older.

Presenter 1:

The long awaited day has come

For you to know more

The school should open the door

She was waiting for you.

Host 2:

If you wake up in the morning

And I saw outside the window:

All dressed up and with flowers,

And the house is full of fun.

Presenter 1:

If you see along the way

Many schoolchildren go

So autumn has come

The school year has arrived!

Host 2:

Good morning, guys!

Presenter 1:

Good morning, our dear guests!

Host 2:

Good morning, dear dads, moms, grandparents!

Presenter 1:

Good morning our lovely teachers!

Host 2:

The heart stops with excitement.

A little dawn will shine outside the windows:

The guys are waiting with eager impatience

Festive September morning.

Host 2:

Let already pencils and books

In a brand new briefcase,

All the same girls and boys

Don't get into bed late.

Presenter 1:

They can not sleep, contrary to the advice,

And they can't sit still

Ask grandparents

Look at the clock often.

Host 2:

The minutes are too long.

Come on, the desired time!

I see: on holiday routes

Reached out to the schools of the kids!

Presenter 1:

And now it's time to invite to our line of those

who will remember this year more than the rest.

Some take their first steps here

others approach the turn of school life.

Host 2:

I ask you to get ready for the solemn meeting of the children who are going to school today for the first time, and Natalya Antonovna Vashchenko will lead them along the road of Knowledge.

Presenter 1:

First graders, welcome to the World of Knowledge!

Host 2:

We invite you to a joyful holiday

In honor of the first call in life

You, the little ones,

happy and different

Excited, maybe a little!

Say hello to our little first graders!

Music "First Grader"

Presenter 1:

When September is at the school threshold
Scatter delicate phlox petals,
Our hard road will begin
As they say, from an untouched board.

Host 2:

And the first ray in the blue sky

He sends his regards to us today.

Over the boundless Russia

A solemn dawn rises.

Presenter 1:

Here proudly threw up two wings

Your coat of arms is a double-headed eagle.

And the sounds of the anthem majestically

Float over the eternal power,

Flying freely in the blue sky

Tricolor flag of my Russia.

Lead 2 :

School, attention! The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered open!

Anthem sounds.

Presenter 1 :

Flying, spinning yellow leaf,

Rowan in the glow of the monist.

And a bunch of school kids

Leaving all your games

In a hurry for the holiday of September.

Lead 2 :

And he has his rights

He is in every life forever

Sounds like a ringtone

And suddenly the soul freezes

Graduate and first-timer

For the last time, for the first time.

Presenter 1 :

To start our holiday now,

Let me give the floor to the director.

Lead 2 : The word for greeting is given to the principal of the school………………………………………………………………………………..

Presenter 1 : On this September morning, the honored guests of our holiday address their congratulations:

Lead 2 : The word is given….




A word to the guests.

Presenter 1 :

Dear kids, today a new page of life is opening for you. Today you will meet your first teacher, who, believe me, will become a ray of sunshine for you, illuminating the path to knowledge, the wisdom of life.

Lead 2 :

Look closely at the person standing next to you.

It is this girl or boy, perhaps

will be your best friend, buddy, comrade.

And we want to wish you unforgettable years in our school,

only good impressions, diligence and diligence.

Presenter 1 :

Fluffy first grader bow

Plays along with the breeze,

And the eyes of little Natasha

Scared of this day.

Lead 2 :

The boy in the white shirt

He should be her friend...

Here everyone and everything is covered with warmth

“Kids, everyone from Knowledge in the afternoon!

With Knowledge in the afternoon!

Presenter 1 :

pencil kids,

We know you are ready!

Are you already set up?

Music "Teach at school"

Words of first graders

Hello school! School hello!
Finally we grew up
We assure you it's not wrong
We have come to study with you.


I leave the doll at home

I'm leaving for school

And with you in a briefcase green

I'll put down the book.


I got bored at home

I don't want to play.

I want to learn soon

And become a first grader.


More recently

We went to kindergarten.

We slept and ate a lot.

Grew up for new desks.


I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find the door.


I have books in my portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hands.
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.

Everything is taught in school:
Account, literacy, writing,
We learn a lot here
School is just the beginning!

We will all have books.
Thick - thick
Read, we will know
Everything adults know!

We will be diligent
Diligent and diligent
And we will study
Just great!

How many joyful, cheerful
Faces everywhere, look!
Personally, the principal of the school
Smiled three times!

I'm a first grader today
This is the best holiday
I will study at school
Mom will be proud of me!

We're not just kids anymore
We are students now!
And we lie on the desks
Books, pens, diaries!

For some reason mom and dad
So excited
As if instead of me to school
Gathered for the first time!

Daddy shined my shoes
He shook off the dust from me,
Mom is my big bag
Collected all day!

On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Lead 2 :

Dear kids, put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Presenter 1 :

Masters of control and essays.

Lead 2 :

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Presenter 1 :

The school is proud of them!

They serve as an example for us.

Let's give them the floor.

To our graduates.


1st graduate:

Last school fall

How sad to realize.

And that's why I especially want

Good luck to you all!

2nd graduate:

The day will come - we will say goodbye to the school,

Our graduation will end the year.

And from here along an unfamiliar path

Forever our childhood will be gone!

3rd graduate:

Today let us turn

For those who are just starting to learn.

We congratulate you, first graders,

We wish you great success in your studies!

4 student:

We are at the finish line, and you are still at the start,

And before you is a fabulous flight.

Take off without doubt and confidently,

There is a teacher that will correct and understand.

5 student:

Trust him, he won't say bad things.

Correct mistakes, teach everything.

The road to success will correctly indicate,

You just trust, relatives, him.

6 student:

The teacher is a magician, the teacher is a scientist,

Teacher and doctor, and mother, and friend.

If your class is cohesive,

Troubles are not terrible for you, illness is not terrible.

7 student:

Be friends with each other, dream together

And be prepared for those who are weak to defend.

And in difficult times, do not leave your friends,

Learn to be heroes from childhood.

8 student:

We wish to find new friends at school,

Make friends with the school and teachers.

You will spend many happy days here

And soon you will be graduates!

Presentation of gifts

Lead 2 :

A leaf fell off the calendar

The family will sigh, he is no longer a baby

September autumn morning

You stand with a briefcase.

Presenter 1 :

Hurry, rush all relatives:

I want to know everything, soon

The teacher has been waiting for me for a long time,

The school door is open.

Lead 2 :

And accept with a good hand

From mother's hand

Your first teacher

Bon Voyage!

Yes, I'm crying. But these are tears of happiness.
I see in the form of my child.
And hundreds of mothers agree with me
There is no prettier dress than this.
Yes, I cry, but I'm not sad.
I rejoice, I expect miracles.
'Cause my baby will master all the arts
Study all scientific material.

(The teacher comes out, stands next to mom.)

They are no longer babies
They carry their own portfolios.
Now our garden is a little empty,
And we came to visit a colorful holiday.
(for first graders)
We accompany you on your school journey.
With love, care, a little sadness.

And we trust your teacher
Soon you will pass into your light class.

The first teacher comes out with balloons in his hands.

Finally the meeting took place
Which I was looking forward to.
I want to hear your words
See your kind eyes.

Congratulations words

But before our lesson,
Let's fly the balls
Let's let go. Let's say to this world
That we are always moving forward!

Poems of first graders.
My ball, my pot-bellied friend,
Fly higher than everyone else.
After school, if not soon,
Banks will be all mine.

Sharik, be my astronaut,
So don't let me down!

I want to sing beautifully
Little ball, come on!

Take off the balloons to the white clouds.
Let all colorful dreams come true.


Presenter 1 :

How good are the balloons...

Look, a blue ball soars up,

so that the dreams of graduates come true,

successfully pass any exam,

fly, ball, fly up.

Lead 2 :

And the yellow ball, like a ray of sunshine,

the hopes of first-graders shot up...

Look, the green ball sparkles above your head,

a magical bird hovering over the earth,

you make your dreams come true!

Presenter 1 :

Fly around the world, a red ball,

fly bolder without touching the roofs.

Carry with you the hopes of our teachers

on all his students.

Music "Teach at school"

Care of first graders

Presenter 1 :

Let the balloons fly into the sky

Let the cranes fly high.

We congratulate you, school!

Bell, call, call!

Host 2:

The sonorous trill of a nightingale

Fly across the country

And the beginning of a new life

Fully marked.

Presenter 1:

For a lesson, for a change,

Good luck, to the heights of knowledge -

Everyone is led by a diligent call,

Let the country know about it!

Host 2:

And yesterday's children

Those who were babies

After this signal

They will be called students.

First grader:

Can't wait to open the Primer.

Drink, call, be bold, come on!

It's time for us to join the team,

And develop all around.

Presenter 1:

The right to give the first call is granted to a student of grade 11 and a student of grade 1.

The school bell rings

Host 2:

The cheerful bell rang

Here comes the holiday.

We say: "Hello, school!"

School year ahead!

Presenter 1:

Let him be the best

A hundred times better than the last.

Let us learn a lot

And, of course, ask us!

Host 2:

Let the tasks be solved

The exam will be easy.

And health and good luck

Everyone for the whole school year!

Presenter 1 :

By tradition, the youngest students, our first-graders, are the first to leave our holiday. Good luck!

Host 2:

The right to make a circle of honor and be the first to enter our native school, to your first lesson. Provided to our first graders accompanied by our esteemed high school students…

Presenter 1:

Take these little warm hands in your strong hands and lead the children to our native school.

Music "The Way of Kindness"

Host 2:

Well, it's a start.

And on time according to the plan from the pier

Let's sail for the whole year!

Presenter 1:

May he bring pleasant discoveries!

Dictation on "5", solved problems,

May everything be successful for everyone.

Together: Happy school year everyone!!!


Dear friends! We present a classic scenario for holding a solemn line on September 1, dedicated to the school holiday "Knowledge Day" - the beginning of a new school year.

You can use it in whole or in part, or as a basis for creating a scenario for your school.

The scenario does not require any special preliminary preparation, it aims to start the new school year together and joyfully, and, most importantly, to open the doors of the school for the first time to its youngest students - first-graders.


1. School yard or any other convenient area.
2. On the asphalt, squares are drawn for building classes and numbering is indicated.
3. At the corners of the rectangular construction there are balls in 3 bunches: white, blue, red. (To launch into the sky: one bundle for first graders, another bundle for ninth graders, the third for eleventh graders).
4. In the construction center there is a place for the 11th grade, which will be released at the end of this academic year. In front of them is a place for first-graders.
5. An arch of balloons is installed at the entrance to the school.
6. On the facade is a banner "Congratulations on September 1!".
7. Flagpoles with lowered flags (will be raised during the event).

Music selection

An hour before the start of the event, music on the theme “school-holiday” sounds in the background.
On the sides are speakers, a music center (or other equipment). In the center is a microphone on a stand and two radio microphones at the sound engineer.

1. Nastya Bas "First time in first class."
2. Irina Metelkina "Song of the first grader."
3. Children's choir "Hello school", "Oh, what a blue sky today!" "Natasha-first-grader."
4. Large children's choir "The best class in the world", "First-grader", "The best class in the world".
5. Ensemble "Nightingale" "Hello our school."
6. Ensemble "Zernyshko" "Knowledge Day".
7. Group "Roots" "Back to school."
8. Group Barbariki "School" and others.

Estimated time of the event: 70 minutes (1h 10m)
Leading- high school students (boy and girl).

Ruler script

Fanfare sounds.

Voice behind the scene(can be recorded in advance or entrusted to one of the presenters): Attention! Attention! Attention! School speaks! All classes line up for a solemn line dedicated to Knowledge Day on September 1!

(Drum roll, the drummers enter, a beautiful solemn passage to the sound of the drum).

Presenter 1: Good, good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Lead 2: Today is really a good day, because today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a large ocean of knowledge that teachers are ready to show and open to us.

Presenter 1: We wish everyone only good mood!

Lead 2: This new academic year will be unforgettable for many. For those who will leave school after 9th grade this year. Ninth graders in place? Let's applaud them! May the new year bring many achievements and results!

Presenter 1: And for those who "graduate" this year after the 11th grade! 11th graders in place? Let's greet them with a round of applause. May the year be successful for all of you!

Lead 2: Class 10? On the spot? Eighth? Seventh? Sixth?

Presenter 1: Fifth, are you with us? Fourth? Third and second?

Lead 2: And now we meet those for whom this academic year will be remembered for a long time. After all, this year our kids became first graders! Today is the first call for them! We wish you to study and comprehend the basics of science with pleasure, we wish you to make many friends and glorify our school with outstanding achievements!

(Children, together with the teacher, go through the center in a circle to their designated place on the ruler to the sounds of the song "First Grader").

Presenter 1: There are many guests at our holiday today!

(Honored guests are announced, who stand in a certain place).

Lead 2: The word for congratulations is given to the most important person in our school - our beloved director.

(The Principal says the words of welcome and names the students, or students and teachers who are given the honorary mission of raising the flag).

Presenter 1: Attention to the flag! Raise the flag(s)! The line is declared open!

(The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds).

Lead 2: Words for congratulations are provided ...

(The guests briefly congratulate all those gathered on the holiday).

(The song sounds from the animated series "Kids" with the words: "The sun woke up, a new day is in the yard. How many new things do children need to learn ... etc. ”. At this time, the heroes of the animated series appear with New Year's tinsel around their necks.
Hedgehog Hedgehog, Kroshik hare, Pandochka bear, lamb Lamb, pig Nyushenka walk along the line, approach the children, shake hands and are surprised, looking at the shape of the children's clothes

Lamb: Oh, well, wow! You have New Year's outfits ... Everyone has the same ones?!

Presenter 1: Guys, did you find out who these heroes are? Those are babies! And what are they interestingly doing on our line?

Nyushenka: We came to the New Year's holiday! After all, you have already repeated several times “Happy New Year! New Year! New Year!" That's all together we came to you to celebrate the New Year with these kids ( pointing at first graders)!

Lead 2: You messed up something, kids! We have a solemn line, today is the Day of Knowledge, we are celebrating a new EDUCATIONAL year!

Presenter 1: And these guys are no longer kids at all, they are FIRST GRADE STUDENTS and will study at our school!

Hedgehog: Yeees? But does that happen? Do we have two New Years? One is educational and the other is real?

Lead 2: Well, of course! that's exactly what happens! Today, all the guys go to school for Knowledge, to become smart and educated. From September 1, the NEW SCHOOL YEAR begins in all schools of the country, and it will end at the end of May!

Hare: Well, then we also want to learn!

Presenter 1: And how old are you?

Hare: I'm already three!

Nyushenka: And me!

Hedgehog, Lamb and Kroshik (friendly chorus): and for us!

pandochka: And I'm almost four!

Lead 2: No, you guys still have to go to school early. Listen to our first graders and you yourself will understand that for school you need to grow up a little more!

(First-graders go to the center to the music and read poetry into the radio microphone).

* * *
1. We are no longer babies -
We've already arrived at school.
We have school clothes on
We are very happy with the school!

* * *
2. I am already seven years old,
This may be very little.
For work, for holidays,
But for school - I'm ready!

* * *
3. We will study in the classroom,
Sing, read and don't be lazy.
Draw, write, sculpt,
Let's be friends as a class!

* * *
4. We will love teachers,
We will listen to his words.
He will replace mom and dad -
He's clearly the best!

* * *
5. I want to study at school,
But I want to vouch for you
What the guys say
Change beckons everyone!

* * *
6. In general, we have a fighting spirit!
We are behind the Knowledge mountain!
Let's celebrate the school
Surprise with the result!

* * *
7. Well, you, heroes of fairy tales,
Don't get bored without us!
We will return to you
As soon as we leave the class.

* * *
8. We will train you,
To become big like us.
So that without tears and without resentment -
The student is talking to you!

* * *
9. First graders - in excitement,
It's not your birthday!
This is Knowledge Day for us,
After all, we are first class!

* * *
10. We promise not to be lazy!
On "excellent" only to study,
To become the best in Russia,
Praise our school!

(A short parting word for first graders is given to the first teacher or several teachers).

Presenter 1: And this gift is for our teachers. We sincerely congratulate you and wish you new strength in the new academic year and all the very best in your hard work!

(Amateur performance number: song, performed by one or more students).

pandochka: So sorry it's too early for us to go to school. We liked it here so much. Well, let me at least dance with the guys, they are so wonderful!

Leading: This is easy to do today. Get started!

(There is a flash mob among the classes. Music plays for 1-2 minutes. Malyshariki take turns holding group dances, showing uncomplicated (simple) movements. All classes can participate in a flash mob in turn. Different music is selected for them and movements are shown by different heroes - each for his class).

Lead 2: The floor is given to our 11th grade!

(Several students come out from the graduating class, and in turn give parting words to first graders).

* * *
1. Dear friends, dear first graders. Today is one of your most memorable days. Trust us, we know it. Exactly 11 years ago, we were also little girls and boys, and now we look at you with tenderness and tenderness. And today we want to give you some practical advice and orders!

* * *
2. Wake up early in the morning, wash your face with cold water,
In order not to yawn at school, do not peck at the desk!

* * *
3. Keep your portfolio clean, cherish each book,
Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at!

* * *
4. Take care of our school, run away from offenders!
Respect teachers! Be bolder in concerts!

* * *
5. Do not giggle during the lessons, do not move chairs and tables!
Don't tease, don't be arrogant, stay the best!

* * *
6. Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide-and-seek in classes!
That's all our advice, they are wiser and easier!

(To the music, high school students go to first-graders and hand them memorable souvenirs).

Presenter 1: Well, it's time to start classes. Now the first bell will ring. And while we listen to this wonderful ringing, all those present can make a wish for this year, and it will certainly come true!

Lead 2: The right to give the first call is granted to a 11th grade student (full name) and a first grade student (full name)!

(A senior student takes a first grader by the hand and they walk along the central circle of the ruler, ringing a bell).

Presenter 1: Let our school bell ring, opening the school year!

Lead 2: Meeting everyone who gathered for the first lesson with their joyful ringing!

Presenter 1: Congratulations, dear friends! The Day of Knowledge!

Voice behind the scene ( can be recorded) : At this solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared closed! Good luck to everyone in the new academic year, many unforgettable, joyful discoveries and accomplishments!

(11th grade, 9th grade and 1st grade students launch balloons into the sky).

Lead 2: According to a good tradition, the right to enter the school first is given to our first-graders. Go ahead guys!

(Victoria Zhimonova's song "The school looks with kind eyes" sounds. High school students and fairy-tale heroes take the hands of the elementary school students and lead them to the classes for the first lesson.).

In conclusion: a few words about the holiday Knowledge Day - September 1

On this important day for students, all educational institutions of the country will reopen their doors.
But the first day of the new school year, of course, causes special excitement among first-graders and their parents - a completely new life begins for children, and they will definitely remember this event.

The status of the state holiday "Knowledge Day" on September 1 was received on June 15, 1984, until that moment September 1 was an ordinary school day.

Gradually, as with other holidays, the traditions of this day were fixed. On September 1, smart first graders go to school with their parents. For all students, the first solemn line is held, on which the parting words of the director of the school and honored guests are heard. For first graders, the first school bell rings.

Another established tradition is to give teachers flowers. Not a single first-grader comes to the line without a bouquet. As a rule, flowers for bouquets to the teacher are chrysanthemums, asters, zinnias, dahlias, roses. The main thing is to choose or make a bouquet with love, and give with all your heart.

The first day of school is fun and fast. After the general line, the students go to their classes for Peace lessons. These lessons are devoted to the topics of maintaining world peace.

For students of higher educational institutions, September 1 is not such a solemn event as for first-graders. But just like kids, on this day freshmen get acquainted with the place of study, teachers and fellow students. Some institutions of higher education hold concerts and student initiations.

Discussion: 36 comments

    Why can't the content be downloaded? What is the mystery of the site?

    Faith, you can not download, there is no such function. Send us an email and we'll send you the script.

    hello? Can you email this script?

    Irina, sent you the script!


    very interesting scenario, I want to spend in my school

The script for the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge "Hello, beloved school!" 2016 Presenter: The academic year is knocking on the window with a maple branch burning with fire. We start learning life On the day given to us by September. Presenter: The first experience, an example and tasks And a syllable read in the primer ... All victories, mistakes, good luck It all starts in September. Leading. Hello, dear children, dear teachers, parents and guests! Happy holiday - Happy Knowledge Day. We sincerely want that after your birthday, Knowledge Day becomes the biggest holiday of the year for you, because on this day new hopes and ideas are born. May all your dreams and expectations come true! Leading. September has come, summer is over, the holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come! Guys, parents, teachers, congratulations on the holiday, friends! Leading. Summer has blazed with hot heat, Behind the happiest days ... And again, as before, we are with you In the morning of early autumn we came. Leading. And everything will start all over again. At school from bell to bell... Again from the September pier The school river will carry us... Leading. For some, this year is the last In our school fairyland, And for some, the very first, And they are doubly worried. Leading. First teacher, First call, Leading. First letter, First lesson, Leader. The first word is on the board, Leading. The first primer and problem book in hand. Leading. Orchestras play, Speeches sound - Leading. The school welcomes new students. Presenter To the applause of the whole school, we invite the first graders of 2016 and the first teacher Alexandra Alexandrovna Sidorova to take pride of place on the school line. Music "First grader" sounds. First-graders make a circle of honor, take their place. Leading. Let it sound fanfare, but the whole of Russia depends on us. Her love is mutual. And not just a melody will strike now - the Power and pride of the Russian Anthem! School, Smirno! Leading. And now we will tell you about an amazing country. It is not yet on the globe. It is not marked on official maps. Anthems of the Russian Federation are played. Leading Neither scientists, nor even politicians can yet say exactly where it is. It is known that most of this country is located in the area of ​​action of the tropical southwest monsoon. Presenter In September-October it is cool here. It's rainy in November-December... In January, February and March, the local climate can be considered moderate... In April and May, it's probably warm and even hot here... Host What about the rest of the year? Host And the rest of the year there are holidays. Leading. In winter, spring and autumn, this country is literally flooded with numerous tourists. They tend to come here to wander along the mountain paths of geography, to study the suspension roads of physics, to admire the beautiful works of literature. Leading. Perhaps this country does not impress with the diversity of flora and fauna, but on the other hand, intellectual communication, emotional training and wellness procedures do not let anyone get bored. Leading. Brilliant and ordinary, smart and not very smart, hardworking and lazy - that's who lives in this region. Let's greet each other with applause. The Leading School is a special world. The Leading School is a unique state. Leading. School is joy and sorrow. Leading. The school is miracles and traditions. Leading. But there is one more thing... It would be a sin for us to forget about it. So that there are no strife in the school, Empty grievances and aggressive disputes, So that everyone can live peacefully, amicably here, The director must be wise, fair. Yes, she will not consider it flattery - There is such a thing in our school !. Leading. And, by tradition, you are welcomed by the head of our school, Maya Alexandrovna Abramova. Speech by the director of the school Host. We are always glad to friends, And guests at the holiday! The floor is given to the Head of the Shopshinsky rural settlement Alexander Pavlovich Zizikov. Leading. Yes, our kids are just a miracle good! There are girls in bows, and boys in jackets. Let's listen to them now - Performing for the first time. Leading. Every autumn a first-grader comes here, a noisy round dance, Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful, Our teacher will lead them to class. Host. Therefore, friends! Let's join with you, Friendly and sonorous claps On the first line and for the first time Let's all welcome our first class! To the applause, to the music, first-graders come out onto the porch of the school. Presenter. You guys, don't worry, don't blush, don't be shy. We will all listen to you, Start your story! Presentation by first graders. Hello school! School hello! Finally we have grown up, We assure you it is not in vain We have come to learn from you. 2nd: I go to school with flowers, I hold my mother by the hand, Because of the magnificent bouquet, I can’t find the doors. 3rd: I have books in my portfolio, I have a bouquet in my hands. All the familiar boys Look after them in surprise. 4th: At school they learn everything: Counting, literacy, writing, We learn a lot here, School is just the beginning! 5th: We will all have books Thick - thick, Read, we will know, Everything that adults know! 6th: We will be assiduous, Diligent and diligent, And our studies will go on Just wonderful! 7th: In this hall, you and I declare a fight to Twos! Will stand in the diaries Ratings only four, five! 8th: How many joyful, cheerful Faces are everywhere, look! Personally, the school principal smiled at me three times! 9th: I am a first grader today, This is the best holiday, I will study at school, Mom will be proud of me! 10th: I am a student today, There are notebooks And a diary, So everything will be all right! 11th: We are now quite big, We have come to school. And now no one will say that we are kids. 12th: We are now not just children, We are now students! And we have books, pens, diaries on our desks! 13th: Stay, dolls, at home, I'm leaving to go to school, I have no time to play now, I'll read books! 14th: In the mirror I looked at myself for a very long time, I was surprised at everything: when did I manage to grow up! There was a kid robber yesterday, And now I'm an adult, a schoolboy! 15th: For some reason, mom and dad got so excited, As if they were going to school instead of me For the first time they gathered! 16th: I'll be like my mother, I'll become a teacher, In the meantime, I'll get a notebook, To write there: "Mom" My favorite is the most! 17th: Dad was cleaning my shoes, Shaking off dust particles from me, Mom was collecting my big briefcase all day long! 18th: With the whole family We were going to school, We didn’t sleep at night with the whole family, We were so excited. 19th: I dreamed of books today, They walked in formation, they went to the briefcase, Pencils in a notebook They wrote: “Everything is in order! We are clean, tidy, new, We are ready to study!” 20th: “Don’t be bored” to my sister And I gave her all the dolls. “You can’t go with me, You need to grow up a little!” 21st: My brother saw my album, He also wanted to go to school, I have so many things to do, I can’t play with my brother, Even if I wanted to. 22nd: Our school is 38, We bring flowers here, We give them to teachers, That we are always so happy. 23rd: Let's just say, without deceit, Teachers for us as mothers, And our Lilia Alekseevna is most needed now! 24th: In the morning the sun peeped into my window, So congratulated me on the first of September! 25th: On this wonderful bright day We are not too lazy to go to school, We say: “A cozy class, Welcome us!” ALL (in chorus): We promise not to be lazy, Just study well! First-graders sing the song "Hello, first class!" Leading. Our first graders are starting a new school year. And we wish you only bright days, good studies, great success. Leading. On the flowerbeds, asters of all colors, Like stars, flaunt, And parents admire their students. Leading. The turn has come to tell you, parental mandate. The floor is given to parents of first-graders. Presentation by parents Presenter. At our holiday there are kids, For the first time they came to our school. Opposite are high school students Our eleventh graders. Leading. But today our 11th graders are starting their last school year. Very soon they will say goodbye to school. What will they wish to those who will sit at the school desk for the first time today? Speech 11 and 9 cells. You are only seven, and we are already seventeen, And we will never return childhood. Therefore, we now want to admit that we envy the first-timers a little bit. We used to come to school the same way for the first time. Were even smaller And shy, like you. *** Look how grown up now, Stronger, wiser! First-grader, believe us, Strongly matured! *** Let's introduce you to the school, Don't be afraid of anything! Your life will be fun, don't worry! *** To learn the sciences, Children need to work hard. You need to comprehend a lot And delve into the depths of knowledge. The school will help you with this, and, of course, we will too. We will visit you And give you advice! *** Books, children, take care, Do not dirty and do not tear. Do not indulge in the lessons, Do not pout at the teacher, If you are punished a little, Yes, tell your parents. This, guys, is not scary, something else is important to you now! *** Become diligent and obedient And put your soul into your studies. To draw brightly (so that life is bright) We will give you gifts! (balloons or multi-colored pens) Presenter. All fabulous miracles are full, Always exciting the heart, There is one country in the world, A country in a beautiful childhood. Kindergarten pupils and your beloved teacher Klochkova Elena Valerievna brought their congratulations and wishes to you. kindergarten performance. Presenter: Do not be sad, girls, boys, For games, undertakings and fairy-tale books. In school life, the magic does not end, The fairy tale continues here. Leading. And one day the books argued in the briefcase. Let's hear what they are talking about? Once, in one briefcase, a noisy dispute broke out. That's what the school books got a conversation ... Mathematics Mathematics said: For a rocket, for a bridge. “I, the queen, are the most important, Calculate the interest in the bank, Because in this life Utility bills ... People need me the most. In a word, people without me Make the right calculations Do not live a single day now! Russian language. Lord, I'm sorry, I'm great and mighty, But no one else yet I'm handsome and rich! Doesn't know how to manage I'm more important and wiser Without my native language! Mathematics a hundred times! Literature Who would boast of wealth! If not for poetry and prose, Dear brother, my God! Who would know that you are rich? Who made you great? So, I, literature Pushkin, Chekhov and Tolstoy. I'll be the main one for the guys! English I am a subject, of course, new to you with English. And the guys are not familiar, You can visit many countries, But Europe will open Studying a foreign language! History. I assure you, friends, that in vain There were people - creators and artists. You started an argument today. And others with weapons in their hands. I am the oldest of all sciences Man in modern history And I want to keep the conversation going. Must know without fail on the "five" In the eyes of my civilization So that in the future the previous mistakes Blossomed and fell to dust. Never repeat again. Physical Education. It's embarrassing for us to lie in the corner. Build muscle. We are sports shoes. The most important thing is physical education! Biology. Why did the flower bloom? How do blades of grass grow in a field? Why did the leaf wither? Who lives in the salty sea? How do sparrows winter? Wonderful will answer any question. What are the ants hiding? Biology is an interesting science! Presenter 1. And no one knows how long This dispute would continue. But then the head teacher entered into this loud conversation: the head teacher “You don’t have to worry, Quarrel and bicker. So that no one suffers from inattention, I will make a schedule for the guys. Guys, in order not to confuse the lessons, every student should take with him to school ... (Diary) School diary. In my diary there are still blank pages But a week will not pass, that's what will happen to him. Fives will appear here, Here are lessons, here are calls, Here are homeworks, Here are classes, circles, Here they will write to me that they behaved very well, Here they will praise me for crafts, What they brought from home, Here they will write that the meeting It will take place at six o'clock. Here we will see the announcement "Competition of songs and poems." Here the mother will sign, Here - the teacher, there - the father. Quarterly, annual… May is over! End! All textbooks. Or maybe vice versa? The task is not recorded, comments are everywhere. No fours, no fives Not seen anywhere yet. Here is a crumpled page, There is a stain on half a sheet. Here - the ink flowed in the pen, There are worn places. I want you not to meet such diaries. Everybody. Because there are no bad students in our class! Presenter: It's time to go on the road of knowledge. The teacher will give us both heart and warmth. We want to confess our love to teachers. They sometimes have a hard time with us. And let all the teachers know that the Earth does not spin without them, that the children cannot live without them, and it is happiness to be next to you! Leading. Opening the school year, Let our school bell ring, Meeting everyone who came to the first lesson with a bell ringing. Leading. It's time for learning, hurry up kids! There are many clear roads ahead! So ring more cheerfully for happy children, Our silver school bell! Leading. The right to give the first bell for the first lesson is granted to a student of grade 11 __________________________ and a student of grade 1 ________________ The bell rings. It's a pity the holiday is ending! But the bell rings and worries. And doors and classrooms are open. The first lesson has begun!