Slavs and their enlighteners. The invention of the Slavic alphabet


29.09.2012, 22:05

Literature assignment (Grade 4)
1. Why did the Slavs need their own alphabet?
2. What does the chronicle tell about Cyril and Methodius?


29.09.2012, 23:21

As far as I remember, Latin was originally taken as the basis, but in Latin there were no letters reflecting some of the sounds of Russian speech, so I had to invent my own alphabet. And from the realm of speculation, each letter, like a hieroglyph, was assigned not only a sound, but also a meaning. Cyril and Methodius were not Russians, but they were imbued with respect for this people. Well, you should look it up on Wikipedia. Tomorrow I'll try to dig up something!

29.09.2012, 23:24

And we were told that Cyril and Methodius acted on the orders of the prince. Because everywhere has its own alphabet - the worse we are! And to use someone else's is not respectable for a great people.

30.09.2012, 15:09

The Greek alphabet formed the basis of the Latin alphabet, and in the 9th century the Slavonic alphabet was created by using the letters of the Greek alphabet.

Once the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine king Michael with the following words:

“Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and instruct us and explain the holy books. For we know neither Greek nor Latin; some teach us in this way, and others in another way, because of this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning.

Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers, Constantine and Methodius, and “the king persuaded them, and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When these brothers came, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel.
This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originated.
However, there were people who began to blaspheme Slavic books and said that “no nation should have its own alphabet, except for the Jews, Greeks and Latins, as in the inscription of Pilate, who wrote on the cross of the Lord only in these languages.”

To protect the Slavic writings, the brothers Constantine and Methodius went to Rome. The Bishop of Rome condemned those who grumble against the Slavic books, saying: “Let the word of Scripture be fulfilled: “Let all peoples praise God!” That is, let every nation pray to God in its own language.” Thus, he approved Divine services in the Slavic language.

The Slavic bookish language (Old Church Slavonic) became widespread as a common language for many Slavic peoples. It was used by the southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats), Western Slavs (Czechs, Slovaks), Eastern Slavs (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians).

30.09.2012, 15:13

The brothers were from the Macedonian city of Thessalonica. Now it is the city of Thessaloniki on the Aegean Sea. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, and the youngest was Constantine. He received the name Cyril when he was tonsured a monk just before his death. The father of Methodius and Constantine held the high post of assistant governor of the city. There is an assumption that their mother was a Slav, because the brothers from childhood knew the Slavic language as well as Greek.
The future Slavic enlighteners received an excellent upbringing and education. Constantine from infancy showed extraordinary mental gifts. Studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian (4th century). The rumor about the talent of Constantine reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the emperor's son from the best teachers of the capital of Byzantium. The famous scholar Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople, Constantine studied ancient literature. He also studied philosophy, rhetoric (oratory), mathematics, astronomy and music. Constantine was expected to have a brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble beautiful girl. But he preferred to retire to the monastery “on Olympus to Methodius, his brother,” says his biography, “he began to live there and constantly pray to God, doing only books.”
However, Konstantin could not spend long periods of time in solitude. As the best preacher and defender of Orthodoxy, he is often sent to neighboring countries to participate in disputes. These trips were very successful for Konstantin. Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Having baptized up to two hundred people and taking with him the captive Greeks released to freedom, Constantine returned to the capital of Byzantium and began to continue his scientific work there.
Poor health, but imbued with a strong religious feeling and love for science, Konstantin from childhood dreamed of solitary prayer and book studies. His whole life was filled with frequent difficult trips, severe hardships and very hard work. Such a life undermined his strength, and at the age of 42 he became very ill. Anticipating his near end, he became a monk, changing his worldly name Konstantin to the name Cyril. After that, he lived for another 50 days, read the confessional prayer himself for the last time, said goodbye to his brother and disciples, and quietly died on February 14, 869. It happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek protection from the Pope of Rome for their cause - the spread of Slavic writing.

Literary reading Lesson 12. Topic of the section: At the origins of Russian children's literature. Topic: Slavs and their enlighteners. The invention of the Slavic alphabet. Objectives: to express and argue your attitude to what you read, including the artistic side of the text (what you liked from what you read and why); to see comparisons, epithets, personifications in a literary text; independently read an unfamiliar text to oneself, conduct vocabulary work; in the course of reading, present pictures, orally express (draw) what was presented; correlate the author, title and characters of the read works. Stages of the lesson Course of the lesson Ι . Knowledge update. 2 3 Checking homework. 1) Reading the text. 2) Acquaintance with the collected legends and stories about the origin of the names of certain places, cities, rivers, lakes, etc. II. Skill development. 2 4 2 2 3 4 1. Reading and working with text. 1. Working with text before reading. © LLC "Balass", 2014 Formation of UUD, TOUU (technology for assessing educational success) Cognitive UUD 1. Transform information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail. 2. Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher. 1 1) Discussion of the epigraph of the lesson - the words of I.A. Bunin: “... From the ancient darkness in the world graveyard Only Letters sound. And we have no other property!” 2) Discussion of the title of the fragment of the chronicle "The invention of the Slavic alphabet." What do the words "invention of the alphabet" mean? How can you invent the alphabet? - Why did the Slavs need to invent the alphabet? - Where can you find the answer to these questions, check your assumptions? 2. Working with text while reading. 1) Independent reading of the text to oneself (p. 38–39), checking one’s assumptions. Identification of primary perception: - What surprised you the most, struck you in the text? Did you find answers to all your questions yourself? 2) Commented reading. 1st paragraph. - What united the word "literacy"? 2nd paragraph. - When did the Slavs need their own alphabet? What for? What languages ​​were the holy books written in? - Why couldn't the Slavs use them? - What did the Slavs expect from foreign teachers? 3rd paragraph. - Could everyone compose the Slavic alphabet? - What was required for this? (To be smart, literate, that's why Cyril and Methodius, Greeks by origin, knew the Slavic language.) 3. Focus on the spread of the textbook. 4. Find answers to questions in the text, illustrations. Personal results 1. We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters, to express emotions. 2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation. 3. We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity. Regulatory UUD 1. Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher. 2. Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson. © Balass LLC, 2014 2 4th paragraph. – What did Cyril and Methodius do when they came “to the Slavic land”? What do you know about the books they translated? What were these books used for? (Both for reading and for conducting a church service.) - Why did they need good cursive writers? - Were there many books in those days? Is it possible now to translate all the books from one language to another and rewrite them by hand in six months? 3) Questions to the text as a whole: - Why did the Slavs need their own alphabet? What was the purpose of books 1000 years ago? 3. Work with text after reading. 1) A question for understanding the main meaning of the text: - What is the significance of the invention of the Slavic alphabet by Cyril and Methodius for the history of Russia? 2) A word about Cyril and Methodius. Every year on May 24, Russia and other Slavic countries celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This is the day of commemoration of Cyril and Methodius, who gave the Slavs a simple and convenient alphabet, which opened the way to books. Look at the picture of the brothers on p. 39. - How did the artist see them? – How do you see them? – Read the Cyrillic alphabet written on the scroll. – Why did Cyril and Methodius go down in history not as inventors, but as enlighteners? 2. Completing assignments in a notebook. (T) Task III.1. 3. Learn to express your guess based on the textbook illustration. 4. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher. Communicative UUD 1. We develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others. 2. Expressively read and retell the text. 3. Express your thoughts orally and in writing. 4. Ability to work in pairs and in groups. © Balass LLC, 2014 3 Lost letters: zelo, omega, worm, yat, (i) e, yus small, yus big, iotov yus small, iotov yus big, xi, psi, fita, izhitsa. New letters: e, e, y. Task III.2. They coincided in sound, for example, And and others, fert and fita, there is also yat, green and earth. The proverb of schoolchildren mentions two such cases: fit (it was difficult to distinguish from the fert) and Izhitsa (or izhei), which was confused with the letter I (I). – What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions about the text, showed their attitude towards the characters.) - What skill did you form? What did you find most interesting in the lesson? How would you rate your work in class? 1) Expressive reading of the text "Resettlement of the Slavs." 2) - Ask your parents, grandparents, acquaintances about the origin of the names of the area where you live. Maybe there are stories about this? Write them down. ΙΙΙ . Outcome. Ι V. Homework. © Balass LLC, 2014 4

- Literary reading lesson. Today in the lesson you will be wise men.

Close your eyes and repeat to yourself "I am a sage" (2-3 times).

Our lesson is called - lesson wisdom. What do you think, dear sages, what will this lesson be about?

Tell me, please, what qualities do you think you - wise men - should possess?

Every wise man has some words that help him. Now we will also find such words.

Having unraveled this wisdom, you will become real wise men. (slide)

Looking for ___________________, you find ____________________.

b, t, s, o, d, y, p, t, b, s, o, p, d, y, m

(A mistake was made on purpose - “N” was omitted, observation is an important quality of the sages, which was discussed. Here this quality is checked)

So you, as wise men, must look for difficulties. Why do you need them?

Every sage, after overcoming difficulties, acquires an important quality. What will you get?

I believe that your heart will become smarter. So the difficulties begin.

Our lesson is dedicated to a very important event in the life of the Slavic people -creation of the Slavic alphabet. The theme of the lesson " Slavs and their enlighteners. The invention of the Slavic alphabet.

2 . Reading and working with text.

1. Working with text before reading.

Read the epigraph to the lesson. How do you understand?

1) Discussion of the epigraph of the lesson - the words of I.A. Bunin:

“... From the ancient darkness in the world churchyard

Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!”

2) Discussion of the title of the fragment of the chronicle "The invention of the Slavic alphabet."

What do the words "invention of the alphabet" mean?

How can you invent the alphabet?

Why did the Slavs need to invent the alphabet?

Where can you find the answer to these questions, test your assumptions?

2. Working with text while reading.

1) Independent reading of the text to yourself (pp. 38-39), checking your assumptions.

- Now you will read the text on pages 38-39 and after reading answer the questions:

What surprised you the most in the text?

2) So, what surprised you the most, struck you in the text?

Have you found answers to all questions on your own?

Read paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions:

1st paragraph.

What united the word "literacy"?

2nd paragraph.

When did the Slavs need their own alphabet? What for?

In what languages ​​were the holy books written?

Why couldn't the Slavs use them?

What did the Slavs expect from foreign teachers?

3rd paragraph.

Could anyone compose the Slavic alphabet?

What was required for this? (To be smart, literate, therefore Cyril and Methodius, Greeks by origin, knew the Slavic language.)

4th paragraph.

What did Cyril and Methodius do when they came "to the Slavic land"?

What do you know about the books they translated?

What were these books used for? (Both for reading and for conducting a church service.)

Why did they need good scribblers?

Were there many books in those days? Is it possible now to translate all the books from one language to another and rewrite them by hand in six months?

3) Questions about the text as a whole:

Why did the Slavs need their own alphabet?

What was the purpose of books 1000 years ago?

3. Working with text after reading.

1) Question to understand the main meaning of the text:

What is the significance of the invention of the Slavic alphabet by Cyril and Methodius for the history of Russia?

Monuments have been erected to these brothers. One of them you see on the screen.

2) Word about Cyril and Methodius.

Every year on May 24, Russia and other Slavic countries celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This is the day of commemoration of Cyril and Methodius, who gave the Slavs a simple and convenient alphabet, which opened the way to books. (slide)

Consider the picture of the brothers on p. 39.

How do you see them?

How did the artist see them?

Read the Cyrillic alphabet written on the scroll. (slide)

Why did Cyril and Methodius go down in history not as inventors, but as enlighteners? (slide)

2. Completing tasks in a notebook.

With. 16 Task III.1. in the workbook.

- Name the missing letters: Zelo, omega, worm, yat, (and) e, yus small, yus big, iotov yus small, iotov yus big, xi, psi, fita, izhitsa.(slide)

name new letters: yo, uh, th. (slide)

Read these words and say if they have the same root? Why?

Task III.2.

What letters sounded the same, for example, And and others like it, fert and fita, there is also yat, green and earth.

The proverb of schoolchildren mentions two such cases: fita

(difficult to distinguish from ferta) and izhitsa (or izhei ), which was confused with the letter I (I).

What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions on the text, showed their attitude towards the characters.)

What skill did you develop?

Genocide through the destruction of the Russian language

Today, every educated person who considers himself Russian in spirit should be concerned about what is happening with the Russian language. We are literally losing our language. Russian is the richest language in the world with five million words. For example, in English there are 180,000 - 200,000 words, while in Russian there are only 200,000 basic words.

The vocabulary of any language is constantly changing. Some words are falling out of use; other words appear and replenish the vocabulary of the language. Over the years, centuries, words have changed, been forced out, disappeared and borrowed. Linguists call this process development. But the “development” of the Russian language cannot be called otherwise than separation and purposeful and cold-blooded destruction. Basic words disappear as archaic (i.e. obsolete: chastity, conscientious, understand, etc.).

Borrowing foreign words from the English language, in parallel with the displacement of Russian equivalents exceeds all limits: manager - manager; stylist - the hairdresser; business lunch - business breakfast; user - use; fresh - fresh juice; summit - summit or negotiations; briefing - case summary; innovation - novelty or novelty; PR - praise; discount - discount: killer - killer; training - education, preparation; creative - creative; electorate - voters; portfolio - securities folder etc. Who benefits from replacing Russian words with foreign ones? Who benefits from polluting the language, distorting, simply mocking the Russian language?

V.A. Chudinov, Doctor of Philosophy, Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture of Ancient Rus' of the Council for the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a specialist in the Slavic runic, deciphered the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary Runitsa and has read two thousand inscriptions to date. He proved the existence of three types of writing among the Slavic peoples - Cyrillic, glagolitic and runic. The presence of three types of writing among the Slavic peoples, by his definition, is a phenomenon unparalleled in cultural history and shows the presence of the highest culture among the ancient Slavs. He discovered that secret inscriptions were made with Slavic runic on many drawings. German books, since Slavic was an ancient language in Europe.

Linguists and linguists, studying the processes of language development, sometimes discover the most unexpected facts, find the ancient proximity of those peoples that history has separated in different directions of the Earth, and their languages ​​continue to keep the memory of the distant past, communities or similar words that were once in their use. Those who study languages ​​are often struck by such closeness and similarity of languages.

From the 19th century began the study Sanskrit philologists from different countries. The discovery of Sanskrit by Europeans and its study by linguists marked the beginning of the comparative historical method in linguistics.

At the beginning of the 19th century, scholars believed that Sanskrit was older than its sister languages, that it was their common ancestor. Sanskrit was considered the standard of comparison in the study of other European languages, because. scientists ( F. Bopp, A. Schleicher, I. Schmidt etc.) recognized it as the language closest to the proto-language.

Of interest is the surprising similarity between the Slavic language (Russian) and Sanskrit. Linguists considered that the largest percentage of related words falls precisely on the Slavic languages, and only then, on other European languages ​​included in one family of the proto-Russian language. By opinion. d.h.s. Gusevoi N.R.. The "ancestor" of the Aryan languages, Sanskrit, continues to play the role of the "language" of Indian culture in India. It is studied in colleges and many schools, books, newspapers and magazines are published on it. 60-80% of the words of a number of modern Indian languages ​​go back to it. However, Sanskrit is a dead language for Hindus, because It has long been forbidden to change it. A living language is always evolving, especially in 4000 years it should have changed noticeably in India, but this did not happen, and not because Indians are not creative people, but because it is not their native language.

European scholars became acquainted with Sanskrit in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In 1786, the founder of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta William Jones drew the attention of Europeans to this ancient language and its similarity with the ancient languages ​​of Europe. “No matter how ancient Sanskrit is, it has an amazing structure,” noted William Jones, “it is more perfect than Greek, richer than Latin, and more refined than any of them, and at the same time it wears such a close resemblance to these two languages, both in verb roots and grammatical forms, that it can hardly be an accident; this similarity is so great that not a single philologist who would study these languages ​​could not help believing that they came from a common source that no longer exists ”

Renowned Indian Scientist Professor Sanskritologist Durga Prasad Shastri at a scientific conference in 1964 in India, he noted that Russian and Sanskrit are the two languages ​​in the world that are most similar to each other. syntax. Let's add even more similarity of grammar rules - this causes, - according to him, - deep curiosity among everyone who is familiar with linguistics "

Manyagin Kirill and Methodius did not create the Russian alphabet

The past is the life experience of Mankind for many millennia

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...