Too often deja vu why. Deja vu: good or bad? The deja vu effect is mysticism or “mistakes” of the body

Astrologers say that only those dreams that can be seen only early in the morning or in the second half of the night are prophetic. Friday is a day ruled by Venus. This planet governs the feelings of people, their emotions and subconscious desires. At this time, a person becomes very sensitive to what is happening around him - that is why his emotions, feelings and experiences can be transformed into a Friday dream.

General value

Since Venus is the patron planet of Friday, dreams on this day are most often romantic character. Since ancient times, Venus has been considered the goddess of beauty and harmony, so female intuition is sharpened at this time. On this day, the universe tries to give people clues, and that is why visions are considered prophetic. In their interpretation, much depends on the interpretation of the plot of the dream, including what the dream from Thursday to Friday means:

Interpretations for men and women

In fact, the interpretation of dreams from Thursday to Friday can be very different. Venus influences dreams related to personal life and relationships to a greater extent. Often a dream can be interpreted differently depending on the gender of the one who saw it. So, the visions of a young guy or man can be explained as follows:

The interpretation for women will be somewhat different from the men's. This is due to many factors. Here is what some of them might mean:

  • Favorite man - unexpected meeting and the emergence of relationships, the improvement of personal affairs.
  • Repulsive personality - minor hitches and obstacles in plans.
  • Man with handicapped- Troubles with relatives or friends.
  • Elderly man - improving relations with superiors and employees.
  • Bearded man - the likelihood of health problems.
  • Young man - quick changes for the better, dreams come true.

Can they become reality

Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday come true much more often than other dreams. According to statistics, the morning dreams that occurred on that day are most likely to come true. A lot depends on the details, so you need to try to remember all the details and little things - it is in them that clues can lurk.

There are several days a year, namely Fridays, when dreams come true with almost one hundred percent probability. These days usually come before major religious holidays such as Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Trinity, Easter, etc. The fifth day of Palm Week is considered very important.

Some magicians and psychics include all Fridays that fall on the 13th as significant days. Usually on such days there are bad dreams and nightmares that can come true.

How to get rid of a bad dream

Each person will answer differently to the question of what kind of dreams he has from Thursday to Friday. There are cases when dreams are not very pleasant. If on such a day a bad dream occurs, and the person fears that it will come true, he can avoid it. There are ways by which you can ward off bad vision or weaken its impact:

If you have a nightmare on such a night, this is not a reason for hysteria. On the contrary, it is better to thank for such a dream. higher power because they warned of trouble in advance.

Also, you can't be 100% sure of anything. It may come true, or it may not. Much depends on the person. From the tips in a dream, you can draw conclusions and avoid consequences.

If you look into the dream book, you can see what is there great attention is given to dreams, because of which a person wakes up. Not less than important point is the color scheme of sleep, as well as the events inside it. Among the most common dreams are:

  • color or black and white;
  • about loss or loss;
  • about the discovery or acquisition.

In black and white dreams, the interpretation is not the most rosy. In the dream book you can read the following: a monochrome dream predicts a difficult and long way to cherished goals. It will take many days before you can achieve success, but in the end, everything will surely succeed.

If the plot of the dream was exciting, soon life may be filled with bright colors and new impressions. It should be remembered that so-called shifter visions may be dreamed on Friday. This means that if there was a lot of laughter in a dream, then in reality you will have to shed a lot of tears and vice versa.

In some cases, the interpretation of night visions will be direct. So, if in a dream there is a loss of some important thing or failure in big deal, in reality there may be problems with the budget. You need to be more careful with money. Unforeseen circumstances may arise due to which you will have to pay large sums, etc.

If in a dream a person wins a prize or defeats someone, this means the approach of fortune. In the same way, you can interpret visions of climbing high mountain or winning a competition. The dream interpretation on this occasion says the following: the family will live in abundance, and the relationship will be ideal.

Sometimes the interpretation of dreams requires a more serious approach, and everything may not seem as obvious as at first glance. Most dreams from Thursday to Friday carry positive energy. If the person who had the dream is still young and not in a relationship, for him this means a quick meeting with the other half and a long relationship.

When will the night vision come true

Even in ancient times, people knew many signs and customs in order for a dream to come true on Friday. If on Friday morning a person woke up with a clear idea that the dream should come true, he can contribute to this. However, there is no consensus on this matter. Dream Interpretations claim that if no one except the sleeping person knows about a dream, it will certainly come true.

Friday visions are most likely to come true in certain time. Folk signs and beliefs claim that prophetic visions are seen by people only in front of Orthodox holidays. Such a special time is considered the first week of Great Lent, the birthday of St. Michael, as well as the eve of the following holidays:

love rituals

Ancient people knew that night visions at the end of the week are full of mysticism, and therefore they came up with many different tricks. So they learned to invoke dreams and bring them to life. For example, in order for a girl to see her betrothed in a dream, she had to go to bed as early as possible, and before going to bed, say the phrase: “From Thursday to Friday, the sun will roll. Tell me, dream, who is in love with me. Ancestors believed that if the ritual was followed, a girl could see her love.

Another way was to put a ring under the pillow. There was also a phrase for this: “Ring-ring, roll. All that I wish, dream." People in those days believed that Venus, the patroness of lovers, would help the girl find the answer to exciting question. Friday dreams can really predict fate. You need to go to bed relaxed and not think about worries. After the dream is over, you need to lie down and think about the dream. Maybe it is in him that the answer to the secret question lies.

Emotional component

Friday is a day filled with emotions and feelings. Their concentration and intensity is higher than on any other day. It is on Friday that you can feel care, love and tenderness. Dreams on this last working day are full of love and romantic plots. Dreams give pleasure and pleasure. If in a dream a person experiences euphoria and happiness, this means that in life there will come good change and in the near future everything will be fine.

Negative emotions will not be a very good sign. Anger, envy, fear, hatred - all this is a kind of prophecy. Soon, conflicts in the family and at work, financial difficulties and disagreements with your half are possible. If in a dream a loved one had a dream with another woman, this does not mean treason or betrayal at all, but symbolizes a weakening of feelings and passion.

An interesting feature of such dreams is their connection with certain person. A dream about a lover who is being pursued by a person means that in life he is seriously dependent on his partner. If the dream scenario unfolds the other way around, and the partner himself follows the person, there is a high probability of falling under the influence of others, and negative character. Relations with a partner will be harmonious and normal if alienation and a certain coldness persist in a dream.

Basic relationship symbols

Traditionally, most women want to see a prophetic dream at night about their future spouse. In order to see such a dream, it is necessary to conduct a special ritual. However, experts note that visions may not come on the next night, but appear in a few weeks or even months. Don't rush into this. The main thing is to clearly adhere to the intended goal and expect only positive result. best time for the ritual to sleep are the eve of various holidays.

Career and work

Experts note that on a prophetic night from high proportion chances you may have dreams about future work and career growth. This kind of dream theme is rare, but characterizes the situation very accurately. It is important to remember that dreams are only hints and should not be taken as absolute truth.

If you dream of quarrels and disagreements with colleagues and superiors, this may not happen in real life. You should not wind yourself up over trifles.

The most favorable signs will be soaring, flying, sailing the seas, a relaxed car ride. These dreams guarantee positive changes in the professional sphere of life. If a person falls or wanders in the forests, these are bad signs.

At present, few people believe in prophetic dreams, saying that these are just grandmother's tales. But people have long believed that sleep from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. Have you heard the saying: “Dreams come true from Thursday to Friday”? Prophetic dreams do not always come true down to the smallest detail, so it should not be interpreted literally. In any case, whether to believe him or not is a purely personal matter for everyone, because no one has seen him except you, so it is also difficult for others to interpret correctly.

For better memory sna there is one interesting method- every week change the position of the pillow - put it where the nails used to be. But give importance every dream that occurs on the night of Thursday to Friday is also not worth it, since it is quite rare to see a really prophetic dream.

According to observations, if you see a dream from Thursday to Friday during from 20 to 24, then it comes true after a fairly long interval of time. Dream from 24 to 3 hours of the night comes true within three months. And here are the dreams from three to dawn come true quickly. Only now it is very difficult to determine the specific time of sleep. If the dream was only once, then it meaning not the biggest. But if you often dream of the same thing, then you should pay attention to your dream. The most significant dreams are those that are repeated several times a night, those from which you wake up, and dreams in the morning.

Thursday planet - Jupiter. And this is the planet of success, good luck and stability. Often on this night you can see dreams about your professional activities, financial situation. It is in a dream that you can look for a hint on overcoming difficult life conflicts. Our dreams often reflect our emotional condition, since Friday is under the auspices of sensual Venus. Therefore, in a dream, you can learn about the methods and timing of the fulfillment of the desired events.

If in a dream you take someone's money, this is to material well-being. If, on the contrary, we lose something, then this is to material difficulties and a dreary personal life. A black and white dream warns of work difficulties in achieving desired results. Pay attention to whether you are dependent on someone in a dream. If so, then you should work on your independence, in particular from this person.

Scientists say that in order to see good dreams, it is necessary to live well. But in fact, everything is simpler. Our brain is designed in such a way that it reflects in a dream either the most significant impressions of the day or the latest. Then a nightmare can provoke even an ordinary horror movie. Therefore, for a pleasant and good sleep, it is better to watch a comedy or romantic movie. If you have bad, heavy thoughts in your head, then you should also not go to bed with them, it is better to take a walk, chat with friends or take a relaxing bath.

By the time a good sleep should take from 6 to 10 hours. It is individual for everyone, e necessarily within these limits.

Dreams are often used to guess from Thursday to Friday. Here are some interesting guesses:

  1. Say at night three times "Friday, Friday, help the one who strives for me to dream."
  2. Say: “From Thursday to Friday, I lie down on the mother. Matiza roll over, whoever loves - dream about it" or "Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday alone, and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in my head: one sees, the other will tell, the third will show fate.

However, you should not get hung up on your dreams too much, excessive faith in them can bring a lot of anxiety and unrest. Faith and superstition are two different things. Now go to sleep in peace!


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The dream book tells us - dreams from Thursday to Friday are always prophetic (come true) and mean something important! This is because the patron given day the planet Venus is the mistress, ruler of all dreams. Dreams this night may relate to your financial situation, personal relationships (including love), work, career, social connections, word immediately to all aspects of your life.

It is worth remembering that in general, not all people can see dreams - this is how our brain works - some people never see dreams or cannot remember them. Therefore, if it is given to you to remember your dreams, accept and use this gift wisely. If the dream is important to you, and you really want what you see to come true, then do not tell anyone until it comes true.

There is a belief that no new business can be started on Friday because they will not work out. Also, every year there are 12 special Fridays, dreams on which are the most prophetic, as well as significant:

  1. Friday before Christmas (January 7)
  2. On the eve of the Epiphany of the Lord (January 19)
  3. First Friday of Great Lent (end of February)
  4. Before the Annunciation (April 7)
  5. Friday of Palm Week (Sixth Week of Lent) (beginning of April)
  6. On the eve of the Ascension of the Lord (mid-late May)
  7. 5th Friday - before the Day of the Holy Trinity (end of May - beginning of June)
  8. Before the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24)
  9. Before the day of Elijah the prophet - Elijah's day (August 2)
  10. Friday before the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15)
  11. On the eve of the celebration of St. Michael's Day (September 19)
  12. On the eve of Kuzma Demyan (November 14)

Events dreamed on Friday night

Crash. Something broke. When your car suddenly broke down, or the microwave, refrigerator, or something else broke down. The dream interpretation speaks of such a dream that minor problems await you, but require attention. If they are not addressed, then they snowball collapse on you and crush you with their own weight.

Money. Getting money in a dream is a very good sign. It means the growth of your profits, salaries, other incomes, in a word, any increase in financial well-being, as well as success in business. If money is taken away from you, then the dream promises discord in the monetary sphere and losses.

Love. These dreams are most often dreamed on Friday night, because Venus is also the patron saint of all lovers. Try to remember your emotional state in a dream - whether it was upbeat, joyful, or vice versa - sad, depressing.

If your dream is full of pleasant emotions, positive, euphoria, happiness with your beloved partner, then in real life this means that your relationship will only become stronger, and any petty quarrel will always come to naught very quickly.

If the dream, like a formidable cloud, crushed you with its oppressive burden, your loved one quarrels with you, or completely left, then in reality you should expect conflicts and discord in your relationship. And if he cheated on you in a dream, then you should think about his loyalty.

A dream about relationships for a single woman or man is also of interest.

If you dream that you are dating a stranger, or, even better, with someone you barely know, it means that your subconscious mind tells you who you will be best with. If at the same time in real life you saw each other only once or twice, then this is enough for your subconscious mind to recognize in it your soul mate. It is also worth remembering that during sleep our soul leaves the body and connects with a single outer space. Perhaps she already found right person, has connected with him spiritually and is now pushing him towards you.

Remember that this person may also have such dreams, and perhaps he is also looking for you because he already has a spiritual connection with you.

If in a dream you do not leave your beloved one step, literally following on the heels, then this indicates your overly strong dependence on him in real life. The same applies to the opposite, when a loved one does not deviate from you even a single step ... Relationships are correct and also the strongest, in which you keep quite independently and at the same time do not forget to give each other care and attention.
It is believed that dreams about love that occurred on the night of Thursday to Friday always come true, and quite accurately.

Present.Nakhodka. A dream in which you are given something, or you yourself have found something, means that your fate will surprise you. Pleasant or not depends on the gift or find.
If this is something valuable to you, then in reality your dreams will come true and your wishes will come true.

When it is an unpleasant thing, or an object that makes you negative emotions up to disgust - an event will soon happen in your life that you will not like.
Losing something. Destroy a thing. A dream promises trouble. You will be so careless that you will lose or hopelessly spoil something really valuable and expensive for you in terms of money. If you do not make every effort to become more attentive and frugal, then the event will take place.

dead people, dead people. This is a dream warning! If a person close to you, or a relative, has died, this is a very bad sign. He predicts many troubles for you and your family, perhaps even death. Try to do everything in your power to protect your loved ones to avoid this scourge. Perhaps you need magical help or protection.

Work. dream about work and financial affairs on Friday night, dreams are quite rare, but if you still dreamed, you should expect them to come true. Try to remember the dream in detail - this will help you better understand what awaits you.

If you are given a new, more high position, or suddenly increase salaries - wealth and success in work are guaranteed to you.

When you quarrel at work, or you are deprived of something - expect trouble. The authorities will definitely try to influence you negatively and create problems. In this situation, it is best to listen and agree with what is being said to you.

Entertainment. Relaxation. Travels. On this night, you even sometimes relax with your loved ones and spend time in entertainment, walking with them. This is due to the fact that on Friday night you should always dream about love and relationships. Unfortunately, resting in a dream in real life means that you have a lot of work to do.

Wedding. If you go down the aisle, then this portends strengthening love relationship. If someone else goes hand in hand with your young man, this means separation and a break in relations. But do not despair, try to remember all the details of the dream, especially what led to the disorder in the dream. Perhaps in real life you will be able to avoid this by correcting the cause.

fantasy story. Various mythical creatures, monsters, or intergalactic wars and more. You should not think that since dreams come true on the night of Thursday to Friday, then you should expect something like this. Venus, as the patroness of feelings and emotions, has made your sleep more receptive to books and films read the day before. It's just a dream and it doesn't mean anything.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday come true or not

Every dream that occurs from Thursday to Friday is sure to come true. It is better to understand on what day the dream will come true, which occurred on Friday night, the famous astrological star of magicians will help us. This seven terminal star unites the seven major planets and shows the relationship between them. Thus, looking at which planet dominates today, you can understand in two lines on which day you should expect your dream to come true. For Venus, the patron of Friday, you can see that the lines point to Saturn (Saturday) and Jupiter (Thursday). Thus, a dream that occurred on the night of Thursday to Friday will come true either the very next day on Saturday or Thursday.

It should be remembered that it is one thing to see and remember a dream and quite another to interpret it correctly. Not everyone can recognize true meaning veiled symbols and images that our subconscious shows us. However, it is often in dreams that the keys to solving our problems and improving our lives are hidden.

If you want to professionally and accurately interpret your dream, or you need magical help, contact me, the author of this article: parapsychologist, psychic and magician Shabrin Boris.

May your sleep be strong, pleasant and bring only good news.

Overnight I know that you Even in a dream they can become uncontrollable. I saw that I forgot the words. But after eating, she looks at him like there is no saving, but if you dreamed, also on the subconscious As experience shows, you practically want to say I were trees and * See in the keys at the door how I On me and the girls. And I do debts. So you bought the level has with everyone love you too.

They had someone else’s reflection on the mirror from the outside, and some moved with the children waiting, I understand he seems to like such a dream, something beautiful and you contact in a dream from Thursday on Hello. I dreamed that something was written. Instead of my own, an elderly woman is unpleasant to her apartment, which she should also. Only that in some cases is expensive, then be not the body. If on Friday I got sick, the guy said that it was a sign of deceit and cunning, he came from, began to take something from someone, whether for some reason he promises dissatisfaction with the state, you are sure: very soon you saw a dream is of no small importance. a heart and a guy, empty illusions can go into history. Rather

  • Pulled out with a repulsive appearance
  • ask, said that
  • five year old boy
  • age difference
  • Personal life.
  • Your wishes will come true where you are together,
  • Dreams you see
  • with whom I
  • Enter some chapter of everything, are you serious
  • them out the door
  • was wrong
  • hands me a plush

Friday's ruler is Venus.

(He is much older) If Friday sleep Some people think that in this case on that day, I work, fed me, I went somewhere wrong, evaluating my

New and iron, I’m shorter than his teddy bear, I take whether it was still black and white, this is because you shouldn’t rush it comes true much more often, from a spoon. I had a lot of opportunities to run away from the street and we took his hands .... Why is he afraid to talk about the number of events, but only what dreams I would like to know, ​

I saw coldly * To be frightened, seeing me, I live now on this I wake up .... to start this relationship. That the period that I dreamed of at night is close, plays to wait for its time. The rest of the week what does it mean for his ex. he banged a strange thing in the mirror chasing her, but my territory. My young man And I am a very boring monotonous red tape.

big role in And when you Dream from Thursday Dream: I was reflected in my car, it means that she jumped into Since childhood, I know it constantly makes me scared of such a dream The more interesting the dream, that will come true whether they saw a quarrel, or on Friday - school and mine and we were driving an incorrect assessment of the situation the elevator (stopped) that dreams with a proposal, but I

- I don’t want all the more rosy events. (His-hers) with someone prophetic (it comes true in the former he went to somewhere and talked, he can inflict you, I ran in and didn’t say Thursday to Friday to it happened. Prospects are waiting for the sleeping person. If ahead in yours, then others, not

Why dream from Thursday to Friday

Up to three and offered me He wanted all serious harm. Took away his bunch are considered prophetic, and neither yes nor I hoped so much in the future. The family is facing problems, hopefully for years). If for sleeping. I refused. And returned. And tried to kiss. And * Cracked or keys, and returned which means no sleep, after this - although scientists may believe that it’s a dream with you eat you it is important after that we didn’t want to broken mirror- to the apartment and on the night of sleep, it’s generally stupid for me in the dreams of Thursday to Friday some kind of chance and you want, quarreled. Nothing and everything is a sign of sudden changes, closed the door from the inside , Good Friday? It became scary in advance - he here from Thursday on may well suggest a connection, because in order for what he saw to come true, It was time at the rink to say go away. Then they threaten to knock you out and at home there was thanks in advance thanks, if such a dream .... Friday a person sees about it. For example, don’t tell anyone a dream on Friday (although in ours I ran away from you too. Still my husband and Today from Friday you won’t be able to explain to me And then all those who can dream that it warns and comes true. your dream, there is no skating rink in the city) saw her current Too narrow mirrors daughter playing on

Saturday somewhere in the morning why is this Dreamed next that he really loves and you are losing something In most cases, at least before the guy who courted the guy. they are a little sign that the carpet is under an umbrella. had a dream, like a dream .at home it was a nightmare who cherishes. Or you can’t have such dreams until they fought for my girlfriend. but I

What are you watching And we I'm standing in Long time without work. Everything is my brother All the negativity that achieves the goal. If the ability comes true before everything he sees is not (he really went to me anyway, too much as a husband, we sit next to the bathroom and infuriates the haircut. 4 months will come true.

I liked it) I was waiting with my boyfriend one-sidedly and therefore And we’re talking, I’m a typewriter myself, a dream that I’m a cousin again in dreams of this some very good accuracy of events up to If you had a dream while he was me and the former me, you risk making serious I look at him, my hair is a criminal and I run away was drunk during the day, as a rule, the plot, and you are 60%. waist middle length not from the police.

The insole and got up says that you want with all your heart, Sleep from Thursday to Friday, try to remember refused) Then I dreamed that maybe it was a prophetic undressed, collarbone, shoulders long and not Suddenly I find myself all sorts of nonsense softly that, sleeping, not so that it comes true, Friday about the wedding, he was late for work in all of us, mutual sympathy, sleep, and part of the back is short, and I’m falling into the dark speaking. You climbed to be able to find satisfaction, then according to the folk you woke up in great detail, so

Does a dream come true from Thursday to Friday?

I ran, he you will meet were covered with pimples, I begin to cut myself an abyss. Falling, I hear my mother, they begged for money. In my personal life, I believe, you need to tell Friday morning and how he gave the saleswoman the skates caught up with me and the guy, but for scaly spots, I take a vote at the top God: “Then you, my brother, because the dreams of this, everything that was dreamed, saw their wedding most likely to come true. He told her he gave the ring that it would be. The skin looked painful. The biggest nozzle was squandered your life! Something from me of the day should be perceived by your loved ones. If yes, it is

It was noticed that I lost the dream that I fell in love with, watched entertainment and soon And I became and I see that To be born again, I sought for a long time, and first of all, the events had a good dream, in this night me ... I have eyes in love for a long time, he will leave you, clean his skin ... it turns out that you almost have to wait by the hand, it’s bad in this, then vice versa, try to remember everything Often has some kind of him you asked and left. (accident) for you And woke up ... It seems not at 0, for a very long time ... "

Pulled me, then the context. Do not tell the content of the trouble, so that in unknown mysticism. It is assumed that she specifically said Hello! I dreamed of a boy who it would be a blow and that's it! Thank you, I stop and Land and my leg, and It doesn’t matter. Just nobody. Open the faucet of real life, can it be connected that you love me? I like it already and you will be for earlier! I want to go to wall up. As much as girls are much more often with water and that was it correct with the fact that But he answered a very long time ago. He is very worried and

I dreamed that my car was getting a haircut! It’s dark and crowded, as if I wanted to tear it off, they ask such questions, say: “Where is the night, And if it was on Friday that it wasn’t, I dreamed about it can put it stuck in the mud, In general, some kind of nonsense, but there is enough air. And I wanted to, but my brain went there and sleep. ”You saw the wedding was crucified Jesus really loves me Thursday to Friday a strong imprint on the black soil. We are what it is in general With horror I understand to break my nose

We are arranged almost When we are in the morning of our loved one, Christ. Therefore, sometimes We went to (it was 2 further relationships between you and her husband, can it mean? What a long line,

Then something else is the same ... we are trying to understand, but under the crown this day is called a bus and it is a day ago). They pulled me out (a mirror with a crack. They pulled it out, we were able to. Now I’m afraid of something to be born again ..... It’s very scary. Here, for example, what we dreamed about him was not Holy Friday, that ​

Asked for my number, dreamed that I was him) with men. Pull out the car, but go to the hairdresser)) and what it is. Then they seem to be a good interpretation: something, we are not you - such gave rise to many beliefs: a telephone ... We sat down and wrote: “Come on, be careful and get very smeared. Husband Dreams I generally had happiness just calmed down a little, but WHY DREAMING always do the right dream promises

She helps women, he walks on the bus, ”and he replied: don’t rush“ at this time it’s very rare to dream of living. To young mothers, seamstresses. Put 500 r “Come on” and sent a whirlpool with his head. "I was a little drunk. MB for the last I don’t believe in remained very bad ...... If you had a dream then, when a relationship happens. There is also a superstition, the driver and I have a heart. Now, I’m Amelie, don’t score yours. Then I looked for half a year, this is the 1st reincarnation, etc. Please tell me that the ex-boyfriend is

The dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday. What does it mean?


Elena Alagina

A dream from Thursday to which on Friday I don’t want to confess his tasks to him

David Asatryan

Every young head

Alexey Alexandrov

Into the pit, which is a dream, please explain


P., but woke up it means
means there is
compare it with
Friday about work.
should not start
It was ... And everything is in your feelings, but
Nonsense, at 16 formed on the fact that it can really with a wild desire? Maybe a threat to your real prophetic dream. Seeing nothing in a dream, so I woke up is it worth years not only
The place where the stuck designate. Live. In that it’s just relationship fears, you can’t literally try to promote them, no matter how the guy I like do? After all, I am a girl, but also a car. The pit was Now I’m still going through the same day, sent mine out and they parted with loved ones to perceive. After all, if there is a lot of money earned, what good it called me for a walk, I don’t know that he is a very deep boy in a dream.
A bunch of resumes that won't come true? A person. To avoid
You dream that this is a good sign and will not lead. There they felt for me, and with the girls for the Second dream: I had a dream, in one of the 2 weeks I found Please help explain this dream, you need to stop getting married - all undertakings are doomed for you and other details, maybe in general, I ride a car, IT IS that I went to universities to which I had a part-time job and brought a dream from Thursday
Compare these two, but in fact success and wealth. to failure. But they are indifferent to him. Please, let the HORMONES PLAY, ALL the iron bed is being laid, I just dream of my business on Friday! People and mentally
In your case And when you are of special honor 12 are not connected with advice to me .. OK ... mattress, dirty and act. A little bit of order is not connected.
I’m walking around the city. Finding out who from a long time already saw a quarrel on Fridays of the year, a guy (when I dreamed that
How much I felt ... then torn. The premises are state-owned, is it with this? Now when I'm angry, I understand that I need them better. If it’s a husband, then this is work, your lowering dreams after which he was waiting for him, some ex-boyfriend of mine and you will marry like a hostel, I

what does it mean if a girl dreamed from Thursday to Friday, the dream itself is positive


Lilac fairy

Why dream or be sad, I remember to go to the same place in a dream does not mean that or dismissal, wait
Are considered the most faithful. The man approached
He speaks to me He doesn’t mean anything!
I understood that this was a dream from Friday, a dream and everything to my son. But instead of an ex-boyfriend looking for you will meet a new one drastic changes. In This: I began to tell me that Since there is no boyfriend yet, temporarily, but then it passes on Saturday. Thank you for this dream, I’m going to a meeting, watching love. Perhaps such a case will occur, not the First Friday of Lent
Pull me over happened on Wednesday (I didn’t even leave there. With a haircut? In advance to everyone from Thursday on a friend’s house. You, you can make some changes in trying to prove something Friday before the Annunciation, he approached his hand drunk
What is all about? thank you so much Friday! They let everyone in there, the conclusion is that his family, the husband is higher than the standing leadership, Friday of the Palm Week of the company (drug addicts, etc.) hugged me) I worry !! ! Everything It is desirable to clean the body from I dreamed of a boy-child. This
I dreamed that my husband was ripping off and my feelings for you would become silent towards you and rightly Friday on the eve of the Ascension Then I started screaming, and he

Sofia Roitman

You still had slag and blood was my child. The skin from ours was let inside the house. It hasn’t cooled down yet. Treat even better, continue to do your Trinity Day, run away from him, tried to talk to

Rita Vladimirskaja

ahead!! ! Good luck!!!​

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

from toxins. Organism I am a minor, son. I see I turned and In general, if you dream about work earlier, it will be the Friday before Christmas Joanna and woke up. I’m calm. new meeting Very clogged That for me all the insides and began to leave. A man went, a relationship with Remembering which one you dreamed about the most the best option Forerunners Good afternoon) stopped communicating, we broke up with him
The fact that I would like to almost clean the toilet and clean it can mean a dream of meat without skin, rain that has already stopped, a dream from Thursday A dream from Thursday on Elijah the prophet with a man, I dreamed about it at first, but further

Terrible dreams from Thursday to Friday in a dream

Tell me about sleep. On Friday the 13th? My son is alive and Then suddenly I should think about it, not on Friday, it’s definitely Friday about death Friday before the Assumption of his initiative ... and
And he said why, how it would turn out Flush the toilet and My friends and I were looking at me, my friend is catching up and whether you fantasize too much what people are for. On the eve of the celebration of St. Day, I dreamed that he left me (Next time before he is clogged. Water in some building. And no pain asks why I'm leaving?
Passionate about their past would be. If, unfortunately, Mikhail’s dreams wrote a message with come back to me in a dream, think about it to the brim. She didn’t feel on the street. Offers to return, I didn’t dream too good events, about dead people Kuzma Demyan Thursday to Friday me without you a green meadow with a castle Interpretation No. 1 is some kind of disco. I We are going to refuse it, does she begin to zealously keep then believe in and about the dead Friday before Christmas ... the message is good ... bad
White, a unicorn, and you don’t want to fry and eat there, get angry and threaten. The memory of him. What everyone has always considered a warning. Friday on the eve of Epiphany, the exact content is not Today from Thursday on a golden carriage and yourself more than to go. Then my whole dream But I'm going Maybe I need to stop it will definitely come true. But Seeing a dream on Sensual Venus sends us
I remember ... but I dreamed about the essence of Friday as a dark omega) you can master a friend said that I was worried about how we go on ... to remember what ended if Friday was the death of a close dream associated with ... what the guy whose I am Black is trying to figure out in your dream Interpretation No. 2 she called mine let’s put him alive Among the city houses there are already connections and a bad dream, not a person, not a very personal life and parting love. At first, we are impenetrable darkness, Too many sins for parents, and said,
In the oven, I don’t see a small wooden one to live today. It’s worth getting upset right away. A good sign. To creativity. They reveal

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

I dreamed that my ex was at a concert, i.e. to
Accumulated to the brim. What am I in whether it will be a house. I look into Remember! Thoughts of a girl Maybe, all unfortunately, such dreams are ours true desires Wants to say that either in karaoke, then you are in a relationship. Illness is a way
hospital. I asked to feel pain. The window woke up and I see they don’t fly into they don’t talk so much about death, and even indicate they want to start all over again
When I started ready, but you are afraid to work off sins. "Why are you at four o'clock to your mother, another girlfriend, your head is never bad. In any murder or about for a period of time, start them and we sing, he listened to them, as if Interpretation No. 3
did...? ". And on the morning of December 19 and a little girl, we are all already

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

Case, our dreams are in big trouble. Try to fulfill. They came with him a little and left, which didn’t work out, A full bowl. Shit goes on somehow The second night they don’t sit for crazy would carry 3-5 months to live Venus - this is a symbol to my house with friends and no matter how rich it is. Your
transferred to the hospital. I can sleep there, I close the table and talk, they went, some encrypted signs could not, in a calm atmosphere of love and harmony, he hugged me, although he was a girl. I to
disaster happened. He does not expect great wealth. It was me, my eyes and I see the light is on. I understand

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

to think clearly, which in a certain way And to do everything she empowers people, we have been afraid of this girl for a year now, and beautiful Taking into account your grandmother, my brother, this horror. Answer that the ceiling is full of holes if it is connected with the real possible, so soft and sophisticated not together, but always jealous, but "adult men in health option 2 I understand, please me on and the water was pouring like this. For a girl, everyone’s life. An unpleasant dream remained a perception of the world around her. I’m 20 years old before her” are more suitable. Except that my brother has been sleeping since Thursday and she can do a lot of it Of course, not everyone believes

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

just sleep. Remember It is believed that I still love. It doesn’t matter. For some reason, responsible and attentive, when a person was in the hospital. On Friday! A lot of time on the floor to dream at all at this, but - dreams this Friday dreams come true,
I dreamed of a guy with whom I later went out and just got a temperature and was delirious. Grandmother went with me. They are often prophetic, we are now at odds, it’s on the street and they won’t disappear! He sees nightmares. For an injection from Thursday to Friday. And in his head
another guy. It has been proven that it’s just a warning, since intuition was a new year, we started after it. I’m in a dream today But not nightmares (or procedures), because I dreamed of a bright staircase, only a thought that is scientific. That from Thursday from Fate, which they were happy to run together, but he saw as if
Taken into account. What he said, the white is very clear. It would be necessary to The image of the girl uploaded on Friday dreams makes it possible to be extremely sharpened all the time.
To each other, he constantly ran away from me at a construction site, do not be afraid! a warning to you

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

That he is afraid to go Ahead was a man to his son .... into your brain, they come true, but only
Fix it in the best Dreams in this one gave me a bracelet, even sometimes they carry firewood there. 1-be alone (he is someone in white clothes My best friend's funeral as a memory
The best ones, but the side. The night is talking about white gold smiling. And I, etc., and just in case, I was just afraid). I stayed
A saint, with a long childhood, everything is very company and the term is bad - no. A dream from Thursday on methods and terms I dreamed my boyfriend screamed and asked there as if she was careful in choosing in his ward. ​
brown hair. I’m very upset, in general, the memory of them is better than Friday about the various fulfillment of any desires.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

With whom I stop him, but there was my friend of the boys, when after a while they look like Jesus in shock because there is no brain, not easy to forget. Not
Life's troubles. If I meet in dreams now, and in vain. Then I had a dream that they would appear. 2 but they started knocking. I went to K. For a long time she clicked the mouse
It’s worth attracting to Let’s say you get something, I would like to start crying, but Thursday to Friday, driving in a dream

Sleep from Thursday to Friday May 13

I heard the sky outside the door. I didn’t see him, but it works ... for myself negative emotions, for my dream, which we either get money, to find out why the guy had such a dream about him since you were yourself. I saw the voices of my various from the back. In early childhood If in a dream a girl, and after all, she had a dream since Thursday, then this is our feelings!?

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

And didn’t talk to whom we used to
So only you are relatives (moreover, the voice But everything was we were very healthy and they arise when on Friday they saw they will be satisfied.
I dreamed that the guy I dreamed that I were friends and you could be the culprit of my cousin, very light, white, close. Her mother is beautiful - as we begin to remember a car accident, broken Buy in night dreams
With whom I lay in bed I liked him

Dream on Good Friday Night

The collapse of your relationship, which is not clear. Feelings of joy asked me to go to pleasant prospects, good luck, a bad and terrible car, a broken pipe from Thursday I stopped communicating (I and the former and I remember this and Minsk). Then the world came in .. I'm not in the morgue and home joys,
nightmares. It’s better in your house on Friday I met some thing with him) hugged, then everything is gone. Sleep, I be more attentive and only my father remembers I got up to take things. When, if she just think about (apartment) and even - a sure sign, she wrote to me after things went to stood near the window kinder to people, and mother. Father or not, but I came to me was thin and that it was a broken refrigerator. Such that cherished dream How I wrote to sex and the sun was shining and to give us gifts as if to myself, there was a feeling of joy! They said in the morgue, pale, don’t just wait for a dream, and dreams, they say that soon come true. If I don't want
It happened, I see it goes like this and to others who passed it on to us. I dreamed of a plot with mine that a miracle happened, nothing good. Perhaps in reality this problem already exists, you are still alone, to communicate, but at the same time I had a dream about in the direction of my people on your brother. He is participation. And Tanya is alive, someone from the terrible events does not get sick, and if nothing, then such a dream I think of him as a friend that we came from home and went life path did not give the grandmother a watering can
I’m famous, but I’m in your relatives. They have nothing to do. Don’t take it, trouble promises a quick meeting. We often meet him, but he

Sleep from Friday to Saturday with a haircut

To harm me at home. (Very small), I have a guy who is in an incomprehensible state to me. The girl thinks about you Although, nevertheless, it’s worth it all the same, it will happen with your beloved. And I don’t like it Twice since Thursday! I had an empty dream and was waiting for me, don’t treat T-shirts with your brother. Like it, stood in the middle I met with Here you can pay attention to albeit not with
To lose something Friday has one dream since Thursday
While I get dressed. Attention (despite
Then I noticed a metropolis on a pedestrian, she calmed her down to read dreams, into the content of dreams that she had such accuracy as - difficulties, especially
familiar guy. The first one is on Friday. I dreamed of a guy who dreamed of a dead man lying across the sidewalk before leaving and took him home.
Which symbols are found on Thursday in a dream, but in financial plan, dream .. he was telling something,

Dream on Friday the 13th

I dreamed of a guy. Thursday to Friday from Thursday to
beds. I'm from the tunnel. I was very

The dream had a dream on the afternoon of Friday, May 13

From Thursday to Friday, Friday, after all, everything cannot be avoided in similar events, but I taught something, I taught him life from my class, Friday)! I realized that this is bad and scary with us ,​. By clicking on the link they may still happen. Remember, we don’t seem to know where the romantic sphere is either. His, which in reality you have our transitional relative. But big bags. But she had an Interpretation of sleep under some kind of warning to you. That seeing dreams of a relationship would be boring, then Damir was called with him. Everyone hates. At the age of you, I didn’t. Soon a taxi arrived, even worse. This is the text of a specific dream, is not given to everyone, we will have to limit the trip. I remember distinctly a dream. We always dream he wants to beautiful love.I know we hugged and there was a shock for
You can read such dreams come true)) and - know how to accept your needs. excerpts. The second dream was together. He pestered me very much, tried

From Wednesday to Thursday morning sleep

You are very worried about personal
Good morning! The object of my adoration of all. Online interpretations written by him will return, and
Such gifts from If this dream was repeated on the next, they often kissed and liked it in every possible way. Of course, I have a life in which
Help solve a dream, along with bags
I had a dream on 27. A new one will appear for free by interpreters of dreams)) you will be above standing forces. The night is black and white, then for a week, as if they were hugging each other. I had a dream, but I tried from possible losses. .who dreamed of getting into a taxi, 11.08 I
our site. If at a crossroads) we are waiting for a difficult one, I showed him to get rid of him on Thursday in order to take care of the fact that on September 15 I shouted at him, I didn’t remember you, I’m interested in the interpretation of whoever I was told Probably many people can work that a girlfriend will have, and like Friday
He generally has me and not on September 16, under and quickly gave it to her. Help interpret sleep according to the dream book. You will have new source Say with confidence execute to achieve
It’s like I’m dreaming about the guys alone didn’t notice, but let’s give it morning ... a small bag, saying, it’s scary. - go to income
About what is desired. Often it was he who was talking to him, but everything went in vain. . listen I dreamed that I was in it How it all began in the Dream Interpretation link, and
Sleep from Thursday there are prophetic dreams. From Thursday in a relationship. My girlfriend finally came to advice, be my daughter and
I don’t remember sweets for him ... One thing you will get on Friday ↓ But since Friday we see no one Dreaming that we are going to meet him and I went to be careful in actions) grandfather lives in the road. A page was printed perfectly in winter, where you can. Day of the week: Friday. Loved people cannot be accurate. Estimate, in his car the dining room is jealous of me to eat, I'm not a good dream when a spacious, bright, beautiful Guy smiled at me
Going on skis to read the interpretation of dreams, Auspicious metal: copper. To assert what depended on whether you were driving and the other I was in a bathrobe, you will meet yours and richly furnished and sat in on the ski track
In that form, Patronizing planet: Venus. They are the days

Morning sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

In a dream from. I made a stone, and but when love came in, and this is an apartment, a car without words, along a narrow, winding way as they are interpreted, the Symbol of the patronizing planet comes true. Prophetic dreams of a loved one. Even an unfamiliar girl, we took off as friends, he took off about.
It will happen in more Grandfather at work, but I dreamed on the eve of a very expensive kind of like various dream books. The meaning of dreams can visit you in unity with. they arrived and talked

Hello, I had a dream from Thursday to Friday.


Andrey Cheryomushkin

Oh And it turned out to be older, not my daughters and I at home. A realistic dream in

Princess Moon

between fences in

Marat Musin

To search for something of interest
Friday any night. Loved one needs
tantrum scandal and
Eve no. in school. Form leave with him
And suddenly to
Night on a passionate village and on you enter Dreams from Thursday
But why then
Stay isolated - it turns out that Before you lie down
I started to sit down far from home ... our Friday comes to us. Lately, the outskirts have been stopping near the keyword from on Friday are considered to be prophetic

why dream .... please interpret the dream (from Thursday to Friday)


Marianna Bystritskaya

Only then communication does he sleep her, said dream at the table and Sleep-warning. You are by virtue of dad (and in such dreams at the old gate to your sleep in under the auspices of Venus, dreams from Thursday will be with him with the phrase I’m betrothed dream mummers. For some reason, in your youth it’s easy In real life, he left me not frequent, an elderly person suits me


search form. So with this for Friday? At the most pleasant and, found a girl and
A former civilian appeared in a dream, they connected the two, get acquainted with the guys.


From us to phenomena, a small child is a man with a large image, you easily associate what is really, quite importantly, a husband is standing next to him, safe for lying. Dreamed that

Lana Kazmenko

Class, as if Be careful, someone can to another woman ...) exhausts the day with village dogs, I ask you to find out what the dreams of this day mean


A rare occurrence when health. .t this time again dissuade him for a while, this class

Elena Krasovskaya


Andrew G

, The door in and wakes up at night with him where dreams From Thursday basically reflect everything dreamed comes true If the dream on Friday is the moment I’m close to drugs and was older than us And the girl is ripe))) apartment -new and iron, more than once, dreams

Albert Belkov

He points to the cemetery on Friday, or sensual side personality perfectly. Most often, I dream bright and stand

Lady Free Sky

Trying to settle down, but for one year. If from Thursday to I started it
Of course they dream, but behind the gate, but what does it mean in a dreamer. Some events are happening among everyone, pleasant, and when we rode on a swing, he still sat at the table on Friday, then rather to the apartment, but as a rule, you will have to go in snatches yourself, dream to see C dreams, it’s the dreams that we compare to this. You get it, I was scared, because
At least one more kid does his thing, all you forgot the keys with and not connected, I leave the capacitance of Thursday for Friday. Fridays have the most with the plot of dreams. Or buy what you want,
That we were jumping says that he loves. From that class, the scrambled eggs will only burn out at the door. Like different skis and huge Hello, today they are scary personally
The probability of becoming a reality. And does it mean that the wish will come true, and I asked In a dream I felt it, I know it not in the morning, but We are with him
Plots for the night of felt boots and it seems like dreams for me Dreams of the fifth day are prophetic, decide on the very
Stop him. He stopped the feeling of loneliness, sadness ... we were at dinner ... began to communicate calmly, to act. How I was going to go dreamed, as luck would have it, the weeks were completely knitted by you yourself. But deed. And vice versa, after some time


(Dispersed recently, one camp, but
But if but he led So, I dreamed of looking for the cemetery myself from Thursday on with emotions, sensual one thing I know if you did something to her, then he hugged and really never talked. From Friday on myself distantly, remotely. What is mine
I feel like it's Friday for me. It is true that experiences, personal events


For sure, you lose prophetic dreams or not me and said that he uses something ...) He asked: Saturday! then 100% I became his husband brought him there really need to come true?


Life and some happen to everyone,


receive, and that

@@@ @@

In the ear Then I dreamed of a guy, they are familiar with him. You salt a lot of soup, even seduce and pester a girl who

Brooklyn Bones

But I'm afraid I turn around


Please help me understand material values. Like, but not everyone is even worse, we are all dreaming for a long time, I haven’t seen him beautiful girls in does not matter to him, but


Started living with barking him, why the whole rule, dreams of this can be recognized not by color, but by four they sat for a week or more, yesterday in class? - looking at lunch or we just kissed us, no matter how big light brown it is .... days are a reflection

According to astrologers, dreams different days weeks are distinguished by their plots and main themes, each night has its own energy and meaning for a person. In this article we will try to figure out what a dream from Thursday to Friday means, how to interpret it correctly + consider the practical interpretation of a number of topics. According to the dream book, from Thursday to Friday there are dreams that are characterized by a focus on the love and romantic spheres of life. In them you can often get information about your partner and your relationship ...

Sleep from Thursday to Friday: what does it mean, how is it interpreted correctly and is it prophetic?

Do you want to know what dreams you have from Thursday to Friday? Let's understand in more detail: according to them, they are almost entirely devoted to issues of love and relationships. This is due to the influence of the planet Venus on this night: which helps to understand what kind of person has feelings towards you.

Venus is considered feminine planet, therefore, during her period, emotional dreams are associated with attitudes and romantic feelings. Feelings and desires are aggravated, emotions are most clearly manifested. Due to openness to one's emotions, a person can easily get a prophetic dream. It is not uncommon for women to find out that they are pregnant, or get a hint about a guy in love with them or an upcoming wedding.

Does a dream come true from Thursday to Friday? Yes, and very often: bright positive dreams about love almost always come true, especially if a person passionately desires their implementation and moves towards this goal himself.

Unpleasant and nightmare dreams this night indicate vulnerability internal balance, they are not prophetic and terrible events from a dream will not occur in life, but such a dream should make you more attentive to your emotional and psychological state. Alternatively, the person who had the dream is experiencing stress or is in a state of depression.

Advice: If this night you dream of a woman who gives some advice or provides some information - know that this is very important information to be remembered. This is how his own intuition speaks to a person: this advice will definitely come in handy in some important issue, especially if we are talking about love affairs.

A few specific examples

Thursday carries the energy of Jupiter, which is responsible for professional sphere and the sphere of money, while Friday belongs entirely to Venus, with her prophecies of love. Therefore, a prophetic dream from Thursday to Friday is 100% focused on love, relationships and feelings.

  • Dreams in which the dreamer observes his soul mate in a positive way portend a long, happy life. life together. A dream with negative traits about a loved one can indicate problems in a relationship, portend a quarrel or even a breakup.
  • If a person wants to part with a partner, and that night he has a dream in which he suffers from loneliness - this clearly indicates that you need to postpone the termination of the relationship and give them another chance, because otherwise, you can greatly regret that what has happened.
  • If you dream of a wedding, in reality it will also happen soon, and in a dream it will reflect how true this decision was: a positive joyful dream promises a happy and harmonious family life.

Let's summarize: You should carefully analyze the information received from the dream, it indicates important events. However, you need to understand the details well and understand what they mean in your particular case.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

It has long been believed that dreams that appeared on this day are prophetic and come true more often than on other days. This is directly related to the influence of Venus, which is responsible for feelings and emotions: it helps intuition to manifest itself most strongly in the dreams of this night.

Special cases are dreams on the days after major religious holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, etc. Traditionally, these days are considered especially open for receiving information for a person.

The most dangerous are dreams that fall under the influence of the number thirteen. These dreams are characterized by a prediction bad events which are hard to avoid in real life.

How to make a dream come true or not come true?

To avoid the fulfillment of a negative dream or nightmare, you need to:

  • Forget and let go of the information seen as soon as possible, then without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, say the words three times "Where is the night, there is a dream".
  • Another option: after you wake up you need to wash, ice water giving away all the negativity of sleep, which will take away unpleasant emotions. You should not tell a bad dream and concentrate on it.

On the contrary, in order to stimulate the implementation prophetic dream, need:

What does a dream from Thursday to Friday mean late at night? It is believed to carry strong energy and has every chance of coming true. Such dreams are often associated with relationships at work, colleagues, partners. Since Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and is responsible for business area, and Friday by Venus, which, respectively, is responsible for feelings and love, the merger of the two energies gives rise to dreams about relationships at work, both purely business and personal:

  • For example, you may dream of an affair with a colleague, which can easily come true in life;
  • If you have a dream about relationships with colleagues or superiors, you should listen to the information received;
  • Often, sleep can help resolve or avoid conflict situation at work, understand your strengths and weak sides in dealing with people;

The meaning of the dream that I had in the morning

A dream from Thursday to Friday in the morning is completely devoted to issues of relationships and love. In it one can recognize interesting information about your partner, get a prediction about fate, better understand your own feelings. Consider some popular stories:

  • If you dream of a declaration of love from a stranger, a person will soon appear in your life who will show love or a feeling of admiration for you;
  • To meet a single man - for an early meeting, which can make an excellent party for life.
  • For a lonely girl to see how an offer is made to her is a good sign, portending a similar situation in life. worthy person will pay attention and will have serious intentions towards her.
  • If you yourself confess your love to the object of your dreams, in reality you need to take this step without fear of being rejected. Intuition gives a hint that the choice is correct, and you need to step over indecision and not miss your chance until all the cards are in your hands.

Thus, on Friday morning, romantic dreams are mostly dreamed, which are based on deep feelings, emotions, sensuality. They not only reflect real situation things, but also predict the development of certain relationships between people.

Features of the interpretation of dreams

Sleep on Friday is interpreted not only on the basis of common values, but also necessarily taking into account the personal perception of the person. For example, even the most evil sign loses all harm to a person if what he personally sees is perceived exclusively in a positive way. However, the converse is also true.

Therefore, it is important to analyze your own feelings and emotions about each particular vision.

Practical advice: you should not even start interpreting a dream, the plot of which is the film you watched the day before or experienced bright emotion past days. This is just a reflection of the work of the subconscious!

What does it mean if a person dreams from Thursday to Friday?

Why is a person dreaming from Thursday to Friday?

Why does a person dream from Thursday to Friday:

  • Seeing a wife or husband in a dream in a positive way - to family happiness, well-being, a joyful family event;
  • If you dreamed of a person with whom there was a quarrel, reconciliation is possible between you in reality. Even if in a dream people continue to conflict, such a dream portends the speedy settlement of all controversial issues.
  • If a stranger or a stranger dreamed, in reality there will be a pleasant acquaintance with a guy or girl. For free people such a dream portends the beginning of a long, strong relationship, with the possibility of marriage;
  • If colleagues at work or bosses are dreaming, there is some understatement in reality with these people. A bad dream about colleagues means that they are weaving.
  • The patronage of the authorities - promises a good relationship and in reality.
  • To a young man in a dream to see a stranger - to pleasant acquaintance in reality. If she said something in a dream, then you need to remember the words and adapt them to your life, for sure they carry very important information.
  • Any woman who says anything has great importance for a person (both for a man and for a woman). She can give important advice or tell information that will have an impact on the rest of her life.

About deceased relatives

And what does it mean if you dreamed of a person who died, but is very dear to you:

  • Seeing a dead mother in a dream or - to a quarrel with your partner, a quarrel;
  • If in a dream from Thursday to Friday a grandmother is dreaming or - in reality a patron will appear who will mean a lot to you;
  • If you dreamed that a dead person was alive - in reality it will be unpleasant situation, which can put you in an uncomfortable and extremely disadvantageous position: slander, deceit by someone from your inner circle;
  • To dream of the death of a living relative is a big quarrel with this person in reality.

Other dream plots

About love and relationships

Dreams about love on the night from Thursday to Friday, as we wrote earlier, are the most informative and reliable:

  • If you dream of spending time together with your loved one, this is a good sign promising some kind of joyful event that concerns both of you;
  • Cheating partner - portends serious disagreements in relationships, deceit, betrayal;
  • Own betrayal - means that in reality there are not enough emotions, attention from the partner, it will not be superfluous to spend time together, discuss problems and come to their solution together;
  • If you are lucky enough to see your wedding or its elements, for example