Irina tokmakova's poems for children. Irina tokmakova's poems for children Ten birds - a flock

I leave it as a legacy. Order of the Brotherhood in Arms. To the library. The best book readers. Book exhibition. Acquaintance of readers with the life and work of the writer-jubilee. Flowers at the foot of the monument. Aspiring writer. Book promotion. Books by N.D. Navolochkin. In war, as in war. The village of Nikolaevka. The guys earn bonuses.

"Porosh Porosh" - Warm-up. LG feels nature. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin 1895-1925. Winter fairytale landscape. Fizminutka. Porosh poem. Native nature in the poems of poets of the 20th century. Alliteration. Movement helps convey words. The movement of snow, in descending order of strength. Riddles that the poet thought about as a child.

"Nosov Doll" - "Cat in the Bag". You, doll, looked like a person! We get up - so seriously. "Living Flame" The Doll story. Poor doll! Personification. Genre of the work "Doll"? "I went to look at the flowers ...". Story. Yevtushenko. And the air is already sharp and strong, and the distances are clear and open to infinity. The child threw the doll.

"Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich" - Nothing was invented in it, everything is as it was. Sofya Andreevna was an outstanding woman, intelligent and superbly educated. There are few romances with a real life background and with such a happy continuation. Alexey's love turned out to be "an eternal feeling ...". But gray eyes looked intently and sadly.

“Shota Rustaveli” - Otar Taktakishvili oratorio “In the footsteps of Shota Rustaveli”. Buchenwald. Otar Vasilyevich Taktakishvili. In Georgia, the "Golden Age". World. "Buchenwald alarm". Shota Rustaveli. Poet Alexander Sobolev. Poem. Oratorio "In the Footsteps of Shota Rustaveli". The image of the great masculinity of the poet is intertwined with endless longing.

"Garnet Bracelet" - Does the landscape echo the state of mind of the characters, with the development of the plot? A. Kuprin. 1910 About the “Garnet Bracelet” “… I have never written anything more chaste…” AI Kuprin. Mighty. A garnet bracelet… After his death, the “little” Zheltkov became immortal, why? How would you explain the words: "Simple love conquered vanity and decay"?

Total in the topic 1073 presentations

“... the child's soul can hear the sounds of others,

worlds unfamiliar to us, their poetry, their harmony"

Poems by Irina Tokmakova are suitable for reading to the smallest children. Since many of Tokmakova's poems are nursery rhymes.

Irina Tokmakova, recognizing the freedom-loving disposition of children, never tries to retrain or remake them in her poems. All the characters in Irina Tokmakova's poems are animated, have their own character. And this is in tune with child psychology, because kids tend to transfer human qualities and emotions to any object. In this regard, the cycle of poems “Trees” is noteworthy, in which each tree is associated with one or another child: the aspen freezes even in the sun, the willow always cries, the strong strength of the oak can only be envied, the birch needs to be braided, etc.

In Tokmakov's poems he puts not only positive, but also negative emotions. Her characters are in pain, they can become stubborn and protest. Some poems are written in children's language, which makes it doubtful that they were written by an adult woman, and not a toddler. It turns out this is due to the fact that Tokmakova uses constructions of phrases, children's sayings, characteristic of children's speech.

Be sure to introduce your baby to!


Bainki, bainki,

Bunnies came running.

sat down on the bench,

They asked for a watering can

watered the garden,

Where does cabbage grow?

Dark at night. Quiet at night.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

Dog's footprint - to the kennel.

Belkin's trail leads to a hollow,

Myshkin - to a hole in the floor.

It is a pity that in the river, on the water,

There are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?


Riding on a horse

We got to the corner.

Got on the car

Poured gasoline.

We drove by car

We arrived at the river.

Trr! Stop! U-turn.

On the river is a boat.

We went by steamboat

We reached the mountain.

The ship is not carrying

We have to get on the plane.

The plane is flying,

It has a motor running:


Whose screams are there by the pond?

KVASU, KVASU to us here!

KVA-KVA-KVA-su, just KVAshi,

We are tired of water!


Come on, come on, come on, come on!

Do not grumble, you pans!

Don't grumble, don't hiss,

Cook sweet porridge

Cook sweet porridge

Feed our children.

Hey soup!

Deep, not shallow

Ships in plates:

bow head,

red carrot,



And a little grains

Here the ship is sailing

Swims right into your mouth!

Ten birds - a flock

Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a bird

Gray feather.

This one is a finch.

This one is a haircut.

This one is a merry siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds - go home!


Rain, rain, drop

water saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut,

And he stopped.


The stream ran over the pebbles,

Run, run, run...

Then in a deep puddle

Lay, lay, lay...

Then again he rushed off at a gallop,

It's like he fell asleep...

I saw a river - jump there

And immediately drowned!

Near the river, at the cliff,

The willow is crying, the willow is crying.

Maybe she feels sorry for someone?

Maybe she's hot in the sun?

Maybe the wind is playful

Pulled a willow by a pigtail?

Maybe the willow is thirsty?

Maybe we should ask her?


Summer downpour poured puddles -

Whole seas!

The dacha stood at the pier,

Dropping anchor.

Only my ship is brave

Fighting the wave.

And no matter what paper

Sail above me.


Aspen chills,

Trembling in the wind

Freezes in the sun

Freezes in the heat.

Give Aspen

Coat and boots -

Gotta get warm

Poor donkey.

sleepy elephant

Ding dong. Ding dong.

An elephant walks in the alley.

An old, gray, sleepy elephant.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

It became dark in the room:

Elephant blocks the window.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

apple tree

little apple tree

I have in the garden.


Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress

With white border.

little apple tree,

Befriend me.

Buy a bow

Buy onions, green onions,

Parsley and carrots!

Buy our girl

Minx and cheat!

We don't need green onions

Parsley and carrots.

All we need is a girl

Naughty and cheat!

Tili - Tili


We didn't go about

Yegorka came,

He brought a bucket.


Washed white and white.

Only one head

All black-black!

In a wonderful country

In one country

In a wonderful country

Where not to be

You and me

Boot with black tongue

In the morning laps milk

And all day in the window

The potato looks like an eye.

The bottle neck sings

Gives concerts in the evening

A chair with curved legs

Dancing to the harmonica.

In one country

In a strange country...

Why don't you believe me?

A gnome comes to us in the morning.

Comes to Moscow, straight to the house!

And it all says the same thing:

- Wash your ears often!

And we shout back to him:

We know for sure there are no gnomes! —

He laughs: - Well, no, no, -

Just wash your ears!

Alone at home

I remain alone

I'm not afraid at all

It's dark outside the window.

It doesn't matter to me.

I'll turn on the light everywhere.

I'll sit, I'll shut up.

I'll close the window.

Mom and dad are in the movies.

I remain alone.

I'm not afraid at all.

Maybe I'll go to the kitchen.

I will sit at the table.

There are gingerbread for tea.

But I don't want to eat...

Someone knocks on the wall.

The TV is silent.

I'll knock back.

I'll turn on the TV

Time will pass quickly

A stranger will not come to us.

The refrigerator hums.

Someone knocks on the wall.

mom and dad at the cinema

A very, very long time...


The distant forest stands as a wall,

And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,

An owl sits on a branch.

Sleep grass grows there.

They say sleep-grass

Knows sleepy words;

How he whispers his words

The head will drop right away.

I'm at the owl today

I'll ask for this herb:

Let you sleep-grass

Say sleepy words.


There are kittens in the world -

Kasianka, Tom and Plut.

And they have a mistress

I don't remember the name.

She cooks for kittens

cocoa and compote

And gives them toys

For every New Year.

Kittens find her

Missing points

And watered in the morning

Dill and zucchini.

Kittens asked to buy

Products for lunch.

They went to town

And they brought ... sweets.

Cleaned the floor in the kitchen

Kasyanka, Tom and Plut,

They said: “There will be a kitchen -

Completely frozen pond.

And have fun riding

Ice skating in the kitchen.

Frightened hostess

She only said, "Oh!"

Kittens for cabbage

We went to the garden.

There by the cabbage patches

They met a mole.

All day long they played hide-and-seek

Kittens and moles.

And the poor hostess

Sad at the stove.

Mowed at the edge

Kasianka, Plut and Tom.

Found a goldfinch in the grass

With a severed tail.

They took down the patient

To the goldfinch mother in the forest

And made poultices

Lotions and compresses.

Somehow they went to the river

Kasyanka, Tom and Plut,

Check if it's good

Perch live in it.

They come, and by the river

Lying streak zander

And get to the water

He can't by himself.

Hurry the poor fellow into the water

They abandoned

And they shouted after:

"Look, don't drown!"

Once the hostess said:

"I'm going to buy a primer,

Illiterate kitten -

Ignorant and savage."

And that same evening together

Seated at the tables

And learned the letters

Kasianka, Plut and Tom.

And then, taking the pens

And three pencils

This was composed

Message to mice:

"Hey, sheburshishi mice,

Run from under the roof

Run from the basement

Until you get it."

And then they all signed up:

Kasyanka, Plut and Tom.


Was on the river at Ink

The city is small, not dusty,

From time immemorial

He was called Bukvarinsky.

There, without knowing adversity,

A very glorious people lived:



Friendly and hardworking.

A is a pharmacist

B - cooper,

B - fuller,

G - potter,

D - hefty crusher,

E is a corporal, he is a military man,

J - simpleton tinker,

Z - cutter-old man,

And - a bearded historian,

K - smart dyer,

L - tinker,

M - painter,

N - porter,

Oh - sheepdog,

P is a writer

R - radio operator,

C - shoemaker

T - tourist,

U is a fearless tamer

F - an eccentric amateur photographer,

X - battle painter,

C is a famous cymbalist,

Ch is a wonderful watchmaker,

Sh is a driver, a big joker,

U - puppy of his Bouquet,

E - electric power engineer,

I am me, my friends!

These are not all Tokmakova's poems for children, in order not to miss new ones, subscribe to site updates by filling out the form below.



We remember these words from childhood,
But there is no more beautiful and easier
For the city of the name - the city of Moscow,
For the square - Red Square.

There are many other areas in the world
There are many heroes in the world
But how many brave people were here,
Probably not anywhere.

Who goes to sea, who flies into space,
The route is dangerous,
But everyone considers the beginning of the path
Walk along Red Square.

Here you will meet guests from the capital of any:
Paris, Warsaw, Algiers.
Let's walk with you today
According to the starting area of ​​the world.

Funny Pictures, 1987, No. 11.


Not a camel, not a cow,
Not a bison, not a horse,
I beg you
To puppy
You bought for me.

Doggie -
Tail, four paws
It won't take up much space.
He is not an elephant or a gorilla,
Not a boar, not a hippopotamus.

Moving into a new apartment
There will also be a newcomer.
He is neither a wolf nor a fox,
Not a bear or a donkey.

The dog will eat quite a bit:
In the kitchen, he gnaws a bone.
He is not a lynx, not a lion, not a puma,
Not a dolphin, not a sperm whale!

I came up with a puppy name
And saw him in a dream.
I dream: if only tomorrow
My puppy came to me!

Murzilka, 1985, No. 9.

For help! To the big waterfall
A young leopard has fallen!
Oh no! young leopard
Fell into a large waterfall.
What to do - again out of place.
Hold on, dear leopad,
Come back, dear leopard!
Again, it does not come out in a popard.

Tram, 1995, No. 6.

Me and my neighbor Galka
Wrote insults:
Here comes the ugly time
And we are ready - for the future.

I'll tell her - you're a crow,
And she told me - you are a capercaillie,
I'll tell her - pasta,
And she tells me - you are a cracker.
I am her mouse!
She is a rat to me!
Wait, what are we up to?
Why are we resentful?
We stand thinking:
We are completely each other with Galka
We never offend!

Murzilka, 1985, No. 9.


No, they didn't just say
Indeed, they gave
Given on a birthday
Very nice puppy!
He's still small.
From him such a forest
Warm warm scent.
He goes funny, funny,
Entangled in paws.
My puppy will grow up -
He's real, he's alive!

Funny Pictures, 1986, No. 10.

The sun goes around.
An elk sleeps in the forest.
We walk with you through the meadow
Quiet, quiet, quiet.

We will walk along the edge,
We'll find a path.
There's a magpie at the top
Beak cleans the back.

Out on the roadside stone
As if rooted to the ground
Caution, Caution
The lizard is dozing.

Pulls a bud to the sun
St. John's wort healing...
We have a tape recorder
Not simple, magical.

It's on a thin film
Writes conversations:
What did the mosquito say to the hare
Frog disputes.

Those words that bell
Says to the maid.
Writes everything tape recorder
On magic film.

He walks with us all day
And the evening will come
Conversations translates
To the sounds of our speech.

Quiet, quiet, not a word!
We pressed the button.
So what did the river ask
Narrow path?

And what the wind said
Wild pear leaves?
We will know everything in the world.
Shut up, listen.

Conversation of wind and aspens

Hello Wind,
Wind hello!
Where are you going, you bastard?
What rose before dawn?
Wait, talk!

I'm in a hurry, aspens, to the city,
I bring greetings heap,
Gotta have them myself today
Distribute to addresses.

Squares and lanes
Lanterns, echoing tunnels,
Crossroads and houses
I'll send my regards.

From paths and paths
From mountain ash-thin-legged,
From viburnum bushes,
From robins, thrushes.

To make the city spring
For fun to come
To smell there in the spring,
Bright joy of the forest.

The conversation of the old willow and the rain

Forty by the road
Twenty in the meadow...
- What do you think, Rain?
Can I help?

Two under an old spruce,
Near the haystack - six ...
What do you think, Rain?
Can't you count?

Well, how do I count?
How long until trouble!
Suddenly not enough for everyone
Do I have water?

Buttercup and bug conversation

Buttercup, Buttercup, what are you laughing at?
- Why, you're tickling me!
So you tickle the leaves
Whatever you don't want, you want!

Murzilka, 1975, No. 7.


The rain dropped a drop
Like a pea.
I heard him ask:
- Are you awake, Alyoshenka?

The sparrows are chirping
Sitting in a row on a perch.
- Good morning! - they say,
Heard through the window.

Light tulle from the breeze
It sways on the window.
Radio from afar:
- Good morning! - is heard.

Good morning - I sing
Mom, dad, grandmother,
And rain, and sparrow,
And grass-ant.

Good morning! - I scream
To get louder.
So that in the whole country, I want
People heard!

I jumped out of bed quickly
Dad, I turned on the transistor,
Someone replied to me:
- Good morning, good morning
And have a nice day!

Murzilka, 1985, No. 9.


What joyful news!
I'll be exactly six soon.
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks
And there is a satchel, and there is a form,
And counting sticks do not count,
And he tries to read
That means he (more precisely, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

Murzilka, 1985, No. 9.


The distant forest stands as a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a branch.
Sleep grass grows there.
They say sleep grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words
The head will drop right away.
I'm at the owl today
I'll ask for this herb.
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words.

Funny Pictures, 1987, No. 5.

Lesson topic: I. Tokmakova "We played laughter." Ya Tayts "Wolf". G. Kruzhkov "Rrry!"

The purpose of the teacher's activity:introduce students to humorous works.

Planned results of education:

Personal: the ability to use their life impressions and experiences in the process of thinking about the work; moral consciousness and empathy.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of the components of universal educational activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to independently use a dictionary, reference book, encyclopedia; enrichment of ideas about the world around.

Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, correctly assess one's knowledge and adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.

Communicative:the ability to discuss and compare the heroes of literary works, listen to the opinion of a partner and develop a common position.

Forms and methods of teaching:frontal, individual; explanatory and illustrative, partially exploratory.

Educational Resources:exhibition of books with humorous works; rebus; table with syllables; table-poem "March of the Frogs".

During the classes

I. Actualization of knowledge.

- Collect from the two halves of proverbs and sayings about spring:

Spring is red, a grain-bearing year.

May cold summer awaits for a visit.

May the forest dress up full of wonders.

In May, you will not be hungry from more than one sky.

May is cold and warm comes from under the ground.

Explain the meaning of these proverbs and sayings.

- Statements about verses based on answers from p. 78 (part 1).

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

- Read the syllables on one breath:

ha-ha-ha ho-ha-ho

he-he-he he-ho-he

hee hee hee hee hee

ho-ho-ho ha-he-ha

- Who do you think pronounces such combinations of sounds and when?

- Do you like to laugh?

What does the word "fun" mean?

- Explain the proverb "It's time for business, and it's time for fun."

- Today at the lesson we will begin our acquaintance with the works of the new section. Read its title.

III. Learning new material.

1. Reading the introductory article to the section.

Students read aloud in sequence.

What stories and poems will we read in this section?

Why do you think funny stories are written?

- How do such works help?

– What is humor?

Humor - good-natured and mocking attitude to something, the ability to present events, shortcomings, weaknesses in a comic form.

Consider books with funny stories and humorous poems. What comic books have you read? What are their names? Who is their author?

2. Acquaintance with the poem by I. Tokmakova "We played laughter."

- Read the title of the poem.

What do you think the author will tell us about?

Read the words written on the board in a whisper, quietly, loudly:

laugh laugh

laughed laughed

laughed laughed



laugh out loud

Prepared students read a poem by I. Tokmakova.

- Do you like to play fun games?

- What is the essence of the game "Laughing"?

Read this poem so that everyone can hear the cheerful laughter of children.

3. Acquaintance with the story of Y. Thais "Wolf".

- What is the name of this story?

- Look at the illustration.

Who do you think this story is about?

– Where will the events take place?

- Read the story aloud one by one.

The students are reading.

- Who is this story about?

- What was the girl's name?

- Where did Masha and the wolf meet?

- Read what questions Masha asked the wolf.

Did the wolf understand what the girl was telling him?

- Why did Masha conclude that the wolf was ashamed?

- Read how the wolf "answered" Masha's questions.

- What can you say about the girl? What is she?

- What happened in reality, and what - in the imagination of the girl?

- Prepare an expressive reading by roles.

Students read in roles.

IV. Continue learning new material.

Acquaintance with the poems of G. Kruzhkov and T. Sobakin. Comparative analysis.

heuristic conversation.

- What is the name of this work?

Look at the illustration for this poem.

What do you think this piece is about?

- Read the words written on the board, syllable by syllable, and then in whole words:

they said-vil - said

ra-zor-vu - tear

ras-ter-for-yu - I will tear apart

ras-pu-ga-yu - scare

- Explain the meaning of the words:

Said - spoke.

Cockatoo - the name of a bird that lives in hot countries.

The teacher reads a poem.

- Who is this poem about?

Why did the poet name his work so unusually?

- Read the words in which this letter combination is repeated.

What helped you hear those words?

– Why was the lion “just rrrrrad”?

- Read the poem, observing punctuation marks and choosing the right intonation, voice timbre.

What is the sound of a lion's roar?(Sound r.)

- Check your answer by reading T. Sobakin's poem from "Colorful Pages" on p. 26–27 of the textbook (part 2).

Students read on their own.

- What unites the works of "RRRA!" I. Taytsa and "Slightly Unusual Non-Poem" by T. Sobakin?

What do the sounds have in common r and f?

Is it possible, while reading, to imagine a picture of what is happening?

How does sound help?

- Read T. Sobakin's poem expressively, observing punctuation marks.

V. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

- Why do you think writers and poets write funny works?

- Which piece did you like the most? Why?

What does the word "humor" mean?

What is the name of the new section?

Extracurricular activities:expressive reading of a favorite work.