Sayings about literate writing for children. Quotes with the word "literacy"

The absence of the Tatar yoke in the North, greater security from an external enemy than in the center of the country, the absence of serf oppression provided the Pomors with a freer life and not only the preservation, but also the further development of the cultural and technical values ​​brought by the settlers: literacy, building skills, architectural techniques, drawing and painting, poetic creativity - songs and sayings.

“In most countries, government agencies lag far behind commercial organizations in terms of the use of tools of the electronic age”

And if the low level of morality in trade matters is a consequence of the cultural level of the country, then this applies not only to the inhabitants of the wild "Muscovy".

Students who have previously studied BASIC are almost impossible to teach good programming. As would-be programmers, they have undergone irreversible mental degradation.

Teaching children to code is against modern learning theory. Is it interesting to make plans, to master the discipline in organizing and thinking, to pay attention to details and learn to be self-critical?

Horticulture ... is one of the most beneficial occupations for the health of the population and the most productive in terms of profitability, not to mention its ennobling and softening effect on a person's character, after field cultivation.

The greatest progress in the development of the productive power of labor, and a considerable share of the art, skill and ingenuity with which it is directed and applied, were, apparently, the result of the division of labor.

The higher the mental abilities and the level of education of individuals, the sharper their tastes and views differ and the less likely they are to unanimously accept any particular hierarchy of values.

Maritime service is saturated with technology and requires knowledge, observation and speed of orientation, and constant contact with the life of other peoples develops in sailors the ability to critically assess phenomena and expand their horizons.

Unfortunately, modern theatrical pedagogy is satisfied with a certain half-measure: actors are made from people of average ability. But this does not mean that this work should not be carried out.

“The most important thing is the creative process, the process of creation, and the problem of performance is a problem of the second and third and fifth and tenth levels. This is another area of ​​skill, skill, understanding and knowledge.”

Gorsky was one of those teachers of higher education who commanded the attention of the audience and were able to captivate their listeners, at the same time he was an outstanding educator who enjoyed a huge moral influence on the students.

Democratic institutions cannot improve themselves - their improvement depends on us. The problem of improving democratic institutions is always a problem for individuals, not institutions.

If I had the power, I would burn all the works of the Stagirite, since studying them was not only a waste of time, but also an increase in ignorance.

Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and the arts, of all the great consequences of the marvelous development of technology, the printing press ranks first.

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors! Treat this mighty weapon with respect.

"AND. Turgenev"

We must love and preserve those samples of the Russian language that we have inherited from first-class masters.

"Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov"

Among the magnificent qualities of the Russian language, there is one completely amazing and hardly noticeable. It consists in the fact that in its sound it is so diverse that it includes the sound of almost all languages ​​of the world.

He left a long time ago, leaving her only a Russian textbook as a memento, and she still missed their walks and her smile.

Depending on the intonation, one swear word of a car mechanic Ivanov can mean up to 70 different parts and devices.

In Russian there is a wonderful word of 3 letters. And it means “no”, but it is written and pronounced quite differently.

Our Russian language, more than all new ones, is perhaps capable of approaching classical languages ​​in its richness, strength, freedom of location, and abundance of forms.

"Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov"

Language is important for a patriot.

"Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin"

Foreigners will never understand how it is possible to peel a turnip for two horseradish, or slap a pumpkin on one pepper.

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it means to insult both common sense and common taste.

"Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky"

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language.

"TO. Paustovsky"

Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, and thoughts are spacious.

"Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov"

From the rearrangement of words in the Russian language, their total meaning changes markedly. For example, "well, yes" means - "no brainer", and "yes, well," depending on intonation - from "cool" to "not p** and".

It is difficult to explain to a foreigner that a good thermos is one in which “tea takes a long time to cool down” or in which “tea does NOT cool down for a long time”.

I do not consider foreign words good and suitable, if only they can be replaced by purely Russian or more Russified ones. We must protect our rich and beautiful language from corruption.

"Nikolai Semenovich Leskov"

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word.

"M. A. Sholokhov

The subtlety of the Russian language: borscht oversalted, overdone with salt.

Our heavenly beauty will never be trampled on by cattle.

Language is the confession of the people, their soul and way of life.

"Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky"

When answering a business call, saying “what”, “yes”, and “what the fuck” has become old-fashioned. In the dictionary of an intelligent person there is the right word: "I will listen."

A whole series of idiomatic expressions, such as: “fuck you” or “well, fuck yourself” is replaced by the phrase: “It hurts to hear,” which is pronounced with Shakespearean tragedy.

The perception of other people's words, and especially without necessity, is not an enrichment, but a deterioration of the language.

"AND. Sumarokov"

As a material of literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.

"AND. S. Pushkin»

Remember the simple rule of the Russian language: The word "sorry" is said when they want to do some kind of nasty thing. And the word "sorry" when this muck has already been done.

Language is a ford across the river of time, it leads us to the home of the departed; but no one who is afraid of deep water can come there.

"AT. M. Illich-Svitych»

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, there is another name for the most precious thing itself.

"Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol"

The task of increased complexity for foreigners in the Russian exam: decipher "Barely ate ate ate". Answer: "Some trees very slowly ate other trees."

"F. Dostoevsky"

Knowledge of the Russian language, a language that deserves to be studied in every possible way, both in itself, for it is one of the most powerful and richest living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals, is no longer such a rarity.

"Friedrich Engels"

The Russian language is great and powerful, and the rhyme for the word star always comes to mind the same.

Oddities of the Russian language: a bachelorette party is a women's party, and a womanizer is a loving man.

Quotes about the Russian language

There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.

"AT. Belinsky

I fight for the purity of the Russian language. I don't take selfies, I take myself.

Prostrate in the enrichment of the mind and in the decoration of the Russian word.

"Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov"

Our heavenly beauty will never be trampled on by cattle.

"Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov"

Even if you know 15 foreign languages, you still need Russian. You never know, fall or drop something heavy on your leg.

By the attitude of each person to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.

"Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky"

Not a single spoken word has brought as much benefit as many unspoken.

"AND. Herzen"

Well, tell me: what's the difference in the words "always" and "never"? One of my girlfriends is offended that I "always" do not understand her, the other is offended that I "never" understand her. Hi,, here is and understand these women!

There is such an expression - "souls are wonderful impulses." Now, "souls" is a verb.

Only by assimilating the original material, that is, the native language, to the best possible perfection, will we be able to master the foreign language to the highest possible perfection, but not before.

"F. Dostoevsky"

It is difficult to explain to a foreigner the phrase "Hands do not reach to see."

No one will explain to foreigners why: “the drunken sea is knee-deep, and the fish are to hell”, or “put on a hat, otherwise your ears will freeze.”

Strange Russian language: inhuman and deserted are not synonyms.

Language is an image of everything that existed, exists and will exist - everything that can only be embraced and comprehended by the mental eye of man.

"AND. F. Merzlyakov»

Putting dots in obscene words was invented by people who were not sure how to spell the word "g ... but."

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.

"Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin"

The phrase "I will never forget you" sounds gentle and affectionate. But "I remember you" is already somehow menacing.

Best quotes about Russian:

Language is the history of a people. Language is the way of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.

"Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin"

Of necessity, many foreign words entered the Russian language, because many foreign concepts and ideas entered Russian life. Such a phenomenon is not new. It is very difficult to invent your own terms to express other people's concepts, and in general this work is rarely successful. Therefore, with a new concept, which one takes from another, he also takes the very word that expresses this concept.

What do you think famous people say about us - diligent students who have "excellent" in Russian in their certificates and diplomas, who consider themselves smart and educated because we do not make mistakes in the word "art" and can place commas correctly in subordinate clauses with conjunction "how". Do knowledge of spelling rules, a rich vocabulary, millions of pages of books and scientific papers read - all that our branch of academic science has given us - allow us to consider ourselves more cultured and developed compared to colleagues who are less literate and do not have such knowledge? Let's try to ask the recognized masters of their craft about this. I think that some of the opinions will surprise you quite a bit.

So, statements about literacy, writing and people creating the art of the word

If the Romans studied all the exceptions to the rules of their grammar, then they would not have time to conquer the world (G. Heine)

Scripture is industrious idleness (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Writing is a special way of talking: you speak without being interrupted (Jules Renard)

Like ruddy lips without a smile,
No grammatical error
I do not like Russian speech.
(A. Pushkin)

Written with a pen, do not cut down with an ax (Proverb)

Some people have spelling mistakes in their speech. (Julian Tuwim)

Girls who know spelling really well don't wear too short skirts. (Pshekrui)

Did you know that if you always put a comma before the word "what", then you will never make a mistake? Just what's the point ... (Stas Yankovsky)

Quotes are for idiots. (Mikhail Svetlov)

When there is nothing to justify and confirm their fanatical arguments in a dispute, they cling to commas. (Alexey Pogrebnoy-Aleksandrov)

An ellipsis can denote the absence of a thought. (Horace Safrin)

Difficulties with spelling contributed a lot to the phone's popularity. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Writing is a again and again reproduced metaphor for the meaning of life: a dream embodied on paper that everything dear to us does not disappear without a trace, that there is not an end to everything, but a result and harmony, and this is forever (Alexander Kruglov)

Literate people can marry by advertisement, illiterate people only by love (Don Aminando)

Friends will notice and forgive mistakes, enemies will appreciate and use them. (Yerzhan Orymbetov)

A well-informed man is the most useless bore in the world - Alfred Whitehead

If you understand everything, it means that you are not told about everything. (Pshekrui)

Mastering Russian spelling is like mastering kung fu, real masters don't use it unnecessarily. (Author unknown)

Russian language and literature - essays on literature, abstracts and articles on philology, methodological materials for teachers of literature and the Russian language

A very attractive topic, relevant, always pressing and evoking different emotions.
There are a lot of books and trainings on how to attract money, how to manage it properly, how to multiply it, what you need to think about it and how not to push it away from you.
Personally, I believe that all the pressing and important issues in our lives need to be studied.
After all, no one taught us this from childhood, and often we did not even have a worthy example before our eyes!
In my life, since childhood, there were very different times. There was a time when my mother worked 4 jobs; there was a time when we lived "in chocolate" and felt fashionable; there was a time when we did not think about money at all, were content with what we have and were grateful for everything we have; there were also times when we started reading books on financial literacy, applying principles, obeying laws, etc.; then we were entrepreneurs and earned a lot, then a lot, then a little; then there were bankruptcies, then again the rise “from the ashes”, rethinking the principles and views on money and life in general.
Now I am satisfied with my life, I understand my place and my business in it, I am happy in the field of finance and I understand how to set goals and achieve them.
Principles that I have tested in my life and by which I live:
- I believe that money is an accessible resource.
- I know that in life there can be many sources of income and very often the most unexpected ones!
- money loves ideological, enterprising and active people. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
- money comes for a specific purpose. Money for the sake of money does not come.
- it is not always necessary to digitize your desires and dreams into money, sometimes they come “ready”, not thanks to your money, but as a gift - to be “attractive” in the world of gifts, you need to be quick to do good deeds and want to be a contribution to others.
For money to multiply, it must be invested. I found for myself proven projects that work in my life.
- "lack" is not the amount of money, but a condition that blocks and blinds. Gratitude and charity are the best way to change the state and move into the zone of excess

On the basis of savagery and semi-literacy, the fruits turned out to be truly amazing. This is worse than a lost battle, it is worse even than a lost company, for at least there remains the joy of resistance and struggle. And here, only the consciousness of impotence, in front of elemental stupidity, ignorance and moral decay.

Here you are, activist. In case you ever decide to vote, you better remember something. For example, that there is no evidence to support the claim that America is the greatest country in the world. We are 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in longevity, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in household income, 4th in labor force, and 4th in s for export. We outperformed other countries in 3 categories: per capita prison population, angel-believing adults, and defense spending that exceeds the next 26 countries combined, 25 of which are our allies. Of course, this is not the fault of a twenty-year-old student. But nevertheless, you undoubtedly belong to the generation of the worst point in history. And when you ask, "What makes us the greatest country in the world?" - I don't understand, what the hell are you talking about?

I often could not answer myself that for me high poetry, in its literal, original sense. And then, while reading a poem by one of his friends, he suddenly suddenly realized what it was. The lines are written on paper, and they work closely with it, but then something happens that makes you think about the literacy of such conclusions. When I read the lines of the verse, when I read it, they began to come off the paper, form an independent life, defend the right to their own independent existence, like a pure spirit, like poetry, which can hardly be touched and sensually touched, but which will be like a beautiful kite, which you instead of threads, you hold with your feelings. That's exactly the impression I got from reading my friend's poem. In short:
His poems are a kite,
And instead of a thread, the snake holds feelings.
It's not easy, but it's true. Then it turned out that he was not mine, but slipped Tsvetaeva's poem. But I knew that Tsvetaeva was good.

The Russian language is rightfully considered one of the richest languages ​​in the world. In our selection of quotes - statements, reflections of the great Russian classics of literature about the originality and greatness of the Russian language.

A.I. Kuprin

Russian language! For thousands of years the people have been creating this flexible, magnificent, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent poetic ... an instrument of their social life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future ... With wondrous ligature, the people weaved an invisible web of the Russian language: bright, like a rainbow after spring rain, well-aimed as arrows, sincere, like a song over a cradle, melodious ... The dense world, on which he threw the magic net of the word, submitted to him like a brimmed horse.

A.N. Tolstoy

Language is the history of the people. Language is the way of civilization and culture. Therefore, the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.

A.I. Kuprin

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

I.S. Turgenev

The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.
A.I. Kuprin

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, it is a property handed down to us by our predecessors! Treat this mighty weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles.

I.S. Turgenev

There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would be no exact expression in our language.

K.G. Paustovsky

The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich, and everything is enriched with astonishing speed.

Maksim Gorky

You marvel at the treasures of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is granular, large, like pearls themselves, and really, another name is more precious than the thing itself.

N.V. Gogol

There is no word that would be so bold, brisk, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and trembling vividly, as aptly said Russian word.

N.V. Gogol

Let there be honor and glory to our language, which, in its most native richness, almost without any foreign admixture, flows like a proud majestic river - rustles and thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, softens, murmurs in a gentle stream and sweetly flows into the soul, forming everything measures that consist only in the fall and rise of the human voice!

N.M. Karamzin

Our beautiful language, under the pen of unlearned and unskilful writers, is rapidly declining. Words are distorted. Grammar fluctuates. Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes according to the arbitrariness of everyone and everyone.

A.S. Pushkin

Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight the thought, to bring the words into the correct ratio and to give the phrase lightness and the right sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notation. They firmly hold the text and do not allow it to crumble.

K.G. Paustovsky

To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is to insult both common sense and common taste.

V.G. Belinsky

Only having mastered the initial material, that is, the native language, in the possible perfection, we will be able to be in the same perfection.

learn a foreign language, but not before.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Ugly, dissonant words should be avoided. I do not like words with an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them.

A.P. Chekhov

Our Russian language, more than all the new ones, is perhaps capable of approaching the classical languages ​​in its richness, strength, freedom of location, abundance of forms.

N.A. Dobrolyubov

The main character of our language lies in the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, inner lyrical feelings, “mouse running around life”, a cry of indignation, sparkling pranks and amazing passion.

A.I. Herzen

Among the splendid qualities of our language there is one absolutely amazing and hardly noticeable. It consists in the fact that in its sound it is so diverse that it includes the sound of almost all languages ​​of the world.

K.G. Paustovsky

The natural richness of the Russian language and speech is so great that without further ado, listening to the time with your heart, in close contact with a simple person and with a volume of Pushkin in your pocket, you can become an excellent writer.

MM. Prishvin

By the attitude of each person to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.

K.G. Paustovsky

To deal with the language somehow means to think somehow: approximately, inaccurately, incorrectly.

A.N. Tolstoy

But what disgusting bureaucratic language! Proceeding from that position… on the one hand… on the other hand, all this without any need. “Nevertheless” and “to the extent that” the officials composed. I read and spit.

A.P. Chekhov

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word.

M.A. Sholokhov

The Russian language is quite rich, however, it has its drawbacks, and one of them is hissing sound combinations: -vosh, -vosh, -vosh, -shcha, -shch. On the first page of your story, “lice” crawl in large numbers: those who worked, those who spoke, those who arrived. It is quite possible to do without insects.

Maksim Gorky

You can do wonders with the Russian language!